Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 591 Shocked the World Loss of the World

In the Soviet, Iran and Iraq have begun to negotiate. It can be said that both countries have some can't wait. After all, they can't afford it to the war.

Iraq can insist because there are other Arab brothers, Iran is reliable and home. At this time, Iraq has begun liability, and Iran 's home is blown once, and there is also the ability and courage to continue fighting.

Both sides are sincere full, Iraq urgently needs to develop economies, Iranians want to quickly enrich their families. The only difference is about the issue of Hoymei Port. In the end, the two sides have made a certain concession.

Ho Meni is jointly managed by Iran and Iraq, and both parties have established port management companies. The company may not hire civil citizens to handle the management team of multinational corporate. It can be said that this is a result of both parties to accept, or the Iranian high level is not good to explain the people.

When the news ended over the war, the people of the two countries sent them to the street celebration. It is still that sentence, no one is naturally like to fight. It is now able to end the war through the peaceful means, which is a good news for both parties.

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However, the high level of the two countries is that the war has been a few years. In addition to the cost of spending a large price, the domestic soldiers have no practical significance. The national territory is still so big, the only benefit of Iraq is that participation in the management of Hoymei Port, the oil transport will be convenient.

However, the cost of paying the two countries is not small, which is worth all.

When the Action Agreement signed, Bunzi Xuan knows another change again. Iraq did not hit the end of the way as it was in the world. The possibility of invading Kuwait is not big; then the Black Cloud Group adds a solid allies in the Middle East. The United States will further weaken in the Middle East, which is very beneficial to other countries.

These columns are completely disrupted in the US Middle East plan, making Americans very uncomfortable. At this point, William Joseph in the US Central Intelligence Agency is asked by the subordinates. As the Secretary for the Central Bureau, there is no effective control of the development of two Iraq. Instead, the Soviets grabbed the opportunity; this is his dereliction of duty, and I went to the White House to report. I don't know how to explain.

The person in charge of the Middle East of the US Central End said: "This is the dereliction of our work. This Iraqi bombing is too sudden. There is no sign before. Directly played an Iranian a piece of work, once, Iran, from Grumman The purchase of F-14 Panda Airplanes destroyed on the ground, can say that Iran has no ability to continue to fight. "

"There is still no clear data, but this bombing Iran has lost more than 50 aircraft, including 30 F-14 Panda Aircraft. If there is no security, it will continue to fight, it is a disaster for soldiers."

"Iraq's economic situation is not very good, all relying on other Arab countries to support today. Therefore, after Iranian and signals, they agree to end the war."

I heard the William Joseph-Kathi thought: "This Iraqi is useless to use the weapon bombed Iran, Iranian is in powerless, and should not discover the target in the bomber to the capital."

This is the problem that all the world is concerned, I want to get the answer.

After all, there is no anti-preparation, it will threaten the national defense. Once there is a country, I will give you this, who can get it.

The Ministry of Classical Bureau: "Currently, it is still not possible to have a stealth aircraft developed by the country, but from missile residual sampling analysis, it is true that it is a resonant missile."

"But this is a big doubt, there is no evidence that the Soviets are developing stealth bombers, or the Soviets confidential work is too good. I dare not rule out that the Soviets provide stealth aircraft to Iraq, but they are also in Iran Selling weapons, it is really a bit can't understand. "

"There is also a message that there is a matter of attention. In the recent time, Black Cloud Group President Baozi Xuan was in the Middle East. After leaving Saudi, the secret went to Iraq. Will it be a new aircraft in the Black Cloud Group, experiment through the Iraqi Air Force "

"The Black Cloud Group can develop a role aircraft, at least proved that the production aircraft has no technical obstacles. At the same time, Bao Zi Xuan is also the aviation professional profession, and it has a fanatical enthusiasm for the plane."

Americans have worked for many years in the Middle East, and intelligence capacity is definitely the first existence. This is the Soviet KGrocketcular that there is no way compared to it. It can be collected in just 2 days, and it is estimated that there is only a context of the world to do.

