The head of the bag knows that someone wants to deal with him, but the enemy has not fully surfaced. I don't know how many enemies, so many years, it is inevitable that some people's interests will be damaged. At present, I can only wait until the other party first shot, or I don't know who the fist is going.

At this time, it is that the boat king and sharks are the same, and there are certain people. Otherwise, their two do not have this courage, there is no such strength. Both people are not the Lord of the rabbit, and they will not be able to pay for it.

At this time, Baozi Xuan did not have time to pay for these things, because the Paris Air Show will begin. Can the Black Cloud Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation cannot open the situation, they can see that this Paris Air Show can be shocked. This is the most important job of the current Black Cloud Group, as for others to slowly say.

Paris is the capital and biggest city of the French Republic, and is also a political, economic, cultural and business center in France. One of the five international metropolis world (the rest are New York, London, Tokyo, Xiangjiang), and be reviewed by Gawc For the Alpha + - level world in the world.

Paris is located in the middle of the Paris Basin in the north of France, across the Senna River, the city center coordinate is 48 ° 52 'north latitude, East 2 ° 25'. The broad Paris has a small Paris and the big Paris. Little Paris refers to the Paris city within the Great Wound City, with an area of ​​105.4 square kilometers, a population of 2.24 million; Big Paris includes the surroundings around the city, Valend Marn, Seine, Santa Dieni, Yvlin Province , Valendvaz, Seine, Sena, Sena, Seven provinces in Esson, together into the Paris region, this area has been called "France Island" in ancient times, and the population of France is about 11 million. It occupies one-sixth of the national population.

There are more than 1400 years of history in Paris, not only France, but also the political, economic and cultural center of Western Europe.

In Hua Xia, there is a strong city in Shanghai, and people call him for Paris, Asia, and can see how high Paris is in the hearts of people in the world. Baozi Xuan has been in many times, there is no change in the 21st century, and Western countries have developed nearly 300 years. The urban planning is relatively reasonable, and there are many ancient buildings in Paris; plus institutional Restrictions, this is also the reason why there is no large-scale demolition.

I don't know if this is more beneficial to urban development, but at least look at it is still very comfortable.

It is also a long history of the Paris Air Show, and is also one of the biggest prosperous prosperity of the aviation world. Moreover, the bag is not strange to the Paris Air Show. After all, this is his main business.

"Paris-Boolean International Air Aeronautics Exhibition" is referred to as the Paris Air Show, the world's largest, most prestigious, oldest international air space exhibition. The organizers of the Paris Air Show are the French Air Aerospace Industry Association, held once in two years, held in the early summer of the year, and the exhibition venue is located in Boolean Airport in Northeast Paris.

The first Air Show opened on September 25, 1909 in the Paris Palace, followed by a year. During the First and Second World War, the Paris Air Show was forced to interrupted, but because the war prompted the high-speed development of the aviation industry, the post-war air show quickly resumed. The Paris Air Show will be changed every two years later in 1919. It is just a single year today, or there is no chance.

Bun Zixuan took Mike Brryfen, Frank - Hordon and Wang Quan Ming and other people came to Paris. The aircraft has already arrived in one step, and the black cloud engineers have also arrived first.

Let Bunxuan uncomfortable is that you can't take your own aircraft.

Because there is no vacancy certificate. I can only do test flying, which is also a little unfortunate.

As the head of the European Region of the Black Cloud Group, Hashimoto City came to Paris Burgun Airport pick-up. Of course, this is also the place of this aviation show. The last Paris Air Show is held here. After all, this is the oldest airport in Paris.

Paris Burgun Airport is a civil airport located at 11 kilometers in the northeast of Paris, Paris, in the Northeast of France, between two municipalities in France and Di Ni, across Wazhe Valley Province and Senna - Santa Dieni Provincial administrative junction. Dai Gaul Airport, the Oli Airport and Lebul Head are the most important three main airports in the Paris, and the three are managed by Paris Airport.

The Burdrower has started operating in 1919 and is the first civil airport in Paris and has been the only civil airport in the Paris area before the Opel Airport is opened in 1932.

However, the function of this airport is basically replaced by David International Airport. The Air Show has become one of the lives of this ancient airport. It is also for convenience here, and does not delay the normal order of the air transportation in Paris.

Huashou Hao saw the buns Xuan walked off the plane and hurriedly greeted. At the same time, smiled and said: "The President is, all the way."

Baozi Xuan looked at the bridge Bunao: "The last time I have worked hard, and the lady is pregnant, and you will be responsible for coordinating the Paris Air Show, it is a bit more than, but others come over and have some unassays, wait for this Air Show to end You can take a holiday, stay with your wife. "

The head of the bag is not only touched by Bridge Map, but even others listen very well. It is said that the boss is very concerned about employees. From the company's diet, accommodation, you can see it, but I don't expect the lady who even employees who are pregnant. This is really too rare, of course everyone will not think about other aspects.

Bridge Bunhao: "Thank you for your concern, these are my work. Let the wife are in the country, and I don't use it."

The Japanese is absolutely enough to be in this piece, and the wife is as if there is no relationship with a man. Even if the wife is born on the same day, it will not be done because of this. Of course, there is a big relationship with domestic medical conditions, and infrastructure is relatively improved relative to other countries in the world. However, it also reflects the cruelty of the Japanese workplace from the side, but it is not only for it.

After Bao Zi Xuan joined the car, it came to the 13th machine library. When you see this number, you know how unwanted the Black Cloud Group, this is the number of Europeans who don't like it, basically arrange small companies that do not have strength. This year is the first time the Black Cloud Group participated in the Air Exhibition. The host committee wants to give this show next to Ma Wei. After all, here is the home of the Airbus, and is also the homeland of Dasako, France.

After the French Self-Dao Le announced to withdraw from NATO, I have been pursuing independent military industrial model. Requirements in France to produce any weapons and equipment including nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers, although a certain degree of resource waste can also be upgraded internationally. At the same time, the domestic arms industry has developed rapidly and the aviation industry is significantly higher.

This Airborne Airbus aircraft company occupies one gallery, which is not very good. Although the empty guests work together in Europe, the headquarters is in France, and the concept of European integration has already been put forward. At this time, it can be so clear.

Daso accounted for a 2-machine library, this result made Boeing companies very uncomfortable. Empty passenger is in front, and what is the satisfaction of it. With anything being arranged on the 2nd shuttle, it is really a good Boeing. Because of the things of the shuttle library, there is no less than the host committee to protest. The Frenchman is so horing, hard is not to take care of this.

Boeing is granted in the 3rd gallery, and there is no opinion that the Boeing of the Airlines World Boss has no opinion. But this is in France and can't do too much.

There is also French Airlines, Brazil, Lockheed Martin, De Havilla, British Aerospace, and British Aerospace. Of course, the Soviet Union also sent a representative to participate, Sukhoi and Mi Gao Yang two design borsseners came to Paris with a new plane. The aircraft export is one of the important foreign exchange sources of the Soviet Union. So good opportunities, old men, will not let go. In front of the powerful Soviet Union, the French is still to give some faces, all of which are arranged in the top ten.

Of course, the strength of the two design borsses of the Soviet Union can also be placed in this position.

Listening to Bridge Bunxuan's report Bao Xuan did not say anything, the aviation industry is different from other industries. It is not the company's strength to do whatever you want, and there is a strong country to support it. At this time, the status of Xiangjiang is very embarrassing. The French didn't take you seriously. Now I can only talk by the product, I believe that the plane can reverse some situation after debut.

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