Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 741 is aware of the gap

On June 22, 1983, Wednesday. The 35th Air Show is coming to end. At this point, the Air Show has been open to the public, and the military enthusiasts from all over the world will come to watch the Air Show.

Although many new aircraft have brought great shock to people, it is necessary to say that the impression is the most profound, and the HH-0 ghost fighting force. This plane is really too science, even how it is open, it is hard to imagine that the plane can be designed and manufactured. The Black Cloud Group is hard to produce the aircraft, maybe this is the gap between the super genius peace.

Migrant exhibitors are also following the customer, and organize orders. Black cloud is the first time, but the result is still satisfactory. At least Baozi Xuan is so thinking that not only has a huge order, but also temporarily alleviates the relationship with Iranians. As for why you want to wait until three years, you will be delivered to the ghost warfare, not just because the order is scheduled, and there is still a factor in this.

In case Iran, the HH-01 ghost fighters should bomb the Xiangjiang Black Cloud Town, and you can't cry. Never doubt the Persian's guts, because you are nothing to do.

After the Bao Zi Xuan believes that after three years, the Black Cloud Group will find a method of cracking the HH-01 ghost fighting bomber. In fact, there is also, but it is not exposed. That is a taboo of thermal, if you exercise the Black Cloud Group, don't be a murder business.

When I introduced the product in Bao Zixuan, I saw an old acquaintance. The Paris Air Show will basically come over and see the acquaintances are normal. At this time, the headers are doing translation work, and some professional terms are difficult to understand. Leading to customers cannot clearly understand the performance of the aircraft, Bao Zi Xuan will be a multi-language aviation expert, but can not be in addition.

Sunshine image, huge wealth, elegant talk, professional terms; in Paris, the romantic, it attracts a large ticket female fan. Many rich people in Paris came over to watch the plane, and the purpose is quite unprofitable. Customers are God, and Bun Zixuan can only introduce the product.

Seeing Zhao Navy over, Bao Zi Xuan is the same as it is. Hurry and let the subordinates continue to introduce, if you don't make this for a woman in the evening. Just just, there were already a few girls to deliberate to him, and it is very obvious.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Mr. Zhao, how can you come over Paris to participate in the Air Show."

The people who came over were Zhao Haijun who had gave a few times in Bao Xuan, and suddenly thought that the other party was not a naval general! However, think carefully, although the main combat power of the Navy is a ship, but also needs an air force. Navy Air Force, but the people of all countries don't dare to neglect, so it seems that the other party participates in the Paris Air Show is also normal.

Zhao Navy: "Don't bother the bag!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "I want to thank you! I have to know that the place of France is still too open.

Customers can't sin. I don't know if you come here ......... "

No continued, because Bunzi Xuan knows that Huaxia is not an exhibitor. It may be to come over to understand the new equipment; see what the latest international armed equipment has developed.

Huaxia first participated in the 37th Paris Air Show in 1987, Huaxia Airlines industry held the first exhibition with the mentality of Western exchanges, exhibiting 12ii, strong five c, and teach 7 these three aircraft At that time, three aircraft were behind international, but these aircraft had been able to represent the level of Huaxia Airlines at that time.

Then, on the 388th Paris Air Show in 1989, Huaxia was transferred in 12ii, strong five c. The three airplanes included in Zhao 8 II04 prototype, which is the 8 II fighter The first time in the West's largest air exhibition, representing the highest level of Huaxia Airlines at that time. 8ii is the first flight in June 12, 1984, stilt in 1988, and did not equip the troops in Paris Air Show. Although Huaxia's 8 II fighters debuted in the Paris Air Show, it did caused people's attention, but the Su 27 fighter can be said to have a good eye, and the Su 27 fighter will first show his classic. "Cobra" motor action.

Such everyone can see the gap between the China and the Soviet Union, the most advanced 8 II fighters in China is just a second-generation high-altitude, high-speed interception machine, and Su 27 is a third-generation heavy air. The fighter, at that time, the aircraft of Huaxia and the Soviet Union differed from generation to generation, including many countries, including the Soviet Union, began to replace the third generation fighters.

