Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 619, young people's ideas

Baozi Xuan Tong Lin Jinger chats to attract a lot of people, next to these is the family of Xiangjiang Chinese tycoon. Usually, it is very beautiful, I like gossip, and now I see the head of the head, I will go to the world, I will definitely go to other respects, these lairs, ladies, young gilders are still boring.

At this point, the effect map software has been basically understood, Lin Jinger wants to find some new topics to exchange the best. This opportunity is very rare, although now makes the bag rush to remember her. However, this is still not enough, it must be particularly prominent, and what is nothing is at all, Baozi Xuan can find someone who is suitable for this job.

If there are other aspects to make Bunxuan remember, then everything will become irreplaceable.

Lin Jing said and said with a smile: "Banheng, can I ask you a question!"

Baozi Xuan didn't know how this girl suddenly asked himself, but he replied: "Of course, you can help me too busy."

Lin Jinger: "I heard that when I have purchased a lot of 82 years of red wine, how do you know that the quality of red wine in 82 is very curious, saying that you must know what, or how can it be It's so much purchase. "

In fact, several people have asked him, but they have been burnned to the past. I have heard the girl now, and many people are watching. Bao Zi Xuan knows how to answer, or people will feel that he has a ghost in his heart.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I have no hobbies this person, drink alcohol is the favorite! In fact, I have purchased a lot of 82 years, I have purchased a lot every year. I have purchased a lot of winery in the Chinese mainland. Maotai and Wuliangye I am also the biggest customer. "

"I bought all the stocks of two wineries when I didn't have a business in the same year. Now I will buy some of the store and slowly drink. At that time, I just talked about my business from Switzerland to the French Bordeaux area. Of course, I want to buy some red wine."

"I just didn't control the quantity, I bought it too much. As for the quality of red wine, where I know, but as the most famous red wine origin in the world, the quality is not in the red wine business."

Lin Jing did not expect it to be hobby, it seems that sometimes hobbies can also earn a lot of money.

Baozi Xuan continued: "The French is also bored, what is the big deal of buying a few bottles of wine. In fact, this is more of the advertisements they promote local red wine, but I will take me as a scorpion. How is the French media reported, I am It is not the object of jokes after tea. "

People sitting next to listening to the head of the head to buy alcohol can attract local attention, is it just propaganda?

Still the number of purchases, there are too many prices to rise speed.

Lin Jinger: "When you start reporting, you have to say that you are an outbreak, but several well-known red wine tasters give a full-time evaluation of the 82-year-old Bordeaux area, all French people don't dare to think so."

"82 years of red wine rose by 30%, and the tasting will rise 3 times after the evaluation is given. It is difficult to buy in France. After all, the market circulation is too small. Many experts think that the 82-year red wine has a big rising space. As the year is far away, the total price is only getting higher and higher. If you buy red wine wants to sell, it is not a problem in the first purchase price. "

A small part of the European small part is a matter of concern; it is very horror when it is the first to buy alcohol. The other people of Xiangjiang, but they are envious; but they also know that some things are envious. Baozi Xuan is really this strength, the most important money is earned. If they cost the huge money to buy red wine, the legs are not interrupted by the old man.

A young guy said: "Banheng, I heard that this time, Kyoto is living in your site, there is no 82 years of red wine to give us a taste."

I heard someone said that their voice, everyone is waiting for the first response. The tycoon is talking about Kyoto, but their family will relatively relax. In the past, Kyoto saw that the world is on the one hand, most is mostly known to meet some people. If you can do the relationship with the same bag of Kyoto, it is definitely notified.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "No problem, I will arrange a few receptions. Not only the 82-year red wine tube is enough, but the Chinese liquor is more likely to drink. But everyone must be appropriate, drink the wine is more can't play wine Crazy."

Xiangjiang Haimen is not a fool, drinking drunkenness at the bar, can also be flat. In the headed land, it is unwanted to find things unhabited, or it feels that the old man's board is not willing to play.

The young man just talking: "There is no problem, we all listen to the bag. Can Banheng speak Huaxia Continental! The most important past should pay attention, after all, our people have passed the past. Kyoto just listened "

Baozi Xuan also knows that although the Chinese mainland is released, although there is a lot to Xiangjiang, there is no excessive exchange in addition to work and business. Tourism projects don't want to think, so these gods have never come to China's mainland.

Since I ask yourself, then there is nothing. The most important thing to make the people in Huaxia people have more income, which is a matter of one fell swoop.

Bun Zixuan: "Since you are very curious, then I said. The Chinese folk customs are very simple, it can be said that people are very good. The attitude towards the Xiangjiang people is unacceptable, so everyone doesn't have to worry about safety."

"There is no entertainment in the Huaxia Continental evening, you want to relax only where you can live in the evening. Bar, game hall, theater and other entertainment facilities should be all."

"Different continental girls are relatively conservative, if they don't talk to love or marriage, don't provoke people. If you get people, you can't take it, you will take your ass to leave, the whole Xiangjiang is in the Chinese mainland. It's ruined. "

"The mainland price is very low, this time you can buy some specialties to bring back; two land-effective aircraft can transport all the material you purchased back to Xiangjiang. There are old people to buy a few satin, go back to do a few clothes are also good. of."

"Kyoto has a lot of place to see, and it is also more understanding and learning Chinese culture."

If Bao Zixuan's words, several son brothers were pensive. They also wanted to make a few mainland sisters this time. Now listen to the bag, the rich is a little dare, there is a problem in the Chinese mainland, and the family can't keep them.

At this time, a girl asked: "Hello, you will invest in the aviation catering industry in Kyoto Airport. I heard that the benefits are not bad. I don't know how other industries; as the first person in China in China, give us us Introduction point experience! "

Bao Zi Xuan looked at the girl talking to the girl finally remembered who she is, it seems that the national construction is in positive response.

In 1980, Huamei route opened. In the past, there has been a consensus in the meal service. Xinhua News Agency Xiangjiang Branch introduces Maxim Group, joint venture investment in mainland, and finally, the China Civil Aviation Administration invites the highest level. Go back: "Mr. Wu knows that he doesn't understand the bread. If you understand, let him do it." So, the heart has obtained the dining camp office, set up Kyoto Airlines Co., Ltd., for the first joint venture.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The time to respect the mainland is more early, but also use me to introduce!"

Wu Shufen laughed and replied: "The family only knows how to do food business, I don't want to do something different from you! It is said that our young people must have their own career, even if it is better than I can't get it. Things are relying on home. "

Bao Zixuan feels this may be a chance, a chance to make Xiangjiang rich two generations come over. Each of them can represent a family, but it does not mean that it will be able to inherit family business.

Many luxury in Xiangjiang will take a few rooms, and the children are very much. It is often a large room to inherit existing industries, and other rooms have only dividends. There is no idea, no one is unhappy, especially in the big family.

If you can guide this part of the people to invest in mainland, then there is no harm to accelerate the economic development of the mainland. It's essential to come over the mainland, as long as it is willing to work hard to support business.

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