Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 579 Grand Signing Ceremony Four

The reporter reception will carry out the class at the office, and the top three are very cooperated. After all, the three people in today are very good. Bunxuan is because the Hong Kong dollar crisis is released, and he also fulfilled the promise that there is a chance to develop. Shamir is to know that the chip industry Israel will be able to walk in the forefront of the world. The Prince Surdan is because Saudi has finally been stationed in high-tech enterprises, which is a major victory.

Many reporters have come over to find trouble, how can it make the press conference so calmly, then seriously violate the will and original intentions of the newspaper. A Japanese media stands up: "Mr. Bao, hello! I would like to ask if there is an armed conflict in two countries in the Middle East, Saudi and Israel, you will choose to stand in that party."

This is obviously a problem of demolition, how to answer will not be satisfied. No matter how it will be sinned, the Japanese are not well.

Seeing the development of the Black Cloud Group quickly let the Japanese realize the crisis and feel that the world's greater threat to Japanese companies is already a Black Cloud Group. Now I actually drive the factory to the Middle East, which is a new market.

The surface is just a chip industry and the role aircraft product, but the influence of the Black Cloud Group's harvest is not a meter. In the future, whether the Arab or Jews will definitely recognize the black cloud products, there is no gap between enterprises.

The Japanese asked questions so many people are unhappy, especially those in the Arabian Peninsula, this is not looking forward to us!

Baozi Xuan said very seriously: "I am a businessman, dream is world peace. World Peace can earn profits. Although the Black Cloud Group has military license, it is because of the case of emergency."

"I have investing more than $ 10 billion in the Middle East. Will I want them to break a war! So I won't answer your question, I have never thought about this."

Bao Zi Xuan's answer can be said that the medium rule is, but Japanese reporters must not want to let him.

Another Japanese reporter asked: "Mr. Bao, hello! If Huaxia and Britain have a war in Xiangjiang, you will make any choices!"

This sentence is also sinned by the UK and Huaxia. Is the Japanese not looking for things, how can I always expect a war!

Bao Zixuan: "The main body of the black cloud is in Xiangjiang, I have a lot of factories in Xiangjiang. Once the war is what I want to be unlucky, I have a problem to help who is helping."

"I said how you always look forward to people's fight, is it a bit unhealthy. The war is a painful memory for a country and the people, we have to cherish peace and vigilant war."

"So I hope not to ask questions about war again,

I am a peacefulist. The biggest dream is to use knowledge to change people's lives, if the conditions allow I want to live to Mars. I hope that you don't want to ask questions about the war, even if you ask, I will never answer. "

Bunzi Xuan said that people who got to Mars thought it was a joke. After that, everyone felt that everyone felt is really far-sighted.

At this time, two Japanese reporters saw that they were not very friendly eyes, and finally took the mouth, and then, I went to go to two.

A Xiangjiang Entertainment reporter suddenly stood up and asked: "Banheng, hello! Miss Jin, Sister Liang, said with you, do not know if it is true."

Hearing that many media have been interested in this, the head is rich and actually aggravated with the Hong Kong sister. This can be a major news that it seems that confidential work is in place. I actually didn't get a little wind in advance.

Bao Zixuan: "Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about; as for Miss you said, I really don't know. I don't care about the entertainment gossip, there is a more meaningful to write a few lines of code. "

But the reporter didn't want to let him, so she stood up and took out a photo and said: "This is about your photos, I want to take this boy, it should be you!"

I heard a picture is really like, so that the live media is excited. But when you see the photos of the gossip media, many people are very disappointed. It is a child around 10 years old. This can also be related to the bag, and now the gossip media is getting more and more bodies.

In fact, I didn't invite them, and this newspaper reporter came in a reporter certificate that took other media, which is also a mistake in work.

After Bao Zi Xuan saw the photo, all the details will be excavated after the person is famous. This Hong Kong sister champion is a neighbor when he is a child. It didn't expect that this can be used, and now it is getting more and more admire.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I didn't expect that she is the new Jinsister. Miss Liang said it is very acquaintance. It should have not met more than 10 years. I didn't expect to participate in the port sister. The change is really big."

