As a father, I certainly don't want my daughter to marry a old man than yourself, but now Hamad is not just a father, it is a country's chief; to be responsible for all the nationals. Seeing other Emirates members of the United Arab Emirates get rich because of oil, Hamad chieftain is anxious than anyone. Therefore, many foreign debts have been borrowed to other Member States, and now they are grabbed by Sharjah.

It is impossible to make a woman far in the US. What kind of daughter is, Hamad is clear than anyone. It is now possible to sacrifice her happiness for the country and the people. This is something wrong. The country is weak, poor can only be placed,

Suddenly I heard that Derecht said that her daughter not only went to the winery, but also followed by a man. This makes Hamad feel unbelievable. Salad is not a little girl, how can you drink, and still follow a strange man.

Be sure to make things clear, you can't get daughter; you can't let salad be too arrogant; then Hamad went to the salad.

I heard the father's voice, the salad mouth laughed. At least prove that the timing has succeeded, then look at this man to force or not. Bao Zixuan didn't know that it was already a simple princess who appeared in front of him. Even if he knew it late, it is not to get it.

After seeing the salad was very unnatural, Bao Zi Xuan asked: "Is there anything tight! If there is an urgent matter, let's go back first."

Bao Zi Xuan feels that it is almost the same, and it is not a meaning in drinking. And people around are watching him. It is estimated that it is recognized, there is no need to stay here.

The salary thought: "Bao, I want to say to you. Now because of my things, I will bring you trouble. I hope you don't blame me, I am just a little woman who doesn't want to bow down to fate."

Baozi Xuan is already a bit drunk. Now he heard the salad says it, it will be awake. Suddenly thought of the state of just seeing the salad, in combination with the present. Here is in the UAE, although there are some other Arab countries, you can pay special attention to drinking. Nowadays, I will drink a woman with a woman, it seems that this time is used.

This is related to this woman in front of you, and Hussein has a relationship. Bunzi Xuan is not stupid, salad with himself to drink. However, many problems can be proved that they will be affected. Take a look at the girl, how can I forget it? Now that the error has been committed, it must face it in order to face it. Although it is very uncomfortable in the heart, you can let the alcohol addiction. Everything is still self-control, it is not strong enough.

In fact, it is also related to the long-awaited women, if it is a long-term ugly woman, it is estimated that Bao Zixuan will never say more. I will give some money to help it.

Bao Zixuan said with a brids: "Tell me about it, at least let me know your purpose. I know that I don't want to be used, I don't want to carry black pot. I didn't want to come. UAE, in order to give Hussein, now it seems that friends will also pit you. "

Seeing Bun Zixuan's expression, salad knows to tell the truth. Otherwise, this man may not meet with the president, leave the UAE, when she is not only her, even helping her own Husu will follow unlucky, and even implicate to my father.

Salad: "On the surface, I am a princess, the reputation is good; but you know! I am from Fuji Ira,

A minibusale country with a population of less than 40,000. There is nothing else, but it is different from other UAE countries. Fuji Ira can only rely on agriculture to maintain domestic operations, and there is no oil resources at all within the territory. "

"Don't say that with Abu Dhabi, Dubai is more than that of Sharja, which is more than rich. It has seen other Emirates countries to find oil; my father, is the current chief. Survey. Although the money spent a lot, the finally founded the well-founded value did not develop value. "

"This is a fatal thing for the richness of the economy. Year time. At this time, the Prince of Shagrandreges agreed to reduce the debt of Fuji Ira, the condition was to marry him. "

"Drecht is the Minister of Fiscalism, but also the uncle of the chief, it is very powerful and status in China. But you know! This prize is 58 years old, it is more than my father."

"For the national pressure is not so big, it can continue to achieve the rule, can only sacrifice the happiness of the daughter. After two months of accident, I will marry Direget Prince, becoming his 6th lady."

Bao Zixuan finally understood what is going on, the Middle Eastern royal family is not rich. There are still a lot of poor people, just don't know before. But it is not surprised, which accident is it. It seems that it has not been related to the relationship now, and things must be solved.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Although everyone is a friend, I still don't like being used, especially in the case of uninformed. However, since things have taken me in, I can't set it. If you are very good because of money You should know that I am not lacking. Although the money may not be worth it, who will let yourself like to drink, and then come over with you. "

I heard the Bun Zixuan will manage this, and the salad is very happy. As long as you don't marry the old man, you will say it after you wait. In his heart, even if you gave Bunxuan, I always made six ladies than to the old man.

Salad: "The entire Fuji Ira's debt exceeds $ 200 million, which is equivalent to more than 5,000 dollars of each national liability. This has a lot of relationships with my father's advancement. Now I can only sacrifice my daughter's happiness. Otherwise Will not promise, this is not ironic. "

I heard only $ 200 million, Bun Zixuan feels not that simple. If it is just $ 200 million Hussein, it can be done, and it is not so aggressive; let the princess marry an old man. What's more, Fuji Ira is also an emirate country, or some incense love.

Bunzi Xuan: "If I don't know the true situation, it is very difficult to help you. Although there is not much, my money is also made up. And this investment is not worth it, it is not good."

Salad knows that if you want people to help, you can only say truth. There is only one chance to say that success is here.

Salad: "My father has only two daughters, women in the Arab region have no inheritance. Under normal circumstances, our sisters mean that it will become the future chief. Even the Emirates; it is a well-recognized area. The UAE has a high-altitude authority, this is a fat meat in many people. My sister has married Dubai Three princes, and Dubai is in order to get Fuji Ira, and of course I hope I can marry an old man. There may be the old man who has no birth ability. Only this Dubai can get rich in Ira, and then enhance your strength. "

I heard that Bunxuan basically understand what it means, it is for the sake of interest. If you become a chief, there is a lot of benefits. If Dubai is controlled by Fuji Ira, then it is really possible with Abu Dhabi. But why Abu Dhabi has not blocked it, it seems that there are still many secrets that are not known. Maybe the salad doesn't know, after all, there is not long after returning home, I don't know that the bending is normal.

Helping the salad is now a member of the United Arab Emirates, is it worth it. But things have been pulled to him, can you still be outside!

Bun Zixuan: "If you just add $ 200 million, you know that this is nothing wrong with me. But I hope to get the land of Fuji Ira, as long as it is a black cloud group in the past, then the economy is soon Will develop. "

"But if it is also involved in other interests, I have no good way. Everything still wants you to face and solve it, just see what you think."

Although there is no value of Fuji Ira, it can be weak, and the Black Cloud Group can become dominant. At that time, who said on this land is not good, it is really impossible to let the black cloud employees will be in place, and they will be invoiced to become a chief.

Although it is used by salad, it can also open new ideas for the head. A chance to control an emirate, it is really a good plan.

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