Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 589 Air Strike Operations

Andre Pubov and Zhao Jun drove a HH-01 ghost plane, flew to the Düsen Tadpe Air Force Base of Tehran. Although they are not very familiar with the terrain, Iraqi pilots sitting next to the Iranian terrain are very familiar with the Iranian terrain. Therefore, under the precise navigation of two Iraqi pilots, the two HH-01 ghosts did not take any roads and quickly arrived over the target.

Any country's air force is a proud of the sky, and there is a presence of one thing. And in order to cooperate with this action, the Iraqi Air Force dispatched two best pilots. They previously over Tehran, with the Iranian Air Force, and they can refund their strength.

It is very familiar with Tehran's terrain in their minds, and even engraved in the bones. Dreaming one day can drive a fighter to bomb Tehran, today this wish is finally realized.

On May 15, 1983, Tehran was 1:58 in the morning.

Two HH-01 ghost fight bombs came to the Düsen Tadpe Air Force Base, and they saw the following dense linen fighters. Let the two Iraqi pilots are excited to jump, which is a good opportunity for a thousand years. If you can't fight the Iranian Air Force, then they are really white.

Time came to 2 am, the first stealth bomber in human history began to fight, and the Dünsta Air Force base was attacked. Come over, the two aircraft have been divided into labor, so they will not compete for the goal.

The bulk door is slowly opened, and the Iraqi pilot is excited to press the missile button. Two aircraft carrying 30 pairs of attack missiles, which were fired in less than 3 points.

At this time, the Düsen Tadpe Air Force Base Rayed Bing only feels that there are many missiles on the screen, but they don't dare to completely determine. Because the distance is too close, the first reaction is considered to fail. But didn't give the radar army too much time to consider, because they have heard the explosion. The enemy missile really hit, why didn't you find it before. The radar soldiers did not want to understand the reason, and they were buried in the fire.

30 missiles are guided to accurately hit the target. In order to save time, the Iranian is filled with fuel above the F-14 Panda fighter, and many aircraft are mounted.

This will be a human life, the shock wave produced by missile explosion causes the aircraft fuel and ammunition to 2 times. Suddenly Düsen Tadpe Air Force Base, the scene is very spectacular.

Andre Pubaf and Zhao Jun are so terrible that the modern war is, this scene is estimated that there will be few times in this life. Is it cheap or hurry, is it waiting for the Iranian to retaliate.

Although the radar did not find the plane, Iranians know that there must be a aircraft above. So the surrounding high-tech guns took the lead in fire, no matter how, first play a while, in case the cat encounters the death of death!

Andre Pubov and Zhao Jun raised the plane to the maximum height, and directly opened the power to fly to Baghdad. At the same time, the news that the Air Army commander received the success of the Iraqi Air Force urged the frontline aircraft to take off, and must ensure the absolute safety of the two HH-01 ghost aircraft.

In fact, the intelligence is still in the spy of Tehran, that is, the radio of the HH-01 ghost plane is intercepted by Iran. It can be said that this Iraqi Air Force is high, and confidentiality is also quite in place. It is a feeling that people have a scraper, this is the team that is only friction on the ground by Iranian Air Force!

President Iraq, Baozi Xuan, Mi Gao - Jia Dao is waiting for news in the base,

At this time, I heard the bombing success, let their hospithe, the heart finally put half, and the rest is the regression of pilots.

President Iraq: "Mr. Bao, the products produced in black clouds don't make people disappointment. Iraq must get this plane, we can pay any price."

I heard this old boy so on, Bun Zixuan feels that it can be rewarded. And the greater investment, the higher the rewards.

Bao Zixuan: "This is not anxious, or wait until the pilot will come back."

I heard the Bunxuan said that President Iraq did not say much. How to make your own health care more than a young man, but also blame yourself too excited.

In recent years, although Iraq has achieved a certain advantage, it does not take any cheap in the email. It is because Iranians have the damn F-14 panda fighter, and the Iraqi Air Force will not rise at all.

Nowadays, it is unscrupulous, and finally eliminates the Iranian Air Force's ace force to the ground. If they let them fly, maybe there are many Iraq warriors who have a long space, which is the valuable wealth of the country.

The Iranian is an exidered report to the Tehran high-level report. The loss here is too big, and it is not affordable to get to the Iranian. Although the plane of the Düsen Tadpe Air Force base cannot take off, other Other Old Air Force Bases, there are some old airplanes to be used together.

The old airplane quickly took off and went to the sky to see the shadow of the Iraqi plane. I saw the Iranian Air Force took off, and the Iraqi Air Force quickly welcomed the enemy. There is no good way to the F-14 Panda Aircraft Iraqi Air Force, and other airplanes in Iran are still dominated.

Andre Poff knows that the mission has been completed and cannot take the bomber as a fighter. Although the HH-01 ghost plane also has self-defense weapons, it is an emergency use, and now it doesn't need to shoot. The boss is waiting for them, so a thoughtful way to fly toward the Baghdad Air Force Base.

The Iranian Air Force without a panda fighter is not an Iraqi Air Force opponent. After the loss of eight fighters, take the initiative to quit the battle.

Time came to 3:35 in the morning, the radio communication of the Baghdad Air Force base finally had a call.

"Base, base, here is Babien No. 1, now ask for land." The sound of Iraqi pilots came from the megaphone.

I heard this voice, everyone excitedly, including the President Iraqi is also the same, Bunzi Xuan also hit the fist tightly; the hunged heart finally put down.

Worried that other countries have listened to radio signals, and communications must be called Iraqi pilot calls, which is also a means of self-protection.

The person in charge of the Iraqi Air Force quickly replied: "Here is the base, the runway has been emptied, you can land. Welcome to go home, the base is ready to celebrate the feast."

Less than 5 minutes, two HH-01 ghost aircraft fell to the Baghdad Air Force base. The ground-owned personnel quickly took the four pilots and threw them into the air to celebrate.

Engineering technicians immediately maintained the aircraft, this time did not install any sensors, I want to know the aircraft only through actual testing.

Baozi Xuan came to Andre Pubov and Zhao Jun, gave them a hug. Also said: "Your brave is surprised, the bonus will be issued to the account. But at this time, you can't rest. Two want to participate in the Paris Air Show with me, then you will have a monthly paid holiday."

I have been very happy to hear two people here, and there is a return. Risk, the return is not coming.

President Iraq walked to two Iraqi pilots, saying: "You will not only get bonuses, and each of them will promote two levels. Congratulations on you, my warrior."

The bonus has no power to promote the rank of military, and this time it will be promoted to two levels. However, the two Iraqi soldiers were happy and said: "Thanks to the President, you can swear to die."

Listening to the answer, President Iraq is very satisfied. Any ruler must be supported by military support, only this status will be stable.

President Iraq came to Andre Pubov and Zhao Jun, smiled and said: "The two are not an Iraqi soldier, can't be promoted to you. So you will get 1 million US dollars. Compared with your results. These are simply insignificant, and you will get the friendship of Iraq. "

Not only can I get a bonus, but also get the president. It seems that this time is not white, and a single flight will get 2 million US dollars. It is no wonder that many retired soldiers like to be a mercenary, it seems to be a good money.

Next, President Iraq made an impassioned speech in the Air Force Base, don't say that the speech is really good. This is the matter of people, most of the rulers are speaking masters, Bunzi Xuan is still not learning.

In the air base, the Air Force is simple to celebrate, the head is coming back to the villa to rest. But I can't sleep, I have been tangled in the middle of the war, maybe it is not a matter of mentalment. People are gradually growing, and they want to become a way to become a road.

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