Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 576 Grand Signing Ceremony

The Hong Kong dollar crisis has ended, and Baozi Xuan is now honored. Israel and Saudi representative have already come to Xiangjiang, which can be said that both parties have negotiated for many days. Both countries are sincere, and the conditions open are very unobstructed.

Whether it is a chip factory or a role aircraft factory is a proper high-tech manufacturing industry, there is a huge attraction in any country. Israel urgently needs to promote the development of the national high-tech manufacturing, a lot of people engaged in the financial industry, but the financial industry does not make a country truly powerful.

The CNC machine tool factory of the Black Cloud Group brings them a lot of surprises, and now they don't pay attention to the current chip factory. As for the Saudi capital, there is no industry in addition to the oil industry, and the root aircraft factory is able to enhance their high-end industrial water and defense strength. This kind of good things don't want to think before they do.

Israel, this time, by the vice premier, Zhaoliang Black Cloud Headquarters signed the relevant agreement, the level is quite high. Saudi is the Prince Surdan, which is full of sincerity.

Both countries sent a heavyweight person to attend, Bao Zixuan did not dare to drag, this signing ceremony was hosted by him. At the same time, it is also to tell the world to help the Black Cloud Group will never let you suffer, and it will not let you help, and there is a propaganda role.

In order to save time and the sensitivity effect, Bao Zi Xuan directly arranged the contracting ceremony on the same day. To know that the Jews and Arabs have a deep contradiction, the Middle East war has played several times. It is too easy to sit together in Israel and Saudi, it is estimated that the world is only the first rich and dare to do this. It is most important to have this strength.

If it is not because two countries need black cloud advanced technology, I am afraid that they can play in Xiangjiang. Now that the initiative is in the black clouds, they don't say anything, the project is currently the most important thing.

January 24, 1983, Monday; Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology Banner Square.

The Saudi Delegation and the Israeli delegation participated in the flag-raising ceremony of the national flag, which has become a need for high officials who came to the Black Cloud Group and the Yulin Institute of Technology, and can even be said to be a tradition.

Prince Surdan visited a circle in the school and was very satisfied with the hardware and software of the Yulin Institute of Technology. In particular, when all student computers can access the central computer group, it is even more in front of the Computer Professionals of Yulin Institute of Technology. Saudi needs such a university to cultivate talents, and the princes of Surdan have seen a wide-view, of course, knowing the future development space and the important role in defense.

Prince Surdon: "Mr. Bao, how many Saudi students are in your school."

Baozi Xuan: "Saudi students are not a lot, only 22 students. The most students in the Middle East are Jordan,

Because Saiss Shet has great support for the school. "

The prince of Surtan, certainly knows what the support of Bunzu Xuan said, so I said: "The teaching here is very good, especially the national flag ceremony; I hope that your school can increase the proportion of enrollment in Saudi. The royal family will have special The funds are used to fund them to complete their studies, and I personally take a scholarship with $ 20 million, specializing in rewarding the Middle East students, except for Jews. "

It seems that the Arabs still have a deep mustard to the Jews, and I don't know that it will be noisy at the press conference. If you can be too shameful. This press conference can be held by Bao Zi Xuan's request to hold together. Several executives in Black Clouds are worried about the contradiction between Saudi and Israel.

Bunzi Xuan: "As long as it is the condition, we must increase the proportion of enrollment, Yulin Institute of Technology is a university, will not add any political color. Every Monday flag is telling students where they come, only love your motherland will love School, love the company. "

Prince Surdon: "Yes! University graduates are valuable wealth of a country, especially for international students, but also the best students. After graduating, it is a huge loss of national property, and Yulin Institute of Technology is very it is good."

The Middle Eastern countries are in the edge of war, who can stay in Europe and the United States and who are willing to come back. The Saudi people have money, but the country also needs talent construction. The high-end talents remain in Europe and America can be very disadvantageous.