William Joseph - Kathy: "Continue to monitor the trend of Baozi Xuan and the Soviet Union, if it is the black cloud group and the Soviet Union, I am willing to produce a stealth plane. If the Soviets have such advanced aircraft, It is a serious threat to the United States. "

"Although Iran 's radar is a ten-year product, it is also the most advanced equipment at the time. There is a lot of radar performance than the general country. It can be found in such radar. It can be seen that the aircraft stealth performance is strong. This is a very Important questions should be taken seriously. "

As the Secretary for the Central Bureau, of course, some of the US military's things. Lockheed began to develop stealth aircraft in the mid-1970s, first flying in 1981, in 1983, official code F-117A attack machine.

At the same time, more advanced stealth aircraft is also developing, but it is found through technical comparison. At present, the stealth performance of the F117 attack machine can't catch the aircraft used by Iraq, which makes the high-level Best of the CIA.

The first science and technology in the world, actually lag behind the research and development of stealth aircraft. This thing is really no, you can happen to your eyes, they don't know how to defecate.

Squiring the data, William Joseph - Kairy called the driver directly to the White House. At this time, the President Reni is waiting for him, and it can be said that the anti-war agreement is the most uncomfortable as an American.

The Rago did not give this Secretary for the Central Bureau. After all, this time is really too shame. What aircraft used by Iraq didn't know; Iran didn't know why, why did the Soviet?

This is also an omnipotent American Central Intelligence Agency! It's just that three don't know, it is really a contribution to the taxpayer.

Ragan: "How about Caser, the situation investigation. Why two Iraq will suddenly end, Iraqi uses a plane. And how big Iran is lost, the Soviets play in the role."

Do you have a message before the CIA, there is no judgment and a counterpart plan for emergency situations. Now how to retain now, if this is only compressed by the activities of the Emotional Bureau next year, there must be an explanation of the taxpayer.

The President Ren has asked so many why, William Joseph - Kathi really didn't know how to answer. Things have happened, now there is late, can only be positively facing.

William Joseph - Kathy: "The end of the war is mainly the loss of the Iranian Air Force, especially if the F-14 Panda fighters purchased from Grumman's F-14 panda fighters will be able to fight. Iraq's economic situation is also supported Can't live, this is the grass ended. "

"As for who is offering, from the current intelligence analysis, it is not the Soviet Union. Bun Zixuan is in Iraq, and the missile used is the Soviet production. The CITIES is still a black cloud group, Bao Zixuan is not possible to go without any reason. Iraq."

"Iranians took the initiative to contact the Soviet Union, after all, there is only the United States and Soviet Union in the world. Now that the relationship between the Hetero Iran is very nervous, Iranians will take the initiative to find the door."

"Because things are too sudden, there will be a result of at least 3-5 years before the analysis. Therefore, there is no emergency plan, uu reading This is the dereliction of duty work."

I heard William-Joseph-Casement, and the root knew that things could not blame him. Whether it is Black Cloud Group or the Soviet Union to develop a stealth plane, it is a huge hidden danger, and it must be clear about things.

The Black Cloud Group said that the Soviets have stealth aircraft technology and is a huge threat to the United States. It is necessary to order the arms dealers to develop more advanced radars to deal with the assisted aircraft.

Reagan: "Take things as soon as possible, no matter who develops a stealth plane, it is a great challenge for the United States. At the same time, it is an increase in the infiltration of Iraq and Iran, and must guarantee the influence of the United States in the Middle East. It can be appropriately given Sweet, can't let the Soviets penetrate into the core area of ​​the Middle East. "

Invisible aircraft belongs to technical issues, and the United States is the country in which the world's technology is invested in. It is not afraid that the technical strength is still not afraid, and the multi-grant research and development is.

However, the Soviet Union is not forgive in the Middle East, which is related to the overall strategy of a country. Now the Soviet Union is not bad in the United States, and the strategy is stronger than the US, after all, where the land price is placed. The only lack is the economy, if the Soviet Union is infiltrated into the Middle East oil country, then the economic issue will solve. Who can constrain the development of the Soviet Union, the US strategic advantage will not be present.

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