Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 575 Saudi Economic Situation

Article 1 The opinion is as representative, and it is very feasible; it seems that this young belly is true in front of him. Once you have to communicate, you will never let it leave. I want to go to help Saudi to analyze the economic situation, planning the future development direction.

At this time, the king has a strong interest in Bunzu, why is such a good young man not a Saudi. If the staff member is now appointed him as the Economic Minister, I can wait until I have a hundred years. Not much, all this is a fantasy, the best results are still more in the other side.

The king laughed and said: "Mr. Bao said it is very reasonable, but Saudi is not only dependent on the oil industry. Each of the strong countries in history is because of the powerful industrial, especially after entering modern society. You should be right before the Saudi Our country has a deep understanding, so we want to hear what you have in the development of Saudi economy. "

Saudi is powerful to the Black Cloud Group, this is an indisputable fact. And also increase the influence of the Black Cloud Group in the Arab world, this is a win-win thing. Before Bao Zixuan came over, I thought it was very clear, so I was really prepared.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The king should have a computer and a projector here!"

Although I don't understand what it means, but the Royal Palace is still replied: "If you are talking, you can prepare it immediately."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Then it is installed, then hangs on the wall."

The king of the king, the Royal Palace General, rush to arrange people under the request of Bao Zixuan. Although I haven't used it, but what modern equipment in the Saudi Royal Palace is, but purchasing is mostly for the facade.

Although the Saudi royal family doesn't know what medicine is sold in Bunzu, you can also know who you will joke. Time is not long, or wait a look at the situation.

Therefore, when the staff is prepared, the royal family does not speak, and the scene is very quiet.

Although it is not used, the Kangong staff is still very skilled in the installation of the projector, and it seems that it has been professional training. And the computers and projectors are black. It seems that the Saudi royal family is also very supportive to the development of the Black Cloud Group. It can be seen from the procurement equipment.

Connect to the equipment, Bun Zixuan makes people dimmed some. Otherwise, it will be unclear, so it is better to talk about more effects.

Bao Zixuan took a U disk from your pocket and inserted on your computer. Then the skilled operation of the computer, there will be several big characters on the Kung Fu screen, and it is written in Arab writing. Single title will make the Saudi royal family excited, it seems that this young man is really ready.

In fact, Baozi Xuan has been prepared before it comes. He analyzed the Saudi situation in detail, and believed that the Saudi royal family will definitely ask him about economic problems, and will guide the topic to the development direction of Saudi.

It is better to prepare it earlier, so it will not be passive anyway. And it can also be a good margin, and the Black Cloud Group will get a lot of privileges in Saudi.

Can the content on the screen be shocked by the Saudi royal family! Because the screen is written - the resolution of the Saudi economy and the future direction.

If it is a general person dare to write such a title is not being played out, but now Bao Zi Xuan wrote. This world's most successful entrepreneur, the most well-known businessman. It has a very heavy share,

At this time, the Saudi royal family did not dare to continue to eat, and I was afraid to miss every detail.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I have carefully studied Saudi economy, humanities, regions, resources, etc. before coming. Then I made a report according to these situations. If there is any unreasonable place to hope that you don't want to see it, It is a discussion, as well as ideas. "

The king did not expect Bao Zixuan so careful, it seems that people can succeed.

Saudi King: "Mr. Bao, even if you are relieved, let's keep your opinion should be very feasible."

Bunzi Xuan: "Then I will hack, I hope everyone is not mind."

On the side of the computer, it is some basic about the Saudi area. These people are better than anyone, so they are not very concerned, and many data are in their hearts.

However, after the introduction, the first title is attracted because Bunxuan writes "water". As the desert country, the Saudi area can be very short of water, not just Saudi, and there are few water resources throughout the Middle East. Otherwise, it is not so poor before oil has not developed. Ancient ancient is mainly based on agricultural civilization; there is water, and life will be relatively rich.

Bao Zi Xuannesia combined with data on the screen: "The main factors currently restricting Saudi development is water, after all, there is rich in oil resources in Saudi, which causes unlreshing resources. It is impossible to make a person or a country. And the underground space is limited, it is impossible to store all. "

Everyone didn't say anything, just nodded. Saudi is a recognized fact that there is a solution to this young rich now.

Bao Zixuan: "Although there is a lack of fresh water, it is very rich in seawater. Seawater cannot be used in industrial production only because of salt, if we dilute the sea, you can solve this problem."

"It is also possible to charge sufficient salt, calcium carbonate, etc. in the seawater, which can fully meet the needs of people in Saudi."

In fact, Saudi has already begun the research of seawater desalination, but it is not very ideal for achieving achievements. I have heard the Bunzu Xuan said that I suddenly ignited new hopes.

However, there is also your own concerns, after all, technical issues have not been completely solved.

Abdullah: "Saudi has been conducting research on seawater, and the achievements are not very ideal. Now that the sea water is expensive than purchasing directly from abroad."

Baozi Xuan just knew that Saudi is in the development of seawater, or it will not become the largest producer of Shanghai water. It is definitely the relevant technical reserves, technology research and development require a process, it is impossible to step by step.

Baozi Xuan: "The Black Cloud Group has made technical breakthrough in seawater, we can cooperate together in the field of seawater, the black cloud group has produced related equipment, as long as it is willing to invest in Saudi, believe in the world's first seawater The factory will be established in Saudi. "

I heard the level of the Saudi royal family's happiness overflow, this is the technology they dream of. Now being mastered by the Black Cloud Group, then the water resources that plague Saudi will be completely resolved. This technology must be obtained, even if you pay, you will not hesitate.

The Black Cloud Group can make technical breakthroughs in seawater, still thanks to German, the German military hopes that the submarine can live in marine for a long time. Therefore, it is required to bring more food and fuel, so that the freshwater belt will naturally reduce it. After all, the submarine space is only so big, and too many things are not realistic, and it is impossible.

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The German engineer opened by the cerebral cave directly applied a sea water in the submarine, making it only necessary to take a small amount of fresh water after the sea.

There is also a technical information and drawings in the technical information of Poland, and Baozi Xuan immediately launched in-depth research. After all, the seawater dilution equipment in the submarine is really too small, and there is no practical problem.

Mainly in Germany, there is no shortage of fresh water, and there is no need for seawater to meet domestic demand.

After in-depth research, I finally made a breakthrough before Bao Zixuan left Xiangjiang, which is why he dares to make a package in front of Saudi. The seawater desalination equipment developed by the Black Cloud Group is definitely the most advanced existence in the world, and the cost of fade can be greatly reduced.

Although there is money, it is not a fool. The cost is too high. They will not use it, up to technical reserves.

The Saudi King said: "The Black Cloud Group really made a breakthrough in the sea water, which is a huge gospel for the whole world."

In fact, it is not so excited that the king is so excited. It is mainly too important for Saudi to Saudi.

Baozi Xuan: "The experiment has been completed before, and the cost of producing a ton of fresh water will not exceed $ 1. Of course, the cost of sea water is not in."

I heard the members of the Saudi royal family smile, I feel that this kid is still very interesting!

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