Although the vice prime minister of Israel also can't see the Arab, especially if he just heard the Jewish. Although not mentioning Arabic, it is also quite familiar with the words of the Arab Jews. From the Arab population, Jews will definitely not have good words. But here is the Black Cloud Group, or take care of the face of the owner. So smiled: "Mr. Yulin, Yulin Institute of Technology is also famous in Israel. We also urgently hope to increase the proportion of enrollment in Israel, and the government and enterprises will also have special funds to pay for them during school. cost."

I haven't waited for Bao Xuan to talk, and the Roschier, next to him, said: "Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Bao; Rose Needle Bank will take a part of the funds used to travel in the school."

Can build a factory in Israel, but the Rosenie family is contributed to the negotiation, and there is always a coordination from it. After all, there are still many business in the UK, always let the British know the British in Israel. Therefore, I sent a woman to come to Xiangjiang, and I won't be so sensitive; the most important Bao Zixuan also met the acquaintance.

Bao Zi Xuan: "As long as the student level can reach the condition of the entry, there is no problem, and we can also communicate academically."

The scientists and engineers of Israeli are very famous in the world, and a lot of Jewish scientists have a lot.

Israeli Deputy Prime Minister, I listened to Baozi Xuan, I also thought about the academic exchange with Israeli University, such good things did not answer. Laughing: "There is no problem, this time I saw the Central Computer Group of the Yulin Institute of Technology is very convenient, greatly enhanced research efficiency, so Israel hopes to introduce network equipment and large industrial computers."

Bao Zixuan: "In the interior of the chip factory, the central computer group will be used as the total control system. In addition, if you don't need to be inhamed to put production, you can use the products produced in your country to assemble products."

The Israelites certainly understand what it means, and they introduce the central computer for national defense needs. The chip used in the country will certainly be more assured, and it will also have an advantage; it seems that this young man is very thoughtful.

The Vice Premier Israel said: "Thank you for Mr. Bao, I think this is a good choice. Now I am more and more expecting the factory to be put into production, so Israel can achieve curve overtaking in the chip field."

Although the princes of Surdan did not understand what a few people were saying, but they saw the Jews of the Jews. This time, Xiangjiang is a lot of time than the last time, and several factories in the black cloud have turned into a circle. In particular, when you see mobile phones, computers, chips and other products in Kwun Tong production base, let Saudi princes are very envious.

In the oil export, Saudi is a lot of money, but the resources have always dug a day, which makes this business for a long time. The most important is also limited, oil prices must be in accordance with the requirements of Americans.

Before the Soviet Union, Americans won't let oil prices rose up. After all, in the military, the Soviet Union can be driven with the United States. If the Soviets have gone to the economy, oil can be one of the important sources of economic sources of Soviet Union.

If Saudi has such a company, then the country is a new economic growth point; it is very necessary for Saudi, a single economy.

Prince Surdan: "Mr. Bao, this time you come over, I'm very deep. It is really envious of your company's production and manufacturing capabilities. If you consider Saudi, you will be willing to bear all costs, and in tax Can make concessions. "

This steel plant and the role aircraft factory are not very willing, and the Quality of Saudi's workers have been in the past. It is really no bottom. However, the surface work is still to do, when the face of the prince is not good.

Bao Zi Xuan: "I will consider it, I will pass the Middle East in the middle of this year; when I will conduct detailed field inspections on your country, see if there is no new investment opportunity."

I heard Bunzu Xuan to go to Saudi, which made Surdan's princes are very happy. As long as people come to believe that Saudi's sincerity is enough to touch this young person, it is really that investment is to marry his daughter to him. Looks like Bunxuan is still not married, it is really a chance.

Prince Surdon: "Looking forward to your arrival, I will give you a guide. Saudi has a lot of fields worth investing, when I take you, I will turn it."

Bao Zixuan did not expect this old man to force, a prince can give a businessman to guide a tour guide is not easy. This is a very high courtesy, let Bun Zixuan don't know what to say.

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