On February 28, 1983, Xiangjiang Tianshui Waituan Black Cloud Group News Hall.

Previously, the Black Cloud Group rejected all interviews, the purpose was to cause this time to cause a sensation, reaching a burst; let the whole Xiangjiang even the world to see the brains and determined.

Many media are paying attention to the performance of Xiangjiang Huahang group. After all, it will definitely get a lot of news from Huaxia mainland. However, it is disappointed that there is no one to accept interviews, and even those who usually love performance will come out.

Everyone is not a fool, the British looks next to it. If you stand up at this time, don't you find something! In that, the British will definitely not let you have, after all, the situation is very unauthentication.

The Black Cloud Group dared to hold a press conference at this time, everyone is also the courage to admire the bag, a bad British will definitely find trouble.

However, this is to let the reporters are excited, and they have always wanted to understand the situation in China to go to the mainland. It is not a breakthrough, but it seems that it is still hard and hard.

This is the first time, Huaxia has come back from Huaxia's mainland, and some people dare to interview, and it is still in the form of a press conference. The world-renowned media will come over the sky, and they want to see what the bag is rich.

In many people, it seems that Bunxuan itself is a news carrier, not just because of his wealth and R & D products, more because of his story enough inspiration, is an idol of youth world.

In recent days, the world-famous designers gathered in Xiangjiang, and they are all invited by the head. Combined with the land purchased in New Territories, there is no major event to announce that no one will believe.

The world-renowned media have been waiting in Tianshui Waituan, I want to get a message in the first time.

When Baozi Xuan's arrival, it was a good thing to make ready-made noisy, because there was a small income of the press conference to be a small thing. However, Professor Rubike will make people feel some of the mind, after all, his popularity is still a little low. This is a typical product than people red, limited to the Hungarian system, and there is no way.

Professor Baozi Xuan and Lubike sitting on the chairpers, looking at the following people said that the buns Xuan smiled: "You are old friends, and recently, many media have invited me. Sorry to everyone here. It is too busy for a while, causing some cold to the media. "

"In order to make up for everyone, the Black Cloud Group decided to convene this press conference, just want to meet all the curiosity of you."

I heard the head is so low, so many reporters feel inexplicably. Although in their hearts, never active, but there is no good sense of the media, basically belong to people, do not commit me, I don't commit crimes. What happened today, is there anything in the west of the sun, or come over.

In fact, Bao Zixuan also feels that there is no need to compete, the identity status is different. Even if it is low, people don't dare to see you, I will only feel that you are modest and high.

Bunzi Xuan continued: "The reporter's friends should have got news. Recently, many architects came to Xiangjiang. They often go to the Black Cloud Group, combined with the Black Cloud Group bought a large land in the new sector, and the purpose has been self-evident."

"Black Cloud Group is prepared to build a black cloud town project with the Budapest Architecture School and the World Top Ten Design Business. The so-called black cloud town is the group to vigorously develop a new circle.

"The entire plan has more than 100 million square meters, involving 80 square kilometers of land, and it is possible to accommodate 1 million people in the future."

"To this end, Black Cloud Group has prepared 200 billion Hong Kong dollar funds, which is to create black clouds into the world's most well-known, practical, beautiful architectural group."

After that, Bao Zixuan also let people open the back of the LCD display, presented in front of everyone is a magnificent blueprint. It can be said that it is absolutely one of the best small towns in the world according to the effect map.

Ordinary people say that these people will think that he is crazy, but the head is indeed this strength. As long as he wants to build, it should be built, but the investment of more than 200 billion Hong Kong dollars makes people feel that the heads of the heads of terror is, which is that Morgan and the Rockefeller family will not have to come out so much funds.

At this point, the entire venue can be said to be the silence of the Chinese, after all, this news is too shocking. People have been as high as possible, and they have been found to underestimate the determination and financial resources of the bag.

From ancient times, there is no business and individuals built such a huge building group, which not only requires huge amount of money, but also needs the courage, it seems that the young people are bold, there is no thing that Bao Zi Xuan does not dare to do.

Baozi Xuan continued: "Sitting around me is Professor Rubike, the Rubik of our familiarity is he researching. His job is a professor of Hungary Budapest Architecture College, the Rubik is just uses spare time. Product. "

"However, those who have passed the past, now Professor Rubick is the director of the Architecture of the Yulin Institute of Technology, and also part of the chief designer of the black cloud town; mainly responsible for the overall planning and layout of the black cloud town."

I heard this inappropriate middle-aged man is actually the inventor of the Rubik, it seems that it is really unable to take people. Using spare time to invent the world's Rubik's toys, then this position is absolutely bad.

In fact, this is also the intention of Bao Zixuan, and Professor Rubike will definitely have a lot of people who are uncomfortable, especially the world's top ten business facilities. Now I can study the Rubik's cube now, and my job is definitely no problem.

It may be because of the cause of Hungarian institutions, the publicity of well-known figures is not in place.

Baozi Xuan does not want to put too much energy on the black cloud town project, or hand it over to the professional. His job work is aerospace engine, architectural design is a foreign country.

Professor Rubike can continue his ideas, if you change to a European and American designer, you can not be so obsenerable.

Professor Rubick has just come over with Xiangjiang, will definitely think that Hungarian domestic design has been behind, it will be seriously treated and accepted by Bao Zi Xuan's suggestion. If time is long, it is really not good. After all, the designer's world is really unknown.

I have started to include the head of the United States, many people in the United Budapest Institute, have not yet fully understood that the answer has been announced. It seems that Bunzi Xuan is really paying attention to talents, even if the talents of Hungary don't let, there is such an attitude of the Black Cloud Group.

Professor Rubike knows that when he is going to talk, this is a good time to increase the popularity, but you can't let go. He knows that he is a small mood in Hungary, but it is very low in the global architectural design industry. It is possible to serve as the chief designer of the black cloud town, it is entirely because Bunzu Xuan's trust in him and the previous good cooperation.

If you don't say that the chief designer who is a black cloud town is that it is not realistic. It is the world's top ten design business, and Hungary's design institutes may not be enough.

Professor Rubick: "Hello everyone, I am Elno Rubick, from Hungary. First of all, thank you Mr. Bao Zixuan to my trust, it is five years ago, it has changed my life. Now he will give me the black cloud town, which makes me feel lucky while I am lucky. "

"The world can invest 200 billion Hong Kong dollars to build small towns, it can be said that there will be no, the future will not be determined. The Black Cloud Group dare to take the next day, and there is a choice of me, then I have to do things well. "

"So in the future, my work will be on the black cloud town project, the media want to know the progress of the black cloud town project can be found. The whole process of the black cloud town project will open to the media, that is, let the world take a look. The determination of the Black Cloud Group Construction Project. "

I heard the opening of the junction made the reporters excited, which means they can follow into the black cloud town project. And send real-time reports, this is a topic that can attract eyeballs.

In fact, this is also Bao Zi Xuan wants to express the meaning, that is, let Xiangjiang citizens feel that he is not painting the big cake; it is seriously implemented and implemented in the black cloud town project, which is a way to increase the confidence of Xiangjiang.


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