Pudong Development is Baozi Xuan's immediate imitation Huying, Sandy Development, but only covers more funds; the selected location is better. As long as it is a good construction in the early stage, I believe that there will be many companies to enter Pudong, and it is definitely more bustful than the past.

Next, several people talked about the view of the construction of the Pudong Terminal. The two were people who were Japanese, and they were able to break the same buns for so long. It is already very difficult. Therefore, after the big direction is set, the two leaders left the Black Cloud Auto Factory.

The summons of Zhao and Wang Shi will go to Kyoto. Today, Baozi Xuan puts forward a lot of new ideas, and it is necessary to meet in Kyoto. Wang Shuji also went to Kyoto to report, mainly to establish a Pudong's Special Economic Zone.

The head is rich, so that Shanghai has established a new district in 7 years in advance, it is estimated that he can do it in the world.

At the time of the deputy of Zhao and Wang Shi, Bao Zi Xuan proposed to go to the domestic big plane transport 10 project group to see.

If it is a general businessman, it is likely to be considered to learn Huaxia Technology. However, this idea is that the Black Cloud Group Bunxuan, which makes Zhao's deputy are very interested; it seems that it means what Bao Zixuan means. Wang Shiji immediately said that he would arrange someone to accompany, and tomorrow can pass, will never delay time.

Both leaders are both studying science and engineering, of course, knowing that black clouds are in the aircraft and aircraft. The poor technical reserve in Huaxia is the highest in front of others. Then this kid go to Shanghai 10 project group only one thought, see where workers can use it for it.

Yun-10 passenger aircraft is the four large jet passenger aircraft developed by Huaxia Airlines in the 1970s, which is the first large-scale jet passenger, which is designed by Huaxia Airlines, manufactured, manufactured.

In 1970, China's national competent department decided to the Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Factory to run -10 development tasks, 1972 review through the overall design plan through the aircraft, completed all design drawings in 1975, September 1980, Yun -10 first test flight success. Since 1982, it is basically a basic pause of -10.

The development of -10 has hit a distinctive times, in the specific work, highlighting the three "three combinations" of the era, "design, manufacturing, three combinations", "leading cadres, engineering technicians, Workers Three Combinations "," Production, Learning, Study ", implementation, production of parallel projects. At the Yun-10 project, it was determined that "self-reliance, independent innovation, 'foreign" route of China, developing national defense science technology ".

In order to develop -10, Huaxia Airlines science and technology personnel "anatomy" a US Boeing 707 aircraft. They also analyzed European trident and the Soviet Union. The airfoil of the Yun-10 is ultimately used in the UK's trident spike-flap, which has been 164 complex experiments, and finally set.

The engine installation layout draws on the Wing Trendy of the US Boeing 707

The aerodynamic design of -10 absorbed the technology, structural design and system syndrome of the United Kingdom, referring to technology from the US Boeing 707. The design drawings of the 1975 transport-10 are all completed. In June of the same year, the domestic vortex-8 engine in the United States is also completed in Shanghai. In September 1976, the Yun-10 static testing machine was completed.

Since the exchange of the Soviet map -204 passenger aircraft, it is also developing a super large passenger aircraft with the US Mai Mai Company. The Black Cloud Group does not lack technology, Bun Zixuan just not wants to end the -10 item. Even if the project ends, workers from Shanghai aircraft manufacturing factories cannot be forwarded.

As aircraft power engineer, Bunzi Xuan knows how precious in the year -10 project. If the project is not suspended, large passenger aircraft developed by China may be able to invest in commercial operations in the 1990s. Although what can't change, it is necessary to make these engineers and technical workers as much as possible.

When C919 was found in finding them, these people had not been engaged in aircraft manufacturing for many years. But even in this way, many people can continue to make aircraft with a hard base. This is the quality of Bunzi Xuan, there are many people who can do their jobs in this world, but they are very proficient. If you can remember 20 years later, you can also be proficient, that is, the existence of phoenix.

