Baozi Xuan did not lie to Aisa, he is indeed a plane tonight. Yuan Tianfan, who is in Xiangjiang can't live, urgently need him to go back to host the overall situation. So urgent going back and evade the meaning of the British, knowing that the queen has always given him a wish. Before the Qiangjiang problem is not unlunged, Bunzi Xuan didn't want to receive any honor of the British.

If so, the Huaxia mainland will think he has two hearts, gamble in two heads. I know that Xiangjiang returns to the foregone, the head is not so stupid, and I will receive the British Queen.

There was no reason to refuse, and now Xiangjiang Black Cloud Bank has a problem. As a boss, of course, he has to go back, or there is no hand to handle things well! In the past, the boat king was also an urgent return to Xiangjiang in order to compete for the Jiulong Cang, and did not meet with the President of Mexico. It is now a crowded wind wave in Black Cloud Bank, and the Queen of the matter and the iron lady know.

It is not good for forcing to let Bao Zixuan come over to receive the Queen, the Medal of the British Empire is not so cheap.

Sitting on the plane on Bao Zixuan has been thinking, and it is still not right to participate in investment rare earths in the year. I want to find that there is no big problem. This time, it is a matter of accident, but it can actually take it.

Rare Earth as strategic resources, countries around the world, especially the United States, absolutely not allowed by a company. Even if this company is a US company, let alone this company is still uncontrolled. Even most of the world's rare earth mineral resources in Huaxia, Americans should be able to pric there.

Bell Telephone Company, IBM, and later Microsoft have a monopoly problem, it seems to split Bao Huo Dong Mining Company. It can be split into four, even more. In the future, our rare earth is not exported to the outside, and it is also good for it.

US capital participation has come in to not stop, at least the current Bao Huo Dong Mining Company has no strength to refuse. Even the Chinese continent is not too intervention, this world is like this. Who is strong who occupies the right to speak, others are floating clouds.

Just when Bao Zi Xuan thinks how to solve the problem of Bao Huo's Mining Company, the Buckingham Han Palace Tiema is reporting to the Queen. It is exact about the Black Cloud Bank, HH-01 Combat Warfare, Bao Huo Dong Mining Company, in short, all this is directly related to Bao Xuan.

Iron Night: "Queen, this time Bun Zixuan can't come over the UK. The intelligence person sent a news. He went to the Champs Elysées, and then with the president of Oreal, I had a long time, two a total of lunch. I bought some gifts, I took it directly, the purpose is to Xiangjiang. "

I heard the Bunxuan can't come over, the queen is very unhappy. When did the Empire of the British Empire ask for people, more infusable is that people still don't have a feeling.

Queen: "Xiangjiang problem is very serious! Otherwise how to be so anxious!"

Iron Night: "It can be said very urgent,

Huifeng Bank Shen Wei Joint Wall Street Capital is supported back; ZHANG Wei, Zheng Yugu, the boat king, jade, and Jiaojiang other family support. If there is no proper solution, Black Cloud Bank will face a risplication. "

"Although the Black Cloud Group is very profitable, Bao Zi Xuan is short, there is a short business, there is not much accumulation, the black cloud town is a no-hole; every day, it has a lot of money. Don't say that his company is our country building technology. The town has some power. In addition to the many employees of the Black Cloud Group, Bunzi Xuan also likes to fight money on the scientific research project, and funds are of course not enough. "

"I can only use the fund reserve of Black Cloud Bank, because he is the richest river. In addition, there are other rich support, Xiangjiang people will certainly believe in the Black Cloud Bank. Now Zheng Yong and the boat king take the lead, many Chinese families have begun Shake. Make ordinary people to start with the wind, the daily capital loss is very serious daily. "

Queen: "Xiangjiang is still in the Big Empire, don't cause turmoil."

Iron Night: "This, please rest assured that Bao Zi Xuan will be able to solve the problem. Just paying the cost will be very big, but it will not be him."

