Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 713 let Li Chao people work

Bao Zi Xuan's gift is just a small episode, and the real climax is far from arrival. This time, Huo is over, a few-way places. The social status is too high, and it is not necessarily a good thing. Maybe there will be no private space. Originally, a family of birthday reunited, celebrating it is very good, now I have to work. It may also be a helpless, Huo is not like to do, after all, there is too much.

Xinhua News Agency Li President Li has been here, and also sent a word. When you see a signature, everyone feels that the old face is big. Although everyone envy, I can also know how Huo is paying. Whoever can go to the country's development and river return to the country, will also win such praise.

If you like you like you in the Chinese mainland, then the British hate you. It can be a birthday today, no matter how come to come over. How to say that Huo is also a well-known person in Xiangjiang, and even if you don't like it, the surface work will still be done.

The arrival of the Governor Yude made the atmosphere of the scene, and no one thought that this old child would come to the scene. It is reasonable to send a secretary or assistant, how can you come over, it seems that there is definitely a secret that is definitely known.

Baozi Xuan didn't know that Li Zimhang and Youde were in the main living room, and he has been pulled down in the hall.

Li Zhai said with a smile: "I heard that this birthday has been harvested in the Middle East, just now there will be some time from the job. Tell us; let us be happy."

Before Bao Zixuan has explained that it will go to the Middle East to buy oilfield, and at the time of shareholders. When I was in Iraq, I also called Xiangjiang, and I have explained it to you through Huo.

Li Zhakei as a major shareholder of China Gas, will definitely care about oil and gas mineral resources. Now that natural gas is purchased through the British, let people earn differences, they will always propose excessive requirements. Not a price increase, it is inadequate supply; very unhealthy. Now Bun Zixuan can get through the Arab channel, then there is no need to be affected by the British.

Li Zhakei saw that the people who came over the lior were all Chinese business, and the vast majority were shareholders of Baoyo Mining Company. This is only to understand the situation in advance, and he also believes that Bao Zi Xuan will have an inch. Know what you can say, what happens to get the door to tell you.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Li Sheng is so anxious, it seems that the sales of natural gas in the last period of time is very good. This shows that our Xiangjiang is booming, the future will be done!"

Bao Ship King: "Little Bao will talk to you, let us be happy."

Bao Yugang as a boat king is also very related to oil, after all, there are many tankers. If there is a stable customer, and this company has its own shares, it is very beneficial for the development of the shipping industry.

In fact, it is not only a treasure boat king, Dong Haoyun is also very concerned about the follow-up of the Middle East Oilfield. In the one hand, it seems that people as a running boat also look at the transportation of goods.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Then I will talk about everyone, just have a mental preparation."

"This time Iraq has reached an agreement with Iraq, Iraq's two oil and gas fields are investing in Bao Huo's Mining Company. We take 30% of our profits, and there are 70% of Iraq. Of course, mining equipment, investment is completely made by us. "

"Initial calculations, if the two oil and gas fields can be used to meet the oil and gas consumption in Xiangjiang and South Guangdong Province, and this is just the first stage.

There is still a big improvement in the future. Investing $ 1.2 billion in the early stage, expecting five years to be able to return. We can explore oil and gas fields for 30 years, and 30 years later Iraq will be recovered. "

Listening is a light written, but you can understand the people here. It takes only 1.2 billion US dollars to get 3% of the oil and gas field. Bunxuan This child is to give the Iraqi to the soul soup. The conditions are also too superior! This is cheap, and other companies have passed, don't say 30%, that is, there will be a half of the more people to grab.

There are still outsiders, can only say this. The follow-up plan will involve the company secrets and the next stage of development; it is not suitable for the public.

The boat king said: "Dong Lao, it seems that we have to buy a few ships, or you can't keep up with the footsteps of the small boy."

Dong Haoyun: "It is also, I really don't understand the manufacturing and processing industries. However, the small bag can be understood, as long as the mineral is dug, the product is produced. We can help the transport, other small bags decided "

I heard Dong Haoyun's statement, everyone did not say anything. This time, Bao Zi Xuan has a rich together, although there is risky, but what is the risk is more than that.

