Although the Board of Paris Air Show is not very willing, you can still arrange the last one of the HH-01 ghost stealth aircraft. If this stealth plane is played in advance, then there is no other company. All people focus will be transferred to the stealth plane, which is a unique aircraft in the world.

In the fourth day of entering the Air Show, the aircraft of all airmaking companies has been unveiled; the Black Cloud Group HH-01 ghost stealth aircraft finally appeared in the public field of view.

When you see the appearance of the plane, everyone believes that this is definitely not an earth product. The aircraft should not be this, at least the plane on the earth should not be manufactured. One appearance is the most exciting, other planes are simply ugly ducklings and white swans compared to HH-01 ghost planes; there is no comparability.

The broadcaster participated in several air disado and had seen a lot of strange strange aircraft. But the first time I saw such a sci-fi, I didn't know what to say in a time.

It is good to have a good professional quality and quickly react. So hurriedly said: "Now preparing to take off on the runway is the latest bomber of the Black Cloud Group - HH-01 ghost. The machine began R & D in March 1981, the first flight in May 1983; it is definitely the most advanced Fight bomber. "

"HH-01 ghost battle slamming machine unit occupant 2; length wing exhibition: 32.6 meters; height air weight maximum takeoff weight: 82 tons; maximum flight speed: 1 Mach; cruise speed: 0.8 Mach; climb: 2.5 km / Minute; practical upgrade: 2.2 km; combat radius: 3,200 km, can increase to 5000 km after air refueling; equipped with a Doppler pulse radar, detection is 300 km; equipped with two black cloud 2 vortex engines , Single thrust 9200 kg

"The army system includes 2 30mm machine guns, two close-range missiles launched a nest, a cruise missile or a free fall bomb marker, which can load missiles or bombs 12 tons."

"The HH-01 ghost aircraft is built by titanium alloy, and the strength of metal structures is very high. Therefore, supersonic flying can, I have fallen in love with this plane.

The behind, although the broadcast is sent, it can also represent the voices of most people. Come over the purchase of fighters, all ** purchasing staff, know that Iraq is to use this plane to make Iran people yield. That is, this so-called HH-01 ghost plane, let the Iranian Air Force go back to 20 years, now full of world purchase planes!

The broadcaster did not introduce this aircraft to stealth in front of the radar, but this can't get a aviation expert who visited visit. At a glance, you can see that the aerodynamic layout of the plane is to minimize the radar scan area. Plus other auxiliary equipment, while kung fu in the paint layer, Radar waves will be difficult to find this plane.

There is no admit that stealth must be worried about the Iranian retaliation.

Although Iranians are not a fool. I must know what is going on, there is no evidence that it is not good to make more.

In people curious, HH-01 ghost fight bomber rose directly after a short distance sliding. Let everyone be shocked by the chin, this is a bomber! It's a flexibility than the fighter, how strong it can be seen in the thrust of the engine.

In fact, this is intended to be black and the pilot; you must know that this is in France, it is impossible to carry any weapons and equipment. In addition, it is not an exercise operation; the oil volume is also very reasonable, so that the entire aircraft is reduced by 30 tons than the battle state. In the case where the engine thrust is not changed, the weight reduction can certain of course do some ordinary movements.

The viewer can not know these, at this time, everyone's ideas feel strong, and the pneumatic layout is reasonable. Almost every person who came over to participate in the air show is equipped with a telescope. It is difficult to find the telescope after the HH-01 ghost fight bomber. The paint layer and the sun have a good refraction. This is not the most amazing place, and the radar actually didn't capture any goals. That is to say, there is no flyer in the sky, but everyone will watch the plane take off.

Baozi Xuan is again powerful, it is impossible to go to the face of so many people. Then there is only one explanation, and the ordinary radar found the HH-01 ghost fight bomber.

The Iranian Air Force was blown up, and it could not be found for any national air force. It seems that I have to make it good to the Bao Zixuan, how can I get this plane in the first time. At the same time, it is also necessary to increase the R & D equipment to radar equipment; look at the higher sensitivity radar can find the goal. In short, you have to manage, you can't sit.

After seeing the HH-01 Ghost Fight Bomber, Iranian representatives who were discussing with French Dasaki Mihamedi 2000 fighter procurement. It is this plane to destroy their F-14 panda fighters, so that the Iranian Air Force almost returns to World War II. The enemy is in front of you, but they know absolutely can't retaliate; and they don't dare to retaliate.

How many security personnel around Bao Zi Xuan do not say that it is the wealth, status, and the intricate relationship with the world's countries, let Iran look down. As a soldier sales weapon, earning profits is not very good. If the country dares to take the sky, it is not too assassinated. Then it will become the world's public enemy, and the enemy of Iran has been a lot, can't be more guilty.

Dasako staff saw that the Iranian anger, was blown out to be as ungentry. But I also know what to say, I can't say anything. At this time, I can only say that I am talking about it. Continue to arch, let the Iranian report to Bunxuan and Black Cloud Group. Looking at it is very cool, it will give Dosaki's endless problems.

It is even possible to become an industry, and Dasako encourages customers to retaliate other companies. What kind of behavior is, today retaliate the black cloud, will not use the same method to retaliate Boeing, Lockheed, General, Sukhoi; no one can guarantee.

This behavior can only be there and not, there is no saying. Use the conspiracy to retaliate the competitors, and our own place is not there.

After some columns, the HH-01 ghost battle bomber finally returned to the ground. Since the wing exhibition is huge, it is very stable when the landing is landed.

Under the guidance of the ground staff, the plane came to a platform for a long time; for customers to visit. At the same time, people can also see the basic data of the aircraft through the next LCD screen, and some columns of previous test flights.

Not only single ** purchaser, other aviation enthusiasts also want to go on the booth of the HH-01 ghost plane. This is close to the plane that is like an alien, no one will let this opportunity.

Of course, this also includes the Iranian military representative, Iraq holds this plane. And it has been put into actual combat, the Tehran Air Force Airport is the best proof, then Iran also has this plane. At the same time, I have been medimating in my heart, and the Black Cloud Group is not their enemies, just selling arms dealers who sell weapons to the enemy.

Before Paris, the order has been issued in China. It is to pay a lot of money, but also to buy a stealth plane, as long as it is the material owned by Iran. Oil is also good, minerals, the dollar is not a problem, if these Bunxuan is not satisfied, it can even use the gold reserves of the Treasury. The Iranian is indeed an arrest, of course, there is also a big relationship with a few air soldiers in China.

It is important to know that they are the first in the Middle East, the second country in the world with F-14 Panda Airplane. The world's air force is ranked, and there are still few old planes, there is no sense of safety.

With the appearance of the HH-01 ghost battle bomber, the 35th Paris Air Show also entered **. No company, no plane can grab the ghost's rays; this is the fact that everyone is recognized. Now I can only hope that Bao Zi Xuan should not be too dark, the price is fixed and reasonable.

Can you know that this is just a beautiful dream, the whole machine is a titanium alloy. The cost is absolutely low, you have to know that the metal titanium sold by the Soviet Union is not very suitable.

At the same time, it uses so many high-tech, and is still exclusive; in combination with the high price of the black cloud, you want to buy the HH-01 ghost fighting in low-priced to wash and sleep.

Looking at the company's organizer, there is no customer negotiating, and each aviation manufacturing company is very angry. Some things are envious, and they can only improve their technology to attract customers. The high-tech product is like this, which thing is good, the customer will naturally find the door.

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