"The purpose of HSBC and Wall Street capital is to split the bag Huo's Mining company; or directly let Bao Zi Xuan walked, the latter may not be big. You must know that Bao Huo Dong Mining Company assets exceeds $ 10 billion, Baozi Xuan It is the largest shareholder. No institution can take so much funds at once, so the split is the best result. "

"Rare earth minerals belong to strategic resources, Bunzi Xuan is because of a large number of rare earth minerals can also develop a superior performance. This time HSBC has the opportunity to enter the share, certainly can't miss it. Even if the Xiangjiang turmoil does not matter, as long as you get the rare earth mineral share, then everything Paying is worth it. "

I am very happy to hear these Queen, although there is no implementation. Can countries still belong to their families, the power of the British Empire is the fundamental of their lives.

Queen: "I heard that the Black Cloud Group is very beautiful in the Paris Air Show, Bunzi Xuan, this kid, what new planes come out."

In fact, many cases don't know that they can't be speaking. Where is the monarch constitutional system? She is not good for what is concerned and doing.

Iron Night: "The Black Cloud Group developed HH-01 ghost fight bomber, the shape is very science, the most important radar wave is not scanned, it is definitely the future war."

"It can now be confirmed that the Iraqi Air Force is the use of the aircraft produced by the Black Cloud Group. It is air strikes for Iran. It was in order to verify the performance of the aircraft. I didn't expect that the effect would be so good."

I heard another weapon in which the Black Cloud Group has developed such a superior weapon. The queen is not a taste. Baozi Xuan is not a British, and Xiangjiang may be recovered by Huaxia mainland. What should I do when I do, the UK is not light, and the weapon performance that may be proud of it may be proud.

Queen: "I still look for the opportunity to persuade Bunxuan. If he agrees to join the British nationality. The princess of the royal family married him, or,,, ,,,,"

If you don't continue, everyone understands what is going on. Baozi Xuan's threat is too big, and may even affect the decision of a country; a war of war.

At this time, in the Xiangjiang, Shen Wei, Zheng Yu, Bao Yugang three people are also discussing topics about Black Cloud Bank.

Shen Wei: "The roots are reliable, Baozi Xuan has left Paris. Currently, there is a way to Hong Kong. If there is no accident, we will arrive in Xiangjiang today. Therefore, it is necessary to have any lax. It can be said that success or failure is here, everyone There is no way. "

I heard the sinking, Zheng Yurong and Bao Yugang have a little nervous. How much is it from the black cloud, I don't remember it. However, where the Black Cloud Bank still insisted and did not imagine so fragile. Now Baozi Xuan returns to Xiangjiang, this sniper can win.

At this point, the boat king has been regretted, it is good. How can I listen to the trend of the shark, now I want to retreat; I can only go to black.

Shark with: "I will start selling and selling and yellow stocks tomorrow, I believe Bunzu Xuan will save the city. At the same time, I also encourage other richest people to get money, even if Bunzi is coming back. He is not a fairy Can you change money? "

The king of the package: "I heard that this Black Cloud Group performance is very good at the Paris Air Show. How many orders are won, but if you can't be a problem, you must know how much Bunxuan can be Liabilities, the asset is very benign. "

In fact, these sinks must have known that it can't be said now. If you really say that you are very unfavorable.

Shen Wei: "This package boat king does not worry, the aircraft manufactures should be a process. The fund is very slow, there is no problem in a short time. We just have to increase the strength, believe in Bao Zi Xuanhui compromise."

You can give more benefits to Xiangjiang Rich, these are small money. As long as it is the control of Bao Huo's mining company, it is worth it.

The reason why Shen Yizhen has a bottom, that is because Wall Street capital and the British domestic capital have become prominent. As long as it is the control of Bao Huo's mining company, even if it is part of the share; spending on the big cost is worth it.

Zheng Yurong and the boat king also know that there is no other choice. So I have to go to the door to find the family that they usually can't see, in order to huge benefits, I don't care about any face.

If you fail, don't say anything. The loss of money is hard to bear, and the funds of Zheng Yu with the purchase and Huang shares are not a small number. Things have not yet, what is the funds to pay the account.

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