Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 642 is the mother's four

US $ 700,000 can be said to be the largest business in the glass factory after the founding of the People's Republic of China, who will think of buying only a knife paper. Not only, Li Xinqi did not expect Bunzi Xuan so arrogant, and even if I didn't think that buyers didn't have counter. Even if you want to buy a $ 50,000 wolf mill, do you want to buy a pen in a lifetime?

Li's hand: "No problem, I am preparing this."

Bao Zixuan did not have nonsense, but opened a $ 850,000 Huaxia Bank check to each other. The two people, don't know what to do, and I am worried that this Xiangjiang man is a liar.

Seeing the two of the grandders, Bao Zi Xuan said with a Huaxia Bank in front, you can redeem the check in the delivery. I heard a lot of peace of mind here, let Bao Zixuan take a break in the store while let the clerk on tea.

The Black Cloud Group will hand over the Huaxia Bank's settlement in the Huaxia Bank. After all, there is only the Huaxia Bank to have business transactions.

After two people came to the bank, when the bank staff saw the account and the signature of the check and signature, he didn't believe his eyes. Not only because the amount is huge, as long as this account is signed.

It is good to be professionally trained, and know that Xiangjiang's richest bunxuan is in Kyoto, or it is really easy to have problems.

Hurry and ask the leader, after all, such a large business can be uncomfortable, and it is a check of Bao Zi Xuan.

The bank's leader laughed and said: "Mr. Old Mr., is the leader of the next surname, is the sect of Huaxia Bank Kyoto Glass Factory, and I would like this check."

Li's hand did not expect actually to alarm, the young people in the difficult story is really a liar. But look at it is not like! Otherwise it will definitely ask the things to take away.

Li Shinai: "Oldness is Rong Ba Zhai shopkeeper, this is the payment of the young man paying to the convention. Is there any problem, or this check is fake."

I heard that Li Shikai said that Wang Zhu Ji quickly explained: "There is no problem with the check, you can pay it at any time. This can be assured, I just want to know if the buyer is still in your store!"

I didn't have a lot of confidence in the question. It seems that this young man is really powerful.

Li's hand: "Still in the store, wait for us to pick up the goods after the check of the check, this is a rule."

I heard that Wang Zhuji quickly made people handed business, and there was no requirement to redeem to become Huaxia coins.

After all, he just heard the girl in front of him to study, it can be said that it is big open green light.

Wang Zhu: "I don't know if the old husband can take me to go to the store. I want to visit the people in your store."

In the glass factory, doing business must use Wang Chang, this request, I dare to refuse. At this time, the two of the grandchildren are curious about the identity of young men, it seems to be a big man.

Li's hand: "What is nothing, waiting for the business, let go."

At this time, Bunzu is drinking tea in the store, and the two of the grandders have not responded in a middle-aged man. However, these are nothing to do with him, and the first rich is only interested in the Cheng Hall of Lee.

Bao Zixuan: "Li Shi Cabinet Check is not over, can you give it to me."

Li Shinai: "I am arranged immediately. This is the Wang Xue Chang of Huaxia Bank. I heard that you want to come over in the store. It seems that your identity should not be simple!"

Wang Zhu is less than 50 years old this year, working in Huaxia Bank for many years. It can be said that it is still very ideal. I know that Bunzi Xuan came over the glass factory. It must serve it. This is a chance of chance.

Wang Zhu: "If you don't see the check, I don't know if the package is driving in a glass factory. This shop is not very convinced of the check. Huaxia Bank can issue a letter of credit to the package, as long as it takes a letter of credit, you can go to Huaxia Bank to withdraw. In this way, you don't have to wait again when you buy items, pay the completion, you can leave immediately, mainly thinking about your time. "

Bao Zixuan did not expect this executive to see the reactions after seeing the check, it seems to be a delicate person. How do you say that each other is to release good meaning, or thank you.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Thank you Wang Zhu Changxiao's careful service, then use Huaxia Bank's letter of credit when you buy items in the glass factory."

