How much wine is not prepared, mainly because the kind of wine is really too much, and it is not good for comprehensive statistics. However, there are many rich second generations of the rich, and many of the rich, many, many more than lunch, just want to lying on the bed.

Bunzi Xuan can be so happy, there are many people come to the Fufu New Year. Xiangjiang Chinese rich is in Kyoto at this time, this is a very good chance to close the relationship. Especially Huo Yingdong also lives here, Huo Lao's relationship between the mainland has no one to neglect.

Baozi Xuan as the first person in Xiangjiang's richest, Xiangjiang in China, and the owner of the house is certainly unable to set out. Some people have come to the New Year, they must be accustomed to it, or there is no politeness.

In the morning, I have to receive a New Year's greeting, I have to participate in the banquet at noon. The official will hold a national banquet to entertain the river, the reception level is quite high, and many people have never thought of it.

Seeing that the time is almost in Xiangjiang 84 rich ride to start to the banquet on the scene, this occasion can not be late.

The national banquet is a formal banquet held by the head of state or the government to entertain guests, other VIPs or in important festivals.

Although the rivers rich in the rivers are unfair money, it is basically good. But when it comes to the national banquet, it is still a thrilling, which is not what is eating, more is a respect and recognition. These people will never have such a treatment to go to the UK, because the British is not taken by Xiangjiang Hua, who is in the roots.

The Xiangjiang here is 84 people, and 84 people are also arranged in Huaxia. This is exactly 14 tables, and it can be said that the atmosphere is harmonious.

Huaxia considered very thoughtful, what is engaged in the environment of the reception staff. Huo Yingdong will also introduce you to all about Huaxia, which has no investment experience, is already comprehensive.

Bao Zixuan doesn't want to come out, but it can't stand the name. Sometimes you don't want to do it, and many people who have been arranged to the front of the head is a little unexpected, but I think it is in my life.

Baozi Xuan's most contact with Huaxia is not long, and it is too young. Otherwise, it is really a little problem.

Seeing things is inevitable, in transition, modest, let that you will become embarrassed. Baozi Xuan had to accept it, but he did a low-key at the home desk, listening to less, after all, the entire banquet hall belongs to his youngest. Even the service staff is more older than him, this is a state banquet that we have to find some experienced waiters. But sometimes you don't want to talk, you don't say someone else to say!

State-banquets in the country's dishes,

According to "Taking the Core, with the purpose of the purpose", the court dishes, the folk flavor snacks, the world's national dish, the domestic eight cuisine, Guangzhan, , Form a unique series of cuisine, highlighting the requirements of modern diet "three low and one high". Combination of ginseng, scientific and reasonable meal, pay attention to the efficacy of health care. The national banquet is called "tartle". It is an important representative of the national banquet. Its characteristics are precious, and the materials are fine; the taste is the foundation, fresh and salty; The color is light; the embellishment is decent, and the shape is elegant. "The box" has a unique style of "light and fresh, beautiful" is a wonderful flower of Huaxia diet culture.

At present, the Chinese economy is not very good, but how can the Xiangjiang wanderer can be small. The standard of the national banquet is not very high, but it is still a little extravagant for the current Huaxia.

Baozi Xuan looked very touched. After all, the country is still not very rich; this state banquet is already the highest standard.

At this time, the highest layer said: "Welcome home from Xiangjiang, your arrival makes us more cohesive."

"Now is the Chinese world's traditional Chinese New Year Festival, today is a New Year's Day. Here I gave you a holiday greetings on behalf of the people, I wish you good health, happy new year."

Don't say much to the high level, just don't want to give the Xiangjiang Rich too much pressure, the New Year still has a relaxed atmosphere. More than Chinese side is to express a good idea, but also let the Xiangjiang Chinese rich look at the prospects of the motherland.

After all, it is a national banquet, just like to drink wine buns, you can only mean; if you drink more or drink more people, it is very unhearted.

Everyone is basically a chat, Huaxia, wants to understand the invested intention of Xiangjiang business people, and the attitude towards the regression of Xiangjiang. Xiangjiang Chinese rich business also wants to understand the investment policy of the Chinese mainland to see how to invest.

Bao Zhen Xuan does not want to talk, after all, his qualifications are still a bit shallow. I don't know what to say, basically all others ask him to answer.

However, this kind of calm is quickly broken, because the highest layer has asked him a question. No matter how you have to answer, or you can be too rude.

The highest laugh said: "The small bags don't always don't talk, this is not your character. I heard that your character is still more cheerful, is it bored with our old man!"

I heard the highest level to talk to myself, the buns quickly replied: "Where, you are the predecessors, it is necessary to learn more with the predecessors, so I have to listen more."

There is no problem with Baozi Xuan, but the highest layer has something to ask him, and his idea is destined to not be realized.

The highest layer: "The ideas and views of young people are very novel. Huaxia has developed some lags in recent years. Therefore, if you want to achieve corner overtaking, you have to see what your own bold and novelty; this time in Xiangjiang Your age is the smallest, but people have called you the head of the bag. This is very clear, sometimes it is too modest. "

Bao Zixuan: "This I don't dare to be, it is some media reported."

The rich itself is not wrong, but it is not much for you. Especially in this case, it should be kept offset. But today I don't want to dig some hardware from Bunzi Xuan.

The highest layer: "I have a problem that I have always want to ask you. If you don't have to answer, you just have a curiosity, and it is to understand how big is the gap between China in China."

Bao Zixuan said: "There is nothing is difficult, as long as I know, I know, I don't know."

The highest laugh said: "It can be said so, don't repent it for a while."

Bao Zixuan: "You can answer your question is my honor, why regret it."

The highest layer: "Now there is a total of the black cloud group, how is their income? I don't know anything else, just just how much the Huaxia wage level is with the world's first-class company."

The highest layer said that all people are concentrated on Bunzu, after all, many people want to know the true power of the Black Cloud Group.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Fortunately, I have just signed the year's bonus issued document before coming over Huaxia, or it is likely to be ugly."

"At present, Black Cloud Group has 1.85 million employees, general workers' total wages, bonuses, welfare and other total revenues around 100,000 Huaxia coins."

"The revenue of the engineer level at 300,000-100 million Huaxian currency is not equal, and it is necessary to see the specific project and what contribution to."

"Senior engineers and group executives have more than 2 million Huaxia coins, and there will be some projects."

At this time, the official exchange rate of the Dollar Taxi, the official exchange rate of about 1: 4, that is, ordinary workers can get $ 2,000 in one month, which is definitely high salary, so it seems that Huaxia is too harsh.

The highest layer did not expect the gap to be so big, it seems that the level of developed countries in the world is far from the world, and it is difficult to catch up in a short time in the short time in workers' salary.

In fact, it is surprised that people who are not only a Chinese continent, and other riches of Xiangjiang are incredible. No one thinks that the salary of the Black Cloud Group will be so high, no wonder everyone wants to enter the black cloud.

The highest layer: "The salary is probably to the entire company's revenue."

This is a company secret, but the highest question must answer. Bao Zi Xuan said: "The current salary accounts for about 22% of the entire revenue, but the future is still to improve, the ideal is 35%. In other than one-third of the group's revenue and even more to be issued to workers, only This allows companies to keep talents. "

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