Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 721, the cause of the cause

Zheng Yu took the satisfaction and left, and the ship king looked at the bunxuan also left directly. As for others, Huo Yingdong said a few comforts, and left.

At this point, there was only one person in the conference room, which was the first veto since he created the company. It's been used to the Black Cloud Group. This time is really uncomfortable. At this point, I also formed a concept in the heart of the bag, and I would like to do a partnership in the future, so as not to be like this.

The urgent needs is to investigate things clear, unknown to eat such a big loss is not possible. In that, who will respect you, don't step on your feet.

At this time, Bao Zixuan's phone rang, and Luo Haoyun's voice came.

Dong Haoyun: "The small bag, I already know, this time is my fault. Dong Jia purchased a lot of vessels, leading to the funds a bit unable to keep up, but banks only allowed to use Bao Huo Mining Company Co., Ltd. There is no way I can only do this. "

"When I just met, I received a call. Banks have shown their attitude, investment in Iraq's risk is uncontrollable. Dongjia can not support, this is the terms of the loan contract. Now it seems that the shark is later, At least Wall Street funds have been involved. "

"I don't know more, I can only rely on yourself. I will try to redeem the shares in advance, but I can only rely on yourself before this."

Baozi Xuan listens to Dong Hao Yun's helplessness, it seems that his idea is right. Even in a good partner, it is useless to support you. It's hard to keep anyone, now Dongjia is not a good example!

In fact, it is not just that Bao Zi Xuan should investigate clearly, Huo Yingdong also wants to understand the problem. If he is just two parties, he will remain neutral, but if you have a relationship with foreigners, then you can't set it out.

The boat king returned to the company and sat in the office. It's not right, but things have been done, you can only go to black. Baozi Xuan must have a very much very much, and it is basically impossible to maintain the relationship.

Yesterday, I went back from the United States to Xiangjiang, did not take a rest. Directly come over the company to visit the boat king, people can't see it. Bao Yugang is the first Chinese directors in HSBC, and the private relationship with Shen Yu is very good. In fact, it is not just that it is the same, even the iron lady is also in opposition to the boat king. It can be seen that these years have the same relationship, Baozi Xuan can't get up in development for a few years.

This is the heritage, it is the standard of the family, and the outbreak is difficult to achieve this height in a short time.

Although he probably guess the purpose of Shen Yu, but I still want to hear how the other party said.

Bao Ship King: "I heard that Shen Daban just came back, why didn't take a break. How come you come over, have something to give me a call, I have been looking for you."

Bao Yugang is, the more polite, the more you want to double your mind. When HSBC is reducing the amount of coins, Shen Bat is very clear about things. He is just a senior work, and it has a big difference with the capital crocodile. In the hearts of the jade and others, it may now be a bit. Waiting to leave HSBC and returning to the UK when you retire back to the UK.

I have no arrogance before I haven't previously arrogant, and I started a low-key action. Before, Xiangjiang Rich is waiting for him, and now it is basically to take the initiative to visit people. Reality makes him have to change, even if HSBC's big class is still low. Many people have a little uncomfortable to the sinking change, so they have been habits slowly.

Shen Wei: "Where is the king of the boat, come over, come to visit, do you not? This time I want to invite the boat king to put the buns Xuan, and earn some money to everyone is a good thing. Before HSBC The problem, let the package are lost, this time I want to make up back. "

Although I know the purpose of Shen Ya, I didn't expect the other party to say such a straightforward; even the eyesight. It seems that in the United States, it has received some institutions and big people, or it is impossible to have such a big gut. Baoyu just understood the character of Shen Yu. This usual speech will only say half of the person, it is impossible to do so no matter.

Bao Yugang: "Shen Daban, don't read Bao Zixuan young. But do business is very savvy, it is not easy to get the benefits from him. Last Hong Kong dollar crisis has won many praises, this time we join us to deal with him, Xiangjiang people What will it be seen. It is really not necessarily how the boy is still not necessarily.