The main problem has been talked, Bao Zi Xuan went to Li Chao, smiled and said: "Li Sheng, just look for you, can you talk about it near."

I heard Bunzi Xuan is looking for himself, Li Chao people said: "No problem, the birth is invited to invite anyone who will refuse."

After two people came to the corner, Bunxuan said: "I have given you a call when I am in the UAE. I am preparing to acquire the port in Fuku Ira, and then expand the operation. This is not a matter of talking, what is Li Sheng? meaning."

After all, Huangpu is a listed company, and Li Chao is also the company's shareholders. What to do is definitely to know in advance, otherwise it is too polite, and it is most important to meet the business process. The black cloud employees don't matter, as long as Bao Zi Xuan decided to do things. Li Chao people and he may have no affiliation, and it must be respectful when the respect is.

When Li Chao heard Bunxuan prepared to build a port in Fuji Ira, he didn't expect to agree. Then it is open the map, and the consultation is clear what is going on.

In fact, Li Chao is very clear, even if you disagree, there is no way to stop. Most of the shares in Huang Whao in the hands of Bunzi, the remaining basics were acquired by Black Cloud employees. In addition to the 10% shares in his hand, it is basically difficult to find circulation stocks. Even if you disagree, Bunzi will still do it. That is, it is not necessary to give people a sin.

This is the cleverness of Li Chao, I will promise anything. Afterwards, I will take the initiative to understand the feasibility of the project, trust and helplessness are on the one hand, I don't understand anything, I can't forgive.

In the case of viewing a map and by the scene feedback, Li Chao has had to admire Bunxuan. This young man is really good, just won the Iraqi oil gas field; now build a terminal on the throat, the two can play a complementary action.

Making money is inevitable, after the harbor is built, Xiangjiang products are sold to the Middle East. However, today Baozi Xuan came over to find him, and Li Chao has a bad hunch in his heart. Currently, I can only see how this young man says that is the only way to move.

Bunzi Xuan: "Thanks to Li Sheng's support, Fuji Ira's port project has been taken. The engineer has entered the market, waiting until the survey is finalized, it can start construction after designing the drawings. The planning period is two years, the first issue of investment Around 1.8 billion US dollars. "

Port expansion is not only on land, mainly the ocean. Sand stone is required to be cleaned, and the safety must be guaranteed. The Middle East is more than 100,000 tons of tanker operation, and you must meet the standards for business ports.

Li Chao knows that there is still follow-up, Bunzi Xuan will not take the initiative to report his report.

Baozi Xuan then said: "I don't know how Li Sheng is holding and Huang Shares want to do."

Sure enough, it is concerned about the shares held in your hand. Now Li Chao is not so worried. At least the initiative is in his hands, and it is easy to talk about conditions.

Li Chao: "I don't know what the birth is meaning, I don't want to repurchase the shares from my hands."

In fact, Bao Zi Xuan's initial idea is really trying to repo to the shares, and I think that Li Chao is also a person. Some things can make him come out, and the identity of the and Huang Director will be sympathy.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Li Sheng is mistaken, is it continued to hold and Huang shares, it is completely decided by Li Sheng himself. Others have no right to interfere, find Li Sheng mainly have something to help."

"He is ready to speed up the pace of expansion, to invest in mainland, need Li Sheng's ability and experience. I will get it in the Middle East. As for the Chinese mainland, I need Li Sheng to coordinate."

I heard what you mean by representing himself and remember the Whampu with the mainland. However, there is no right and reasons for the company's directors to refuse; unless they want to sell shares in their hands.

Although I don't know what medicine sold in Bunzu, I thought it was still promised.

The idea of ​​the bag is very simple, he goes to negotiate with the mainland and easy to use. Li Chao will never harm the interests of the company, and the effect will be better.

Li Chao can purchase so many land in the Chinese mainland, it can explain the problem. People are a qualified businessman, and the buns will have a big distance compared to him. Why not take Li Chao or to make him a force when he is still with Huangda shareholder. So you can easily, why not!

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