Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 780's role of chess pieces

In fact, Zheng Jiaxiang also understand why Shen Yu will find him to do this. It must be, I want to take Zheng Yu with the same, but I have to choose! These years have passed many intelligence to Shen Yizhen and the British, and the information passed in a single time. If the shark is known to kill him.

At this time, there is no way back, and can only be settled by Shen. According to people's requirements, you can not only make loans, but also get a bonus. No such generous before Shen Wei, the public relations media can also get an additional fees. As long as you do something well, you don't have a meal to eat. These years have helped him have done so many things, but the end is not much.

Zheng Jiaxiang is always unbalanced in his heart, leaway from this opportunity to get from Zheng Jia. Zheng Yurong did not take himself as a relative, then he did not have that much.

In fact, this is really a shark with sharks. It is good to say that Zheng Jiaxiang is still good. Not only gave him a stable job, but also let him buy a house. It is not easy to do this in Xiangjiang, but some people are not satisfied.

Zheng Jiaxiang said seriously: "Shen Day class can make me do things, it is to see me. If I want me to do it, I must give you something beautiful."

I heard Zheng Jiaxiang's statement, Shen Wei was very satisfied. This matter is handed over to Zheng Jiaxiang to do the most suitable, everyone will think that the sharks are the same, as for him, which is so easy to explain.

While thinking about the use of European and American funds to suppress Bunxuan, I still want to do a good relationship with Huaxia mainland. What is the so cheap thing in the world, it is really a fool. This time, it is to let the sharriaries completely die, and we can only follow the British, completely broken the idea of ​​the relationship between him and the mainland.

Shen Wei: "When the last time to deal with the Black Cloud Bank, the specific contact media is you are responsible. This time is the same, it means very simple. Bun Zixuan took 5 billion US dollars in the mainland investment. One but the investment failed; then the black cloud bank There is a risk of closing, and the savings of Xiangjiang citizens will pay the east. "

"In short, contact the media reporter as much as possible, I want this matter to report in Xiangjiang."

I heard it was an old routine, Bun Zi Xuan's strength has been confirmed in the last squeeze. The strength is deeply unspeakable. This time doesn't say anything, it is useful to see how the black cloud bank is.

But since I insisted on doing this, and this old guy will be willing to pay. I don't care what the big figure is idea, he is just a little.

Zheng Jiaxiang: "This thing is not very good, you have to see what you want to achieve."

It is nothing to do with sinking, and it is not available from pockets.

Shen Wei: "Of course, you must know all the rivers, you must lay the sky."

The more you do this, the more money, you have to know that the money will live from him. Ten points of the industry are conscience, some newspapers may get more.

Zheng Jiaxiang: "Shen Big class may not know, the last report, the media of the black cloud bank funds are preserved, so that they continue to report unless they have a big price. Otherwise, no one will help you do things, this fee Not small. After all, it is necessary to appease them, so that these media have no worries for at least half a year. "

There is no more foreflowing, which is not a big event for HSBC. As long as you can do things, you don't care if you make some parents.

Shen Wei: "Money is a little thing, but must reach the result I want. I hope you can understand, don't take the money, don't you do, you know what consequences."

Zheng Jiaxiang is the guts and bigger, and people who don't dare to fool. People move your finger, he may die without burial. So hurriedly said: "Please rest assured that you will be in place. Shaojiang has a lot of gossip media, entertainment media, the same Bao Xuan Have an enemy, will report news that is unfavorable to the Black Cloud Group."

I didn't have nonsense, and I signed a ticket for $ 5 million. And smiled and said: "Last Zheng Yu spends 3 million Hong Kong dollars to get the media, I think this should be enough."

Zheng Jiaxiang did not dare to pick up the check, but seriously said: "If it is an ordinary report of 5 million Hong Kong dollars, it is enough, but this time Shen Day is high, and it is still about China's mainland. These money may not meet the appetite of the media, Also ask Shen Day class to understand. "

After that, I have always looked at the expressions, I saw the other party didn't be angry. Zheng Jiaxiang knew that he gambling is right, Shen Wei can be prepared this time.

