Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 586 Wang Room's Gamble

Latest Website: The proposal of the Prince Surdan gains a unanimous pass, after all, this is the best way. This is another firm King Reserve Abdullah to let the idea, but he also knows that some things must be done in advance. Since it has decided that it is a good person to do the bottom, the obstacles will be more perfect after all the obstacles are cleared.

Wang Shi Abdullah: "Since I have decided, then I need to negotiate with the Black Cloud Group. Although it is Saudi to pay, there is no Saudi to be interested in these technologies. And I always feel that the Black Cloud Group is not funds, Just don't want to take it out. "

In fact, this problem has been plaguing him, but it is not good to do this, what is the purpose; it is estimated that only people know itself.

Not only the king of Abdullah, the Saudi royal family has this idea. No money can be loan, with the revenue of the Black Cloud Group, there is no bank will refuse. But this young richest does not do this, what is it?

Fortunately, it is beneficial to Saudi, everyone can only be installed. Everyone has a secret and asks too much.

Prince Surdan quickly added: "I have reached a consensus with Bao Shi Xuan, and Yulin Institute of Technology will establish a division in Saudi. That is to say that Saudi will have a world's top science and engineering government, and the research project involved Inside research. "

The school is built on Saudi Land to get guaranteed, even if it is also putting things in the big price.

I heard the Prince Surdan finished, the staff of the royal family felt this is really a good way. Future Saudi does not only have the top science and engineering government, but also a guarantee for scientific research results. The research results are, the two sides are all, in the Saudi is Bao Zixuan is powerful. The Black Cloud Group is just a company, this is much more cooperative with Americans, at least in terms of voice, Saudi, still can control it.

Saudi King: "Very good, I feel that Saudi can take much shares."

It is now related to the interest, involving the profit distribution of the royal members. It is also a prince of Abdullah to open: "Saudi can pay 30% -35% of the shares, I mean all items."

"This is still in the case of the Black Cloud Group, if Bao Zi Xuan agrees to pay a further decrease in Saudi, you can take the Amette Oil Company's practice, although the previous period is lost; but for a country, the future It is something that needs to be considered. "

In the oil crisis in the 1970s, the oil production of Amei company was as high as 300 million tons, and the oil prices were successfully improved, thereby improving the status of the Saudi government, making it a more favorable position in the struggle with US companies. At the same time, the company began building a total natural gas system. In 1972, Amei finally agreed to the Saudi government's participation requirements.

In 1973, the Saudi government participated in the 25% of Amei Company, rose to 60% in 1974, and reached 100% in 1980. After winning all the shares of Amidi Company, the Saudi government continued to operate in accordance with the original Rent Agreement in accordance with the original rental agreement, USA and responsible for selling the Saudi government's own unable to sell crude oil.

After listening to the king, everyone knows this is the best way. Since it is possible to slowly collect the Amei Petroleum Co., Ltd., it will be simpler.

Even the strong Americans will make steps, not to mention the Bunzi Xuan and Black Cloud Group without the foundation. The previously given the shares did not be afraid, they have strength to repo to the shares. Therefore, the procurement of the Crown Reserve is quickly passed, and the next is how to negotiate.

Saudi King: "One thing is not the second Lord, or the king of the king of Abdullah and the princes of Surdan Tongbao Xuan. Just follow your plan, I hope to talk early."

"At the same time, since next month, the royal family will reduce $ 1,500 per month. This is not alone, but a person who is against all the royal family. I hope everyone can overcome difficulties, waiting for a few years of financial year. I will make up. "

Although as a king, you can't do too much. Even if only half of half of the people will be dissatisfied with him, if it is more, it is not necessary to make trouble.

However, there is no loss, and the Saudi royal fund will not support. Oil is very profitable, but for Saudi, only oil can make money.

