Although it is through and remembers the House of Fuji Ira, but now there is not much difference with the black cloud now. In addition to Li Chao people still hold less than 10% of the shares, the remaining shares are not in the hands of Bunzi, which is in the hands of the black cloud. As for the shares held by Li Chao, the head of the bag also thought of the way, I believe that in the near future will get the hand.

Why do you have the right to operate the House of Whampod to the port of the port, Bunzi Xuan is also thought out. The area of ​​Fuji Ira port is not small, and if it is a black cloud group. Other countries will feel that this is the expansion of Bao Zixuan, and other United Arab Emirates will definitely prevent you.

It is not the same now, and Huangpu is a listed company in Xiangjiang; it can be part of one. Going to any national investment will basically be qualitative for normal business behavior, but you have doubt other.

Sleeping at night, there is a trouble, no matter how salad is in Bunzi Room. This makes the bag are very difficult, come over to help the salad is just on the one hand, but more you want to get a famous one. Now the princess is very sleepy with you, the most important thing I haven't thought about it, and some people are waiting for him.

Hamad saw this situation did not stop, this is not like a father to do. Baozi Xuan knows that it is still unable to talk to the truth with a salad, or the other party is not going to give up.

In fact, the heart of the salad is very clear, knowing that Bunxuan is not completely for him to come to Fuji Ira. But now you don't leave people, you will have such a good opportunity. Bao Zixuan will definitely be a responsible man; together with such a man, the woman will definitely not suffer.

It is this idea that this princess said nothing to leave. It is not worried that Bao Zi Xuan has not investment, and the salad is mainly worried that Derecht is coming to harassment. After all, the wedding of the two is not released.

Bunzi Xuan knows that it is necessary to properly solve the salad problem, or the girl is really waiting for it. The next day is that the mouth is not clear. Now I should consider how to persuade this Arab princess.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Salad, you are a good girl. We are friends, there is no need to do this. You should have heard some rumors about my rumors, can't say it is self-good, but I will not touch any woman before you get married. This is the protection of yourself, but also the guarantee of future wife. "

Salad laughed: "Most marriages in the Arab Region are made by a wife. It is not that every Arab man has a few wives. Although they are allowed to have four wives, they should have a house. And give the same number of gifts, attention, jewelry, etc. Have a few wives are the privilege of the emirate and the privilege of people. "

"If a man finds another wife, the other wife should accept. They must take any emotions, don't show any emotions. Generally, all their wives live in different houses, and they don't meet often."

"I live in this family from a little, my father has a lot of differences; but still has 4 wives. If not your appearance, I am likely to be the sixth wife of Drecht. It is necessary to know that Direget is 60 years old, and wealth may not even have a zero. "

I can understand what this means you can understand. At this time, the first rich really doesn't know what to do. The girl is so active, and the opportunity is still so good. Here is far from Xiangjiang, no one knows what he has done.

But think carefully,

It's still not the time. It is necessary to appease the woman before the eyes, only such a future plan will be smooth.

Bao Zixuan: "You mean, I understand, but I am not alar. Or I don't want to marry, if I am a wife, I will be aimedy to people. You are a very good girl, you don't like it. But I know a lot. Things can't, at least now. If we want to be together, I will give you the most grand wedding in the world, or you will never provoke you. "

"Every man is willing, but it is necessary to consider the girl's payment. Men can't be too selfish, just think about it."

Don't look at the crown, in fact, the first rich is not to protect the girl, but in protecting themselves. If you can't control yourself, it is likely to bring hidden dangers. The most important thing has a woman to hold your child to go to you, that business does not do.

Sarah is iron, you have to stay in Bun Zixuan, she is studying in the United States for many years. It's not that tradition, knowing what you lose this opportunity. Let's talk about this opportunity next time, it is difficult to see Bun Zixuan.

Salad wronned: "How do I go back now, can you let me leave in this night. If you go back, everyone will joke me."

Looking at the expression of the salad, Bunxuan really can't bear to refuse. It can only be agreed, and it is estimated that he will say this. If you change to a general man, I have long jumped.

Salad feels that the man can't hold himself at night. In order to change the fate, the righteousness and shame is nothing to do.

In this way, two people start rest in the room, and the temperature in the Arab region is very high. Even if the conditions are hard, but Bun Zi Xuan is also arranged. The place to take a shower is still there, and the facility is still possible.

Salad smiled and said: "Today is too hot, I will take a shower first."

After that, I will run away the bathroom, and I will hear the flow of water. The man could not stand this temptation, and the first fortune can only turn on the computer and write the program.

But today I don't know what happened, a simple program is always writing fault code. After half an hour, the Salad was also written in a total of three lines.

When I saw this man in front of him, I was very surprised in the heart of the salad. Everyone's success is caused, and the members of the Arabian royal family have to work hard, and He is in the country.

Where does this princess know Bunzi Xuan is to transfer attention, it seems that the effect is not very good. Salad is like a wife, standing behind the head of the bag; seeing the dense linen code, knowing the man in this man in front of this man. The authority of the CPP will be taken, the authority of the computer. She is definitely not understood by Bao Zi Xuan, can only pay attention to it later.

I smell the body of the girl in the nose, Bao Zi Xuan knows that if it is not unfair, it is not possible. So hurriedly said: "I also take a shower, it is really hot this day."

When you escape, you can drive the water to the colder after taking off the clothes. Now you need to calm, put the hot heart of the heat.

In less than ten minutes, Bao Zi Xuan came out to see that the salad has been lying in bed. Bao Zi Xuan said: "You have a rest, I still have a job." After the saying, I started working in front of the computer, I didn't dare to see the direction of the salad.

Salad is not discouraged, and it is important to understand; she is just a misunderstanding. The age of Drecht is also a prince. Where is the identity? It must not tolerate the salad and Bunxuan alone in the room for a night. What to do with orphans is all the grades of the blood, and will give people an unlimited guess. The marriage is willing to be inevitable, no one can wear a green hat on the head.

At this time, in the derht villa, the old guy knew that Bunzi Xuan and Salad went to Fucha Ira. I also know that there is no hope with the tricks. The most important president and vice president have already conveyed him clear instructions, do not provoke Bao Zixuan. This makes Drecht do not understand, when Dubai will work according to the idea of ​​Abu Dhabi. At present, you can only be forbearing. It is not too late to find a suitable opportunity.

Both people did not disturb each other, Baozi Xuan tried to control emotions and desires. Salad has been stressful in the last period of time and does not have a good rest. Bun Zixuan has a lot of stable around, so soon fell asleep. I even played a snoring, I heard the sound bunxuan also put down his hands and looked back.

Looking at the sleeping girl, buns Xuanxin. Sometimes it is necessary to indulge yourself, such a good opportunity can let go. It is still not a man, it seems that it is not a thing to do this after returning to Hong Kong.

Now he is in the eyes of a woman, like a Tang Shengfeng. Everyone wants to bite a bite, if you can't manage yourself, you will absolutely suffer from endless.

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