In Shanghai, there was such a saying, Ning as a bed in Puxi, do not have a room in Pudong. Since the Black Cloud Auto and Home Appliances plants have already built Pudong, it can increase development efforts. The past, China is 90 years decided to develop Pudong New Area. At this time, because of the golden owner and input of the Black Cloud Group, it can be fully put on the schedule.

Bao Huo's mining company splits, Bunzi Xuan got 10 billion US dollars. Huaxia is certainly aware that if you don't spend money, or you can't get on the Chinese continental face. And now investment a piece of money, the future may get a hundred times rewards.

Especially in the Pudong area, it is the buns who do not engage in real estate development. However, these things will not do, Li Chao people have a bunxuan, although in this incident, can repo and yellow shares have thoroughly confirmed the sharpel. You can make him come out, you know that Li Chao in this area can be a master.

Don't undertake the name, you can get huge benefits. Where to find such a good thing, when you send the accounting personnel to be responsible for review, you will let Li Chao people go.

At noon, leaders and engineers who came to participate in the opening ceremony dine in the Black Cloudy Temple. The most important thing is that Zhao's deputy generals have no opinions, others can not say more.

Seeing a wide variety of foods in the Black Cloud Estate, it is incredible for Huaxia engineers who are still in the edge of the warmth. The capitalist is actually so good to workers, or do it to see them.

The summary of the deputy of Zhao has dispelled all the doubts: "I saw it! This is the reason I want to dine in the Black Cloudhouse. It is also this level in the deep sea. The black cloud group is very high in the global industry, this We have to learn more. "

In fact, Zhao's deputy general is also a bit helpless, and there are too many industries in Huaxia. The lowest level in the world, the profit is very low. Fundamentally can't afford high salary, high welfare, high treatment; currently only envy.

In addition to no wine, this meal is very satisfied. Wang Shi, Shanghai, laughed: "You don't borrow the name of the black cloud car,"

This is a warning and a responsible attitude. If Shangchun City can govern every official personnel here, you will come over the black cloud car, don't worry about people.

Baozi Xuan looked at Wang Shuji, and some places really have to learn more about people. In terms of joy, you are not a star half of your point, you can do this fire. There are no few people.

In the afternoon, in the conference between Shanghai, Black Cloud, engineers and technicians introduced the situation of the black cloud automotive for leaders and engineers who came to visit. When I heard the first phase of the project, it was possible to reach 150,000 years of annual production; letting FAW 5,000, and since the boss of the Huaxia Auto Industry feels blush.

I feel that there is nothing in the automotive factory abroad.

FAT has only no longer got out. When it is poor than anyone, when there is a foreign investigator coming over FAW, the FAW leader feels like to steal skills.

Now I know that Black Cloud Motors have an annual output of more than 2 million vehicles, which is one hundred times more of the entire Huaxia Auto Industry. This is the gap, one, the country enters the war state, what to get against the enemy. To know that it is not 30 years ago, the world military development has developed very rapidly in recent years.

The Cold War is definitely the most rapid development of industrial and technology development, and there is no one. If you have a car, then the Huaxia's industrial level has not progressed. After seeing the gap, I will try to catch up, I am not terrible, terrible is not a spirit.

After the project introduction, Bao Zi Xuan took Zhao's deputy general and Wang Shi to the president office. This office will not have a fixed owner, which is basically the company's high-level office.

Although I don't understand what the bunxuan has a separate approach to the two office, it can be respectful for this Xiangjiang's richest, two leaders have given certain respect. It can be said that Bunxuan has a little impulsive, you know that these two are national level leaders. Not a party between friends, how to pull people directly come to the office to negotiate. Don't say an appointment in advance, at least you should call and apply it when you just met.

Two people scheduled very tightly, but these buns did not know. What is the first in China's mainland, and it is younger. The deputy summors of Zhao and Wang Shiji are also the science and engineering department, how much understand the habit of the science and engineering boys. Simple, straightforward, although it is defect in some cases, it is really effective in work efficiency.

In fact, Bao Zixuan just saw the expression of China's official personnel, he knew that he made a mistake. It is estimated that there is no one who dares to let two leaders to go to the office. I have to stop being rejected by Zhao's deputy head god. Otherwise, it may be to stop.

Baozi Xuan said seriously: "Just sorry, it is also a genericity. I actually forgot the identity, let the two leaders laugh two."

In fact, both have just felt a strange, after all, I haven't experienced this situation for a long time. This kind of thing happened at least 20 years ago, maybe it is possible to read college.

Zhao said, said: "The small bag should not care too much. Our three are learning science and engineering. Simple and straightforward, don't be too restrained. We may be more than your elderly, understanding and mastering professional knowledge I can't compare you. I have to know that many foreign media have compared you with the spirit, and your future prospect will be wider. "

It's really not the general interest in Zhao, and many media have reported this foreign media. Even some also said that Bunxuan's current achievements are not more than the map, the future template is Einstein, Newton and other physicists. Of course, the subject learned is different, but the promotion of human science and technology is not necessarily smaller than two.

Baozi Xuan also knows about advocating his own report, but it is not to know who is driving behind. To know that Einstein and Newton are the people who seal the god level, you will be compared to them. This is, you can't make yourself eloquence. It can be said that this is an invisible knife, and now I am going to the heart of the head.

I have sent people secret investigations, but there is no results yet. Be sure to clear the opponent's bottom, or too passive.

Wang Shi also said: "This feeling is very good, let me seem to have returned to the university era. Now I think it is a little distant, and I will even miss you. We still want to thank you, as if people dream back to teenagers. "

The two leaders are not blamed for the first rinsence, not only the identity problem. After all, they also have younger, and there will be some bold behavior.

Bao Zixuan said with apologies: "The two leaders don't blame me, and the actions under the next time I laugh. It seems that I have to think more about it, I always can't do it."

The two leaders also knew that Bunzi Xuan was the richest river. The following is very high, it is impossible to chat with them. Everyone is a person who is doing practical, there is no time to play at home.

It is definitely a new project, and the project is absolutely not small. The general project is looking for Wang Shuji, and it is not necessary to trouble. Maybe it is a strategic project, what is likely to happen in Bunzheng this young man.

Zhao Deputy: "The small bag is always, you are too calm. We are really uncomfortable. Young people must dare to do it, dare to fight. This is a young person, or something is there."

This is not the deputy, Zhao's deputy, to make a buns, but feel that this young man is very interesting. Execution is very strong, much more refreshing than other businessmen in Xiangjiang.

Many people will say that they will take a look at it; often do not have a following. Baozi Xuan is completely different, doing business, it does not occupy any person or country. But require efficiency, as long as it is feasible, it will be resolute.

I was before I was dragging on the car project in Shanghai, I was ready to find another place; then it was hesitant to the home appliance project in Kyoto, and the home appliance plant was directly settled in Shanghai. This is efficiency, it is better than you imagined.

Bao Zixuan: "Thank you very much thanks to understanding, or you will be embarrassed in the future. This time I have lost the two negotiations because some ideas communicate with the leadership. If you can perform the Black Cloud Group, I will implement it, I will implement the future Development has absolute confidence. "

Two people know that they must enter the topic. So serious listening, I want to see what medicine is selling in this young man!

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