A gesture, the subordinates took another 5 million Hong Kong dollar cash.

Shen Wei: "5 million checks, 500 cash, and your loan in HSBC. I just see the result, I don't participate in the rest."

Zheng Jiaxiang also has nearly 2 million Hong Kong dollar loans in HSBC. If you can clear it, it is not so big.

Zheng Jiaxiang took the money and went to contact the media in the car. They were all responsible for contact, and because the sharks were the same, everyone will sell him a face.

At this time, Zheng Jiaxiang can be said that it is the beginning of the wealth, and it seems that it doesn't seem to be so big in his impression. In fact, from HSBC, it is a lot of money, just because of good gambling, color, spending money, and causing many liabilities.

Now I have money in my pocket, and my heart is very angry. Arrange directly to Lan Guifang Bar, you can say it is full.

The last cooperation media came to the Lan Guifang Bar, and these media days were not good. After guilty of Bao Xuan and the Black Cloud Group, many people did not dare to report their newspapers, and many companies did not dare to continue to advertise. However, it is huge losses to the newspaper, but also wants to talk to Zheng Yu to talk. After all, the other wealth is rough, and it is possible to come back.

For Zheng Jiaxiang to find them, will definitely arrive at the first time. And it seems that this scene seems to have a big action, and it hasn't been made for a long time. Of course, I can't let go of this opportunity.

At this time, Zheng Jiaxiang can be said that there is money in his pocket, and the heart is not panic. After seeing the person in charge of the newspaper and the editor, they stood up: "I have reported that my boss is very satisfied, this time I want to ask everyone to pay a busy. Investment of 5 billion US dollars in Huaxuan, China Building a so-called Pudong New Area I hope that you will report this matter. This is also responsible for the citizens of Xiangjiang. Otherwise, the savings of the people are gone by the buns. As a media person with a conscience, I think everyone knows what to do. "

"The boss has been explained, the commission is doubled. Pay first, the remaining half will give you a settlement after things. And the boss is deliberately explained, this evening is good, enjoy, there is no consumption limit. "

In addition to several media did not dare to continue to report, many people still choose to cooperate. Baozi Xuan kept the pressure of them, now the sharks will be willing to pay, then continue to report. Anyway, people have already guilty, not to be a little sin.

The boss in Zheng Jiaxiang, everyone thinks that it is shark. After all, Zheng Jiaxiang did not dare to say that HSBC sinks, let him do this, isn't it not to be hurt?

However, this kid is black, it takes less than 2.6 million last time, he gives sharks with 3 million. This time I got 10 million funds from Shen Yu, it is estimated that all costs up to 6 million. In addition to his loan in HSBC, he earned 6 million.

In fact, I don't know how Zheng Jiaxiang will get benefits from it, but this money is nothing to spend on HSBC. Just borrow the identity of Zheng Jiaxiang, let everyone know that the matter is the same. This is already enough, others can wait until later.

This year's newspaper is still very professional, and I don't dare to take the shark's money. Therefore, in the second day, there were some media small-scale reports, and the Black Cloud Group had an investment of $ 5 billion to Shanghai Pudong. Of course this is a paving, good play to wait until the floor is good.

Seeing that Xiangjiang citizens have already generated curiosity, the media received the money began to elaborate; Baozi Xuan took bank depositor funds to build Pudong New Area in Shanghai, this is not responsible for the depositors. Once failed, will not let the Xiangjiang citizens are lost.

After the last incident, Xiangjiang citizen has not been so panic. At least it will not be reported to the unscrupulous media. To know that the last time I will pay the money from the black cloud, it will lose a heavy loss, and I can lose a lot of interest in advance.

However, the media's report will still make people panic, some will not determine the depositors began to pay for the black cloud bank. It will only take a part, and it doesn't sell it directly.

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