I heard the Wang Zhuji quickly gave the 5 million Chinese currency and 1 million US credit card to Bao Zixuan, and said: "Some of this time is not ready, these you are using. Glass Factory The stores are very believed to believe in the letter of credit issued by Huaxia Bank, which can be exchanged on the spot. "

"If you are not enough for you to call me, you can send it to you immediately. The service of our glass factory is absolutely satisfied."

Bao Zi Xuan received the credit certificate and said: "There is a lord of the Lao."

When Peng Yifei took something to go, Wang Zhu Chang was quiet in just talking. Baoxiefu purchase items all use the letter of credit of the Huaxia Bank Liuli Factory, which seems not far from the days they fly.

I saw Wang Xi, who was in a glass factory, was to burn this young man, and the other's identity is absolutely very prominent.

Li Shipper: "Wang Zhu, people have left. Originally, I didn't dare to have this question, but I really want to know. Can you tell me why?"

After all, it is in the people's shop, and today I still take the way to take the way to the head. Anyway, people have left, and there is no relationship with him.

Wang Zhu: "Since the Lee's hand has asked, then I will talk to you. But please keep your confidentiality, or I am not satisfied."

Li Shi Nab: "This, ask Wang Zhujung to rest assured, I am thinking about curiosity."

Wang Zhu: "The young man just known as the rush of Xiangjiang River, the boss of Bao Zi Xuan, who just opened the price. That's because of $ 850,000 in our eyes, it is a huge amount, but in the head of the head There is nothing in the eyes. The opponent's price is guaranteed to exceed 100 billion dollars. There are many major projects in the mainland. "

I heard actually sold the object to Xiangjiang Rich, and the curiosity of the puller is satisfied.

Pen ink paper and seal, now the pen, paper and the seal are all, then then you must purchase ink and . The general road bag must not be able to see, so Peng Yifei has brought him a very famous old shop in the world's ink - a pavilion.

A Pavilion is the local traditional handicrafts in Kyoto. "One Gate" is famous for the production of ink, and there is more than 100 years of production history. The products have ink light, thick, fluent, concentration, strong fragrance, easy to dry, suitable for discovering, strong water resistance, never refund, sedimentality, no tribal, four seasons, there is an ancient ink Wait.

During the Qing Dynasty Tongzhi, a literati named Xie Langes into Beijing, famous Sun Mountain, deeply infeeding too expensive time, delaying the answer. He thought that if a ink can be used for writing directly, there is only time and effort, can you use the world? " So after many trials, he finally used the fume, plus other excipients, and made the same ink effect as the same ink. Once listed, he was welcomed by literati. In the four years of Tongzhi, Xie Songwu opened the first store in the Kyoto Liuli Factory. The name of the store is called "a pavilion", and write a plaque in the hand, hanging on the door. This is the origin of "a pavilion" ink.

After Xie Yu died, I passed the store to Xu Jiebin. Xu Jiebin is a deep county person, the mind is flexible, and it is good at operation. Under his palm, the production and operation of "a pavilion" is expanding.

It can be said that the head of the pava is a Xu family. Before Peng Yifei mentioned the other party, but he was rejected by the other party. After all, the bag of the bag is the treasure of the town store of each store, and people will certainly not sell it easily.

Unlike Rongbaozhai, there is a lot of economic conditions in a pavilion. After all, how do people say that people are also a big business, and have a factory in many places in the country, and a luggage shop is more powerful in glazing plants.

Many things can do the following people can do it, buy in the famous palm paintings and paintings can be handed over to Peng Yifei. But now it is helping mother to choose a gift, you must personally do your hand.

This is a problem, although I know that my mother may waste some historical objects. As long as it is the relationship between her old man, the material is produced is to use it, although Li Yulin is not a painting and calligraphy. But she has a huge son, then all this is not a problem.

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