Of course, I know that Bao Yuli will not promise so quickly, it seems to have some savings. So smiled: "The boat king should not have to reject, the Black Cloud Group we really have no good way. Many people in the Huo Dong Mining Company have shares; the investment of Black Cloud Town makes the whole black cloud group funds Very big. If Bunxuan is going to invest other places, then it is definitely necessary to pay deposits from the Black Cloud Bank. "

"I only need you to veto it to Iraq to invest in tomorrow. There is still a result of harvesting victory. You will get 3% of Bao Huo's mining company, the funds are not enough HSBC will provide loans. The company's management rights, one of the son-in-law will become a vice president of Baoyo Mining Company. "

I heard one of the son-in-laws will become the company's vice president, which makes the bag jade just very much. And it is just a proposal, how is it? These are shortly insignificant compared to the benefits of the same benefits.

I saw that Bao Yugang was already in his heart, and Shen Yu continued: "This time we have a lot of allies, Bao Zi Xuan only has one person. Therefore, the winning rate is very large, which is a very important opportunity. This is a chance of a thousand. The black cloud town is built, then Bun Zixuan will not block. "

"If you have more than 20% Bao Huo Mining Co., Ltd., who can touch your status. It only needs to veto to Iraq's investment, don't do anything more."

Bao Yugang is very happy, but still dares to determine; where the confidence of Shen Yu is from.

Bao Yugang: "Shen Day class, the veto offer is very simple, when Bao Zi Xuan doesn't have investment in Iraq. We can't put him, it is likely to give people a sin. You have no relationship, I as a package Huo Dong Mining Company shareholder, but to bear the loss of small losses. And smart people will not have to pay off the criminal, no matter what, where the strength is put. "

It seems that the boat king is also a master who does not kill the eagle, but also wants to explore their topic. Since this is, let our boat king are rest assured, always give people a confidence.

I said that I laughed and said: "According to the reliable intelligence, Bun Zixuan has been in front of the President Iraq and has signed an investment agreement. For this purpose, the Iraqi government has changed very much, but the president has sent the big son to abroad. If this time, buns Xuan does not invest in the past, and the consequences can't imagine. "

"It can be said that Bunxuan has no choice, only allows investment to continue. Bao Huo's money is rich, but the fund reserve of black cloud is not so plentiful."

Under the hard bubbles of Shen Yan soft mill, it is also unwilling to combine the boat king. Agree to the proposal of Shen Yu, veto Bao Zi Xuan's proposal to invest in Iraq with the name of Bao Huo's Mining Company.

Not only single is indulgence, the shark is also active. After paying a small price, several agreements agree to not participate in this matter. That is to say, it will not be opposed; in turn, do not publish any comments.

In fact, all this is what the Morgan family has come out, not just to deal with Bunxuan. It is also to get the pricing power of rare earth minerals, which is more happy than how much money earning.

The huge use of rare earth mineral resources, as well as high prices, making Americans shocked. At present, most of the world's rare earth resources have mastered in the hands of Bao Huo's Mining Company, the pricing power is basically Bao Zixuan alone.

Rare earth minerals are strategic resources, and if they have been covered by Bao Huo Dong Mining Company, how can Americans will be willing. The core people of this company are not patriotic businessmen Huo Yingdong, nor two boat king. Instead, the Black Cloud Group Bao Zixuan This young man wants to get rare earth minerals and pricing rights, and must give the bunxuan to kick out. Otherwise, Americans don't want to make things, this decides to implement action.

This time, not only William Morgan participated in this, but even the old Morgan also supported it. Not only can you give your son from a new prove to your chance, but also a strategic layout of the whole country.

Shen Yizhen is because I have seen the old Morgan, Zheng Yurong is also the courage of the Tongbao Zi Xuan because of the support of the core member of the Morgan family.

Just now, these Bunxuan do not know that now I want to solve the Iraq's investment problem. How to do so much money, currently can only be exhausted from the Black Cloud Bank. It seems that there is a big conspiracy waiting for him, but there is no mistake and vulnerability, and it is not good to take the snake.

The bag is richer, I want to know, who is going to do it. Moreover, the planner is obvious, that is, the funds of the Black Cloud Group are required. This seems to be a lot of people, and there is definitely a big crocodile personnel.

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