Although it is 1983, Can Zhao Navy and others still see the gap between China's aviation big country. When other countries have begun to launch 3 generations, Huaxia also uses MiG-21 this two, thirty years ago, and most is also improved on MiG-21.

Once the war, the Huaxia Air Force will have no advantage. Now the air combat is a super-visual attack, which is not so important to anyone more brave. The development economy has no mistakes, but it cannot fully sacrifice the defense industry.

Zhao Navy: "This time, the same experts and the air force come together to learn, it is really open to the eye. The Huaxia Sea Air Force has been behind, which is very dangerous. It seems that weapons and equipment is imperative, there is no powerful defense, Everything is empty talk.

Bao Zixuan did not expect Haixia to know the gap in the foot. 6 years in advance, it seems that his cross is a positive role. In fact, the Huaxia military is not unable to realize these problems, but only the economic conditions and international situation do not allow three generations of fighters.

At this time, the relationship between China and the Soviet Union is not very good. Although it is established in the United States, exchanges have just begun. France gives the Bay Bay because of the sale of the fighter, and the relationship is more down to the freezing point. The three major fighter exporters in the world will not sell the fighters to Huaxia, can only be produced in their own.

At that time, the defense industry did not have the ability to produce three generations, only on the other side. I need itself hard, everything is still going on. In many money, I can't buy strong national defense, and I can only keep several aircraft manufacturing enterprises in China. Technical accumulation requires a process, and the three generations have too many technical issues that need to be solved. According to the current technical reserve, there is no need to think about ten years.

Among them, it is difficult to break through the aviation engine, this is an indisputable fact. Good at the exhibition of the Black Cloud Group, let the Huaxia military sees hope.

The three products, passenger planes, rolers, and ground-effective aircraft brought about by the Black Cloud Group have a common feature. Then, all the three models of the three models are all black and their own research and development. It is a three-rotator engine design scheme that is accused of aviation engraving in an aviation engine, and is also deemed to be technical transformation by aviation experts from all over the world. All of this is indicating that the Black Cloud Group has the strength and ability to produce the three generations of fighters.

Of course, China is certainly impossible to let this opportunity, so I haven't waited for returning to China to let Zhao Navy come over. It is also proposed a cooperative request, I hope that the Black Cloud Group can develop the aviation engines of the third-generation fighter together with the Chinese continent.

After two people came to the office, Zhao Navy said: "Mr. Bao, I didn't want to bother you. I know that you will come to the exhibition. The Black Cloud Group is Xiangjiang Enterprise, we can always meet. It can be a bit anxious. An expert's argumentation. The Huaxia Airlines industry is only equivalent to the level of the United States; even some places are not as good as people in World War II. It is related to national defense safety; no one can ignore, so research and development of the three-generation potential. The country is already can't afford it. The Chinese people can still wait. "

I heard Zhao Haojun said that Bunzu is very pleased. It is important to realize that the gap is important, and we are worried that some people have their own days. I feel that the warrior is brave, and the handsome command is no problem.

Baozi Xuan said seriously: "I don't know what Zhao wants me to do, as long as it can do it in the end."

Hearing here, Zhao Navy is very pleased. These days have been abundant, and even with shame is described.

All major airlines heard that the representative of Huaxia is like a thief. I am afraid that they are plagiarging technology, they know how strong the learning ability of the Chinese people. At the same time, it is also clear that the Huaxia economy does not allow for the purchase of three generations of fighters, and it will also be polite. It is often ridiculous, and I haven't pursued you out.

In order to understand the world's most advanced military equipment, Huaxia Airlines experts also care about personal face. Can only observe the design characteristics and technical indicators of the three generations of fighters worldwide. It is not easy to see that these people can be the treasures of the country, from small is the pride of the sky, when did this breathe!

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