Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 599 is not too impressed.

United Arab Emirates Lubber United Junben, referred to as "United Arab Emirates", located in the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula, Northern Boss Bay, 734 km from the coastline. West and Saudi Arabia, East and Northeast and Oman, is a federal, from Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Hahota, Fuji Ira, Um and Akman 7 Emirates country. Northwest and Qatar are neighboring, Xihe South and Saudi Arabia, East and Northeast and Oman, the total area is 83,600 square kilometers.

From Israel, Bao Zixuan came to this entry into the 21st century. Of course, many people prefer to call the UAEs for the might, and the active style is really fascinating. Who is a place to be born, this country is less than 10 million countries, accounting for nearly 10% of the total oil reserves of the world, and can be ranked sixth in the world.

The first stop of Bao Zixuan came to Abu Dhabi, which was built in 1761, the initial residents mainly used the collection of pearls. After the 1960s, in 1971, after the establishment of the Arab Emirates, with the large discovery and mining of oil, Abu Dhabi has changed the earth, and the lack of lack of returns.

But than the prosperity of the future generation, there is still a lot of difference, so that the bag is not a place to be wrong. In fact, it is not possible to blame him, mainly Abu Dhabi begins to force the end of the 1980s, now just show the foot.

Hussein is very happy to Bunzu's arrival, it can be said that this is the task of being given to him. I have been dragging because of various reasons, and now I have finished. It is also a good thing, and it has proven to have the relationship between the same bunxuan in front of the family member.

Black Cloud Group Baozi Xuan is a golden signboard, it is not easy to talk to it. Jordan has obtained a big investment in Black Cloud Group because there is Hussein's reasons. Hussein, which can be used as a member of the Emirates, has not allowed the Black Cloud Group to invest in, but even Bao Zixuan has not invited, this is the ability to work.

Hussein said with a smile: "The package, Abu Dhabi is different from what you think."

In fact, it is not a strange Houssein as you like this, because Bunzi Xuan starts to Abu Dhabi, there is a disappointment expression on his face. Is it not satisfied with the hospitality or not satisfied with the city.

Bao Zi Xuan: "It is a little different from the imagination. Abu Dhabi should be a modern city. How do I don't seem to feel like it is rich, according to the oil reserves of the UAE, and the population of the whole country It's not a lot, and it is reasonable that wealth is sufficiently built, or there are other reasons. "

Petries were discovered from the Abu Dhabi area, and in 1961, the UK was stationed in another political representative in Abu Dhabi. The following year Oilfield was officially developed, and oil became a local economic pillar; making the economy development. It is also the relying on the oil industry to drive the entire business, industry, tourism and service industry.

In fact, Abu Dhabi has developed very quickly. It is not for a thousand miles away. It can only say that the impression of the later generation is too deep, and some changes are changed.

Hussein didn't know what Bao Zi Xuan means what it means, so I said: "It is too high, in my opinion, the development of Abu Dhabi is very fast, at least no city can have the construction speed. Of course you are with you The black cloud town can't be better than, who makes the black cloud group make money so strong! "

Bao Zixuan also knows that you can't look at the problem with the 21st century, sometimes it is not a good thing.

Exchange a good book pay attention to the VX public number [book friend base camp]. Now pay attention to cash red envelopes!

Bao Zi Xuan: "I think too much about it. This time I have something to come over. Everyone is a friend, I can help, I will help you, I hope you can tell you veryone. I take you as a friend, if you are not enough Honest, then wasting our friendship. "

I was very happy to hear Bao Zi Xuan said that it is a friend. You can also know that someone of their identity say that friends are more guest, if it is too true. However, since Bao Zi Xuan have been so saying, it is still a better, or how do you still talk about it?

Hussein: "Not I want to see you, is the Presidential You have to see you. He is my uncle, knowing our relationship, which makes me invite you to come over the UAE. Even if I don't invest, I will help the UAE to analyze the economic development Also, after all, you are an expert in the economy. "

It is said that the president is not too much in the UAE and the king.

The first fortune now has become a recognized economic expert in the world, to China Continental investment to help them analyze. As a result, now the speed of development of China's mainland has soon, let all countries look like. Go to Jordan to establish a factory, directly from the Jordanian economy, making Jordan's most scarce country in the Arab region, has its own development path. To the Israel's investment chip factory, it is also a resort of Israel Tel Aviv as a global chip enterprise. It is definitely a global chip manufacturing center.

Go to Saudi, directly to Saudi to do a good job in the next decade. It can be said that the Saudi will be able to do it according to the plan of Bunxuan. Going to Iraq but not only helps the war, but also planned the zone of two river basins. Many companies think about Iraq's investment in the past, and now it is lively.

Bao Zixuan is now not just a person, but represents a voice. It is only necessary to make a breakthrough by the place where he planned. It seems that this young man is born with magic. At this time, he said that he is the illegitimate child of God.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I am from learning the science and engineering. It is not an economic expert. If there is a problem, it will not only make a joke, but also make the UAE lose heavy losses. This risk can be can't afford, so analyze the economic situation Even if there is a good project to invest one or two, now I really don't dare to say more. "

Hussein knows that the other party is a trust, learning the science and engineering, nor does it affect the cost of building a tree; this is not contradictory, or because of other reasons. It seems that I have to ask someone to come over, I have never refused this little familiar.

Hussein: "You don't want to be modest, let's eat first; the UAE and other Arab countries are different. I know that you have not been adapted in your diet in your diet. In fact, you have been in other Arab countries. Some is not suitable. "

The UAE is not so traditional compared to other Arab countries, it may be related to national integration. Abu Dhabi, Dubai people live more than 200 nations, if they are in accordance with the habits of Arabs; many people are not crazy. It is because the national integration is good, and it is only related to the name of Dubai, and of course it is also related to marketing.

The passenger will come to the mainstay, since everything is here, it is better to listen to the owner's arrangement. The Alaxy chime is very complicated, and all national espionage people like to gather here. After all, the possibility of exposure will be a lot, because there is a person who has a nation here lives here; even if you just come over, you won't be so awkward.

If it is in the middle of the Middle East, a foreigner suddenly appears, will definitely be focused. Now Iranians still don't know what they think, to beware of them to retaliate at any time.

Hussein's royal family arranges the trip, at least safely can be guaranteed. This too complicated place is still less, and there are too many people who are not sin.

Bao Zixuan: "Everything listens to you, after all, you are familiar with Abu Dhabi,"

Hearing here Hussein is very happy, at least proves that Bao Zi Xuan will plan to stand up. This is enough, as for investing in UAE, it is not his business. Now he has been marginalized, more is the business that runs its own company. At this time, all products of the UAE Black Cloud Group are herself in the agent, and this cash cow is enough. At least don't have to worry about the livelihood, the throne is not big.

Hussein may also know what the UAE is, and it is more important to burn Xuan's identity. So directly with the head of the head to a villa near the Presidential Palace, here is his place in Abu Dhabi.

However, it is surprising that it is a old acquaintance in the villa. How can she be here, so that the bag is rich. And from the other's perspective, the last day may not be better, it is not that she is a member of the royal family, it should not be!

Hussein said with a smile: "Since people have arrived, then eat first. We should talk to you, you should haven't seen it for a long time!"

Although I don't understand what it means, but Bao Zixuan still sits down. Since people can bring people, don't say something conspiracy, there is certain that there are other things. The range of capability allows help, if you can't do it, don't you be good; after all, it is not so familiar.

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