Bao Zixuan and others ate a lunch on the site, and looked at Bunzi Xuan to have a taste. The princes of Surin are incredible, this is one of the people, which is like him.

Saudi royal family members and civilians have their own living environment, like today, eat it, I can't imagine. This is also accompanying Bao Zi Xuan, or it must be left early. As the host, you can't be so rude. Nowadays, many things are also required to help Bao Zi Xuan, can only experience life.

At around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the Prince Surdan returned to the villa with Bunzi Xuan. In the evening, I have to participate in the guest houses held by the king, no matter how to prepare it in advance.

This bunxuan wears a suit, the Saudi-May temperature difference is still relatively large. The temperature in the evening is not high, wearing a suit is right.

Everything is ready, and the prince of Surdan let the driver drive them to drive in the direction of the palace. At this time, Aisha can't follow it, although the king is her uncle, but the girls in the Saudi area have rarely throws an appearance. Enhance Aisa to the National TV station, accompanying Bunxuan is already the pet to her. Now is the king, no matter how can't let your daughter follow.

This is to have a daughter, and others don't know how to say him. The Saudi royal family can be very complicated, invollations, no one will easily let go.

The "Sifang Palace" was once the Royal Palace of Saudi King Abdul Aziz. It was built in 1936, completed in 1945, for the traditional architecture of Saudi, because the shape is positive, so the "Quartet Palace".

Baozi Xuan came to this famous palace, and it has been considerable compared to the construction of the construction. After all, there is no money in Saudi, now it can be completely different.

After a series of complex security inspections, Bunxuan finally saw the King of Saudi-Fahd Ben Abdul-Aziz Alzati.

Fahd Ben Abdul - Aziz King, King of Saudi Arabia and Prime Minister. In the young, he received *** education in the court, and he received higher education in Europe and the United States. He gave in 1982 and assisted the United States to defeat Iraq in the Gulf War during the bit, allowing the United States to set up a military base in Saudi Arabia. Its authentic position makes some Chinese people.

Baozi Xuan knows that although the king is very long, but the later period is basically funded by other brothers. This is also the difference between Saudi, the throne, is generally the father, but Saudi is completely different. Due to the provisions of the first generation of kings, the Saudi throne has always been a brother and.

Until the years, the first generation of king son is still the first generation of kings, it is estimated that there is no country in the world to get.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan, Saudi King said with a smile: "Welcome you,

Friends come far. As a foreign entrepreneur in the Saudi area, I thank you for your representative of all the people of Saudi. "

"Thank you for this trust, let other companies can rest assured that Saudi is bold."

This is indeed true, since the buns will come to Saudi to build a role aircraft and steel factories. Saudi is also using the head of the science and technology town, plus the investment in the bloodbook. It's really a lot of business, many companies are really seeing Bao Zi Xuan's investment, taking over Saudi.

After all, Saudi has only oil to them, except for the purchase of oil, there is really no investment project. So there is such a change in the same buns, the first eating crabs can not be opened, and as the King of Saudi, I will express my gratitude to others.

Baozi Xuan: "The king has a prize, come over Saudi Investment is a Saudi's investment environment and policies to attract me, the most important thing is the sincerity of the Saudi King and the government."

In fact, everyone is not a heart, if there is no rescue in the Hong Kong dollar crisis, the Black Cloud Group can come over to Saudi investment.

As a guest in this evening, Bunzi Xuan was arranged to land for the king. This is a signal that proves the king and the whole Saudi to his emphasis on him. Not everyone is eligible to sit in that position, some positions are not you want to do.

Since it is a dinner, it is definitely traditional food in Saudi Arabia, and it is never a regret. Saudi is the richest country in the Arab world, and the royal chef is definitely the first finger.

There are also materials, and the dishes are so bad that the food is unsuccessful. The Saudi royal family has a production base for providing ingredients, which can be said that the roast camel is not eaten.

It is basically a king brother, or it is already the son of it. No age is not too small, or may not enter the core right.

As Bao Zixuan is so young, you can become a super rich and the people who are in power is a few. Saudi is the world attack; the brothers' tensile brother's command system itself is the profession.

However, this is a matter of people, there is no relationship with Bao Zixuan. He is just a kindness of the people around him, and a fluent Arabic has won a lot of good feelings.

This is the advantage of language, learning his language can win trust. When you do business, you will think that you understand your own culture and give it to you.

At this time, a prince said: "Mr. Bunxuan, hello! I am Saleman, you have established Yulin Institute of Technology in Xiangjiang. Although the school is not long, it is very sought after and recognized."

"Although Saudi University is invested, it is not very obvious. I don't know if we can cooperate in this regard. You can communicate with each other."

I heard this name and see the length of the speaker. Bao Zixuan finally knows who is talking, this can be the Saudi King of the future, is currently the high official of Riyadh, and is 50 years in high official position.

If you want to have a region in the jurisdiction, education is essential, and higher education is more important. No country can only think about the resource day, because the resources have been exploited in the morning and evening. How to do it, do you want to die yourself?

There is really no other advantage in the Saudi region, and the high temperature in summer is hard to endure. In addition to the sand is sand, the geographical environment is very bad.

If you don't think about it, you will become a problem after eating. After all, there is a barren, it is difficult to specify what agricultural products.

Now this problem is in front of the Saudi, as a member of the royal family must have a crisis. The country is in power, once the country is not suitable for people living, then the biggest loss is still a royal family.

Therefore, Saleman wants to make changes in Lie, first of all, from education. As long as it is higher education, Saudi can cultivate talents themselves. Then, whether it is attracting foreign companies, it will be more convenient to set up companies.

However, the King University who gave the Saudi-hopes did not play the desired effect, which makes people a headache. After all, this is a university that spends huge amounts of money, and now makes it unreasonable.

The emergence of Yulin Institute of Technology allowed them to see hopes, universities founded, and time is still so short. It actually has such a high visibility and recognition degree in the world.

Let Saudi have become a joke with a university established by a country, which is looking for him. Therefore, Saleman wants to change this status, let Saudi King University play a force in Saudi.

Now I see Bao Zi Xuan, I must ask for it. This can be a legend, which can have such a chance to communicate with the face. If you can't catch you, you can't afford yourself, you must dig out some dry goods.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Students come over to school is not only for enjoyment, more is learning knowledge. You can put in large-scale investment in this area of ​​education resources. It is best not to be too luxurious. It is not conducive to students, one People are too enjoyed, and they will be lazy in terms of scientific research. "

"In this respect, you can refer to the encounter of China's Southwest China Union, as well as Poland Warsaw University."

"In Yulin Institute of Technology, the teaching equipment used by students is the best. The food is not bad, but many things still need them to do it."

"The main purpose of the school is to teach and educate people. It is not a place to be young, Miss. It is too easy to achieve the goal. It is often not enough to support a lot of things."

Baozi Xuan did not say anything, but heard a lot about the Saudi University of Kings, simply clarify the view.

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