Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 599 Mother's Transformation

Going home, I saw my mother Li Yulin sat on the sofa, and I looked very good. This makes Bao Zixuan very curious. Is there any good thing today! Recently, my mother is always thoughtful, I haven't been so happy for a long time.

I saw my son back Li Yulin's mood better, smiled and said: "You are back, how come so early."

Bunzi Xuan: "I just talked about some things in the Peninsula Hotel. The company has no matter. Worried that you are always alone, you are bored with you."

Li Yulin listened to his son to care about himself is very gratified. Seeing his own son has become a Chinese richest, she can't believe it, this is a single mother to do.

Li Yulin: "Axuan, now the newspaper said that you have become the richest Chinese, the assets exceed $ 10 billion, is it true."

Bao Zi Xuan thought that the mother was happy to be happy, it should not be! The financial data of the Black Cloud Group can be seen, not so happy for money.

Bao Zixuan: "It's almost a few! But look at you very happy today, is it a happy thing?"

Li Yulin: "Today I am going to school to turn a circle, students are very respectful to me. Many students from the mainland are not very good, I want to support them, but I didn't expect you to think in front of."

"My son did not have a good thing for the rich, wealth and morality were proportional. Only virtue is repaired by wealth to follow, otherwise it will not stay in wealth."

Bun Zixuan did not know who his mother listened, but since he said herself. If you can exchange your mother, spend more money.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Go to the mainland a few days, this year is going to Jingda in Huaxia. Our home has been decorated in the mainland, you are not going to see."

I heard the Bunzi Xuan is not in the Xiangjiang New Year Li Yulin, but also knows that his son is definitely important. Although she is a woman, I also know the problem facing the Xiangjiang, as the dynamics of Xiangjiang's richest Baoxuan, but it can decide a lot of things.

Li Yulin: "I will not pass, the mainland is still too cold; wait for the village to open it to the mainland. I heard that there are still many children to eat, don't warm, look Can you give them some help. "

Bao Zixuan: "Also, the Chinese economy is not very good; there are indeed a lot of children need help, which is not so boring at home. You can take Yulin Institute of Technology Continent to give you a guide.

I let the staff of the Group's mainland branch fully cooperate with you, try to help some children. "

"And this time I need to bring something for you, this time is full."

This time, go to the mainland Xiangjiang Chinese rich chance to take a charter to fly in Huaxia Kyoto, Baozi Xuan is no exception. However, two land effects in logistics will cooperate with them. From Xiangjiang along the Huaxia Coastline, all the way to north; from Jinmen landed to Huaxia Kyoto.

This year's high-rise building is very small, giving space for the land effects flight. However, the aircraft must land in the suburbs and cannot enter the city of Kyoto.

Kyoto is the capital of Huaxia, which is able to allow the role of the aircraft to enter the face, but Bun Zixuan has not allowed the Huaxia Security Department to be difficult. Allow them to go to Kyoto with the aircraft after entering the Chinese mainland, can be said to be a safe guarantee.

Li Yulin did not dare to continue Bun Zixuan to bring things back, and I got a silk. It is desperate dress that is desperately desperate, not only so much, but there is still a lot of digestion in such a warehouse.

Li Yulin: "But let's say it first, don't bring too much thing back. I have been dead, I am alive, I haven't used it yet. I don't have so much, throwing it, I am a pity. "

Bao Zixuan: "Reassured this will never be like the last time, what you want."

Li Yulin: "I love to practice calligraphy recently. I have brought me back in the ink paper in the past."

Bao Zixuan did not expect Li Yulin how to let it like, this shift is big enough. However, as long as there is a hobby, or if you are bored at home.

Bao Zixuan: "In Kyoto, there are several antique shops, there should be a lot in it, and I will bring you back."

My son can always surprise you, and how much assets in the family are not concerned. After all, the son's ability to make money is really too strong. Maybe a new company will set up a new company, and it is impact that the new project research and development is also said.

However, Li Yulin also had his own concerns, so he said: "Axuan! You are already the rivers in Xiangjiang, I don't help anything; this should not say anything. But there is a sentence called greedy chew, there is When there are too many good things. "

"One person is limited, the most important thing is the following people will have different ideas. As long as there is a little no supervision, you may have a big problem."

"Today, you will definitely have any important things with Li Zhaiki, can you talk to me! Mom is not, just just want to know what my son is going to do."

Originally, these are not prepared to talk to their mother, mainly afraid that she is worried. But now you have to say that you have to say it, or you are not more worrying.

Baozi Xuan: "Li Zhai wants to get more shares of Bao Huo Mining Co., Ltd., so come over to me. And I also want to get Hengji Zhaoye's land in the New Territories, now being accounting for preparation."

"Not just like this, the Black Cloud Group is preparing to establish a global headquarters in the New Territories. In recent years, the Xiangjiang real estate market is sluggish. Building cost is not high, it is a good time to build a good time."

"Xiangjiang real estate is a very cyclical industry, can't say when the price rises."

I heard the bunxuan said that I have to buy it from Hengji, Li Yulin is not very understood, after all, Black Cloud is already one of the largest landlords in the New Territories.

Li Yulin: "Is the Black Cloud Group not have a big site in the New Territories! How can I buy it from Li Zhai, which is ready to build more headquarters."

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Li Zhai has an idea, I think it is feasible. I am going to bought the land between the big hills to Tianshui, and I also include the big hill mountain to buy together. This is almost 70 square meters The land of kilometers, I want to build it. "

Li Yulin listened to the son to buy such a large land, how much does it take to spend it, and how much is it to build these places? Is this not a money?

Li Yulin said very serious: "Axuan, business things I have never asked, but how much is you spent so much? How much does it cost to build them?"

Bao Zi Xuan saw the mother's look, knowing that it was scared. So hurry to comfort: "Mom should not worry, you are learning accounting should be understood. Initially, the price of buying land is about 10 billion Hong Kong dollars. It takes about 40 billion to build."

Li Yulin: "These are just a premise investment, but it is still not enough to invest more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars. Although the media said that you have a hundred billion dollar, it is not a cash. Once the black cloud capital chain breaks But very dangerous, there is no need to take this risk. "

Baozi Xuan: "These mothers don't have to worry, the money earned by the Hong Kong dollar crisis is in the early stage. I am more worried now is that the Hong Kong Government does not agree to sell the big hill to the black cloud group!"

I heard my worried thing, my son actually considers the problem of a big hill. Li Yulin didn't know what to say, and now she can't manage it.

Li Yulin: "You can grasp it! You can take a part of the big hill as a public green space, free to help the Xiangjiang citizens to build a forest park; this can block the mouth of ordinary citizens, and will give the Hong Kong Government a step."

Although I want to persuade my son, I don't say anything else, if I don't care about the business. Since the son is difficult and disappointed, since support is to give their son, it is also a powerful.

Bao Zixuan did not expect his mother to actually be a meaning with Li Zhai, which is definitely not a coincidence. Two people think about how to do it, then prove that the program is feasible. Li Zhakei as the idea of ​​Xiangjiang Real Estate Tycoon how to say that the mother can also look at it, there is absolutely a problem.

The mother turns great, I don't know if it is a good thing, but I can only think about it in the direction.

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