Early the next morning, the prince of the Crown Abdullah and the Prince Surdan came to the villa. I learned that I didn't happen last night, let the Prince Siert are very disappointed. Aisha can be a big beauty, Bun Zixuan is not a man.

But now it is not talking about the child's personal feelings, or telling the project to say.

Baozi Xuan turned on the computer and the project investment planning and data he was a good job last night. Looking at the clear data report in the regulations, in combination with Bunxuan red eyes. The two knew that this kid was definitely written until it was very late, and the attitude of this work was not caught.

Wang Shi Abdullah: "Mr. Bao's dedication makes me, and Saudi will take up to $ 30 billion every year. There will be more domestic development, I hope I can understand."

Bao Zixuan did not expect Saudi to be a big blood. Once the failure is a great impact, it will be greatly affected. And it takes 30 billion US dollars every year, and other project investments will be reduced. Especially US Treasury Bonds, it can't buy it.

Bao Zixuan: "$ 30 billion is not a small number, I see Saudi sincerity. The Black Cloud Group will provide technical and equipment to these projects. Therefore, the shares need to negotiate, the brothers must be accountable."

Prince Surdon: "Yulin Institute of Technology is to establish a division in Saudi, which is also a premise guarantee for cooperation."

Bunzi Xuan just understood what the Saudi people mean, so I said: "No problem, the Yulin Institute of Technology will establish various project laboratories in Saudi, hoping that Saudi is cooperated."

Wang Shi Abdullah: "These have no problems, and Saudi will do our best to meet the requirements of the Black Cloud Group."

Bunzi Xuan: "The Black Cloud Group needs to take 34%, I am talking directly; this is my bottom line, or there is no one thing to say that black cloud will not come over."

In fact, the Wang Curia also knows what Bao Zixuan means that the shares exceeds one-third, in order to have the right to speak. Otherwise, will be bullied by major shareholders, this young man is not a master of one person.

Wang Shi Abdullah laughed: "There is no problem, Saudi will invest in funds needed for various projects. At the same time, the two sides hoped that the two sides will set up a joint venture, and must register must be in Saudi."

In this way, the largest enterprise of Saudi, the future is established, and the scale and even surpass Saudi Amei Oil Company. This is what the Saudi royal family did not think of, but until the end, she still did not figure out why Bao Zi Xuan would choose Saudi.

The head of the bag did not expect Saudi to be so happy, it seems that the efficiency of Tonghao negotiations is high. Although the high level has reached an agreement, there are many things to do. Then you don't need them; the people will take the contract to constrain the rights and obligations of both parties.

It can be said that this is a gamble for Saudi, and there is a good time to win everything. If you bet, Saudi is likely to be in trouble, and it is difficult to get out in a short time.

Americans are still waiting for Saudi to buy US Treasury, now in order to develop their own scientific research projects; there is still excess funds to buy US Treasury bonds. In accordance with the character of the Americans, I can give them a good face. It is bound to affect the relationship between the United States, will make it surpass for so many years.

The living standards of the Saudi royal family have fallen, and they will be dissatisfied with their hearts. Now, for the development of the country, it is better to say, but once the project fails; they find that reducing life standards did not change the Saudi-Economic, Industrial, and Science and Technology. Maybe it will rebel, who makes the royal family so much, everyone has their own little nineteen!

Saudi is the older brother of the Arab World, and there is no effort to support Iraq when the two War is most critical, but use most of its funds to develop domestic industry and technology. Such selfish boss can serve the public, other Arab you will also obey, these are troublesome.

Even so, the royal family still chooses to believe Bunxuan, believe in the black cloud group. This is really too rare, and the head is rich and the trust of people will be worthy of this trust.

Because there are too many benefits, and the principle of confidentiality; the two sides have not held a press conference. If the United States knows that Saudi is so big annually, it will not stand up to stand up.

Currently, try to confidential aspects, as for how long it can be concealed, no one can say it. However, it is a victory to conceal a day, as long as the project is formed, it can stop it.

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