Therefore, Bunxuan wants to let this worker can stay in the aircraft manufacturing area, and it is not intended to build a passenger plane manufacturing plant in Pudong. Black Cloud 919 passenger aircraft can make them cooperate with production; there is no interest in the equipment of Shanghai aircraft manufacturing plant. As long as these workers, he will not only work in the Black Cloud Aircraft Manufacturing Plant, but also give them a rich treatment. Even if the country needs to go back.

It is necessary to know that the national feelings in this year is mainstream. Engineering and technical personnel will not leave the national unit easily.

I suddenly received an order last night, saying that there are a big figure to come over the Shanghai aircraft manufacturing plant to inspect the -10 aircraft situation. This makes the entire project team very excited and will be prepared overnight. They know in the heart, this may be the only chance, if the high-level can not see the hopes and satisfied, the -20 project may terminate.

Waiting for one night, I saw a young man, what is the situation. Is there a mistake in notice, or the problem of the slow link.

What is disappointed with the service-10 project group member is that the people coming solemn. And it is not like a leader who came to inspect. More like which son brother comes to the girlfriend. Here is a Flight Factory, not on the civilian aircraft. No flight attendant, the son brother should not come over here!

Ma is always the general engineer of the -10 project, didn't sleep overnight last night. It can be very disappointed today, and this young man is unlike leadership, it seems that it is empty.

The front Bagu Xuan watched the male work from the old photo and had a deep impression on it. This is the first generation of airplane design engineers cultivated in Huaxia, which is very rare in that age. It is not easy to see that the real people can be seen today, you have to know that the father has passed by 90 years. It can be said that the chief engineer is half a gold age, and it is still a strong and rich, and the father is still struggling in the first line of 90 years old.

The head of the horse may be a little disappointment because the expression has been sold. Although I don't understand what it is because, I can't know that this old man will not do this without any reason; there must be misunderstandings.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Hello, the head of the horse. I am Bao Zixuan, from Xiangjiang."

This year's photographic technology is general, and the sharpness of the photo on China newspapers is very poor. Otherwise, it is difficult to recognize unless people are particularly familiar. But even if you don't know people, as long as it is engaged in the design and manufacture of aircraft, there is no unclear. This is definitely a legendary figure, not only has huge wealth, but also in the field of the aircraft belongs to the absolute big coffee.

Especially the paper on the three-rotor engine has laid the foundation and development direction of future engine design. Effective aircraft, HH-01 ghost stealth aircraft, black cloud 919 passenger aircraft research and development success, making the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi's name in the world aviation world.

Today, I finally see the real person, the Master's work is even excited. I know that the people are teacher, especially in the industrial field. Baozi Xuan Ma Tech graduates, itself can exposure to the world's cutting-edge aviation knowledge, in the aviation field than him - 10 chief engineers can have too much.

It is said that Xiangjiang Bunxuan is very young, and now it seems to be small than you think. Master Workers don't understand what Baozi Xuan is doing here. It is necessary to know that the Black Cloud Group has too much in the aircraft manufacturing field. Is it a joke? It is estimated that the other party should be not so boring.

But you have to say that the communication technology is as if the -10 project can't get the bottom of this. If it is ordinary businessman, the General Master will not pay attention. It is now the world's top aircraft engineering master to visit, ask people to ask some questions, and exchange a little experience.

Ma Ji: "I don't know if it is a big driving, there is a loss. I heard that you came over to Shanghai, just didn't expect to come to the -10 project group."

Looking at the attitude of the Master Workers, many people feel unbelievable. This is still the general engineer who usually laughs, doing things a one-glance! Is this a child in front of him, but people say that from Xiangjiang is not like!

Although I don't understand, it is more curious, I am so good to understand the machin of the horse, I will not be able to be so polite to others. And the leadership is talking, and there is not good to interpose.

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