Leaving the Black Cloud Bank, Bun Zixuan did not go home. Instead, it comes to the aircraft manufacturing center, combined with the Soviet map -204 passenger plane, the black cloud passenger plane has been designed, and the first experimental prototype is also built.

Fortunately, the full set of technologies from the Soviet Union from the Soviet Union before, otherwise the head is not possible to develop the passenger plane.

Baozi Xuan came to the Black Cloud Aircraft Manufacturing Center, which has been previously coming several times, but the aircraft is manufactured or the first time. Looking at this phenomenon, the beauty of the industry, the beauty of the industry, and people look at the feeling of blood boiling.

At this time, an Asian mixed-blood saw Bunzi Xuan, and immediately came to say: "The boss, how do our big guys. How many simulation flights have been completed, and now you will come to the decision."

To say this Asian aircraft engineer can be quite simple, and it is not too much to learn from home. Its family has a pivotal position in the history of the world aircraft, saying that they are the first family of Chinese aircraft design.

Wang Qi Ming, 36 years old; graduated from the Aviation Design and Manufacturing Professional of MIT, and has been working in Boeing after graduation. It is a great price of the Black Cloud Group, and the head of the head is more unhappy. The other work is not happy to leave, and the future of Wang Qi Ming's two models of the aircraft it is likely to attract it.

For this reason, Boeing is very stiff, Wang Qi Ming is almost in the name of the family. It is necessary to know that their family has traditional Boeing, even from his grandfather, is already working for Boeing.

Wang help, word, born in Huaxia Kyoto, aircraft designer and manufacturing technology experts.

In August 1909, Wang helped to learn from Britain. In 1910, I was first entered into the U.Stress Navy University in the UK and Into the Victorian Internship. In June 1916, he became the second phase of the Aviation Engineering of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received a master's degree in aviation engineering.

Wang help is aircraft designer and manufacturing technician from the early China 's master's degree in Aviation Engineering, participating in the first formal aircraft manufacturing plant in Huaxia - the Major Navy Aircraft Agency. Initiative and Hangzhou Aircraft Manufacturing Factory and the Handling of War of China. During the Anti-Japanese War, the Huaxia Aviation Research Institute was formed, and personally participated in the aircraft components developed into a variety of bamboo composite structures. It is one of the main founders of the China Modern Aviation Industry.

Wang Quanming is the king of the king, the absolute aviation family. This kind of talent all over the world's aircraft manufacturing plants want to get it, and they did not expect to come to the Black Cloud Group. It is also from this time, Boeing has already regarded Black Clouds as a opponent. Not only because of the success of Black Clouds in the aerospace engine, it is because of the joining of Wang Quanming.

In that year, the US national defense Changkin Tel said that the old man can resist 5 divisions, although Wang Qi Ming is not so big; but according to the Boeing's chief designer, the Black Cloud Group gets Wang Quan Ming, at least 5 years detour. This is a very high evaluation, and it is also one of the biggest awards for engineers.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Very spectacular, these days have worked hard. I expect it to fly in the blue sky, I think it should not be disappointing. Let's introduce it. After all, this is the result of all the engineers, especially senior efforts."

Wang Quanming knows that Bunzi Xuan is a guest's words. The foundation of this plane is from the Soviet Union, and the aviation engine is a black cloud mature product. He has brought from the United States, more of the role of integration of resources. The role in this is not very big,

Even if you change to an ordinary aircraft designer, you can also complete this job.

If you want to say that you have a credit, you will bring some advanced philosophy of Boeing to the Black Cloud Group; he can not dare to work. However, it is worthy of pride as the Xiangjiang company can make such an advanced aircraft.

Wang Quanming: "Boss, these are already mature technology. I am more integrated with resources, but I don't dare to work."

Bao Zi Xuan Tong, you are calling the senior, you can't get your nose. If you really call each other as a school brother, how do other colleagues will see. It is necessary to know that the Junyun Group's engineers team, Massachius graduated from the MIT. Is the engineers who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Massters called Bun Zixuan as a school brother, not blamed.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Tell me, this plane can reach the world's advanced level."