I heard Bunzu's recognition with the new Hong Kong sister, Xiangjiang media was very excited. This can be a good topic, enough to enable the small newspaper report a week.

Baozi Xuan continued: "If you don't talk about some gossip, today the theme is in the Middle East, my personal life is, I hope everyone should not pay more attention."

At this time, Huaxia mainland reporters stood up: "Mr. Bao, hello! Can you continue to increase investment in Huaxia Continent!"

Baozi Xuan: "This should be decided to invest in the situation, I invest in toy plants, heavy work machinery, automotive plants, home appliances in China, and cooperate with several people to invest in steel plants, which can be said that the investment is second only to Xiangjiang. I have always emphasized that I am a businessman's condition and will definitely invest, and now I can't guarantee anything. "

I heard that Bunzi Xuan did not sound in Huaxia mainland to invest in so many factories. Many people found that his heart is still in the Chinese mainland, or how will it build so many factories in the Chinese mainland.

At this time, the reporter of the US Wealth Magazine stood up and asked: "Mr. Bao, hello! Our Wealth Magazine will be named yourself in 1982, because Black Cloud is not a listed company, or you are absolutely the world. I want to ask you. I feel that your assets are, our magazine doesn't have a way to conclusions to you. "

I heard this beauty is a reporter of the wealth magazine, so many people know that the head is really not white, actually attracting them.

"Wealth" is a magazine founded by Americans Henry Russen in 1930, mainly published an economic problem research article. It is now subcompens in the era of Warner Group. "Wealth" magazine has launched a global 500 list in 1954, which has always become the focus of economic attention, affecting huge. "Wealth" magazine held a series of compelling financial forums, such as the famous "Wealth" Global Forum, is one of the world's 500-strong annual meeting.

It has always been the list of 500 and rich lists in the selection company before Worth, and Bunxuan can be discounted in any case.

Bao Zi Xuan: "How many wealth in my individual is really no longer, but I can tell you that investment of 8 billion US dollars does not have to pay a penny from bank loans."

"Individuals believe that assets should be relatively reasonable in millions of dollars, but there are many people who have money than me. Just they are not going to be, I hope everyone should not be strange."

Baozi Xuan's wealth wants to hide almost impossible, it is better to recognize. This will make everyone have a coupling for you, provided that security power has to be strengthened.

The reporter of the wealth magazine will then say: "I don't know if I can't conduct an interview with you. The first seal of this year Our magazine wants to use your photos."

I heard the Bao Xuan Xi Xuan said: "Yes, if it is convenient, you will be the morning. I have something to do tomorrow, do you see it!"

I heard Bao Zi Xuan agreed, so that the US Wealth Magazine team was very excited, and I also gave them ready to prepare for a day, where to come to where people go.

The beauty reporter of wealth magazine quickly said: "No problem, we are right in your time."

This allows all reporters in the scene very envious of the magazine magazine, but can be an exclusive interview with Bao Zi Xuan, which is the luck. Many people think that courage is still big, or beautiful, in short, it is to take the initiative.

Bao Zi Xuan counted this total of only two interviews, both two of the beauty reporters took the initiative. Therefore, people are not difficult to imagine, this is a common problem of men, and the head of the bag is no exception.

The press conference will end after Bunzi Xuan's interview with the magazine of the wealth magazine, today's amount of information is large. Israel's chip industry park; Saudi is upgraded around the role aircraft; the people of these two countries are very happy.

At the same time, the head is rich, and it is absolutely competitors who are richest in the world. In addition to some super families, it is the most rich in the world. And his money is only earned in recent years, the more I want to be excited.

However, for the gossip media, the relationship with the Hong Kong sister is to make them happiest, as for the wealth and the factory, let other media reported well. Their readers are not a business person, but more people like gossip.

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