Wang Qi Ming sorted out the language: Black cloud-type passenger plane technical parameters;

Cockpit crew 2

Seating 210 (Level 1 Cabin) 175 (2-Level Cabin)

Seating spacing 32 (1 level cabin) 39 and 32 (2-level cabin)

46.14 meters in length

Wings 41.8 meters

Height 13.9 meters

Body width of 3.8 meters

Fire height 4.1 meter

Haculto width 3.57 meters

Cockup height 71 inches

Maximum takeoff weight 105,000 kg

The largest landing weight is 89,500 kg

Maximum payload 23,000 kg

Limit 12,100 m (39,700 feet)

Cruise speed 810 km / h to 850 km / h

Upper speed 900 km / h

Not equally loaded: 7,000 km

Maximum fuel capacity 49,700 kg

Engine × 2: HY-K-10 engine

Maximum thrust × 2: 220 kWh

Although the specific design parameters of this plane, after production, it is true that the Soviet aircraft manufacturing level is really good. It is because the US pressures and blockacows are not promoted to the world, and may have financial and system factors. After all, the political environment at the time did not allow the Soviet Union to vigorously develop civil aviation.

The military pressure has made the Soviet Union did not work in the airliner, mainly energy in the development of military weapons. It is necessary to know that there is no powerful weapon equipment in the Soviet Union, they can't press the Americans.

At that time, the Soviewman produced the picture -204 passenger plane, once the Americans were very nervous. It can be later discovered that there is a problem in the power system, operating system, electrical transmission system, and engine thrust, but there is a table. This is slowly rest assured that Boeing feels that threats have not imagined, allowing customers to choose it.

The Soviet Union is already a thin Xishan, and there is no ability to greatly improve and improve the aircraft. A variety of factors have made the picture -204 passenger aircraft did not win the international market, and they can only say that they are also life.

But this time is the R & D of the Black Cloud Group, which is Baozi Xuan's improvement map -204 passenger plane. The avionics system has been revolutionized, and two industrial computers are placed inside the single aircraft. The supporting system is also special research and development, definitely the presence of this era.

Baozi Xuan: "Director, how do you feel that this plane is compared with Boeing 757."

In fact, it is not just that Bao Zi Xuan wants this problem, Wang Quanming is constantly comparing two aircraft.

Boeing 757 aircraft is the 200-level single-channel double-haired nest of 200-level single-channel dual-haired narrow body in Boeing. Due to the rapid price of oil in 1970, fuel consumption accounted for direct use of air transportation. The fuel consumption of civil aviation passenger planes used at that time, therefore, there is an urgent need for low fuel consumption new civil aviation passenger aircraft. In the mid-1970s, Boeing decided to develop a 200-level new model to replace Boeing 727, partial Boeing 707. Initially named 7N7 (N: N: N: N: NASA, Boeing officially launched the 7N7 development plan in March 1979 in March 1979, in Boeing 727 Based on the new wings and advanced engines, reduce the cost of use by reducing fuel consumption, reducing the body weight. At the end of 1979, 7N7 was officially renamed Boeing 757.

Boeing 757 has the largest voyage in the Late Yickest, which is more than 7,200 kilometers, which is enough to cross the daily life of the Atlantic. That is very similar to the black cloud upgrade version. It can be said that two aircraft will definitely become a competitor.

Wang Qi Ming thought: "Each has a thousand autumn, and it can be described as high as it is high."

"Our technology is very advanced, but the Soviet is designed, some layout is not very reasonable, which will waste the thrust in the invisible. But the plane has passed the wind tunnel test, and there is no way to change now."

"Boeing 757 is more reasonable in the shape design, but the engine is less than the difference, and there is nothing we do in some details."

"If these two aircraft beaten, as long as the price is similar, the sales should be similar. However, we have to consider the Boeing customer base, so there is still a clear conclusion."

As a designer who used to Boeing, the evaluation can be very objective. At this time, Bao Zixuan has decided to make a determination, and it is not a big deal. Although there is a violation, there is no particularly effective way.

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