Zheng Erwok did not know what happened in Xiangjiang, where is it Yao Wuyangwei. Preparing to show the so-called superiority of Xiangjiang people, it can be said that it is a prestige, very beautiful.

Wang Shiji is very angry after hanging up the phone. When Zheng Yuxi sent such a second party, I didn't feel right. It turned out that people did not want to cooperate, just came over to Shanghai. This is a lot of people who take the Chinese people, and take a joke at the Shanghai people. Since it is not a friend, and people still take you as a fool, then you don't have to continue.

Huaxia has a proverb, friends have a beautiful wine, and the funeral is coming with a shotgun. In the way back to the meeting room, you want to get angry, it seems that some people can't be too good to him.

After entering the meeting room, the Shanghai staff said: "Zheng's general conditions are too harsh. If you promise you, there is no way to explain to other investors. Therefore, I can't agree on Shanghai, I hope you can understand."

Zheng Er Shao, but I want to prove myself, how can it easily give up. Come over, in addition to feeling the waiters here are very beautiful, others are really unfained! Pudong is a desolate, and it is estimated to invest $ 5 billion, Bunzi Xuan is also a pit in his head.

Now I am actually refused in Shanghai. These mainlanders are not too much to take.

Zheng Er Shao is very paralyzed: "What is this so-called Pudong New Area, a desolate scene. Zheng's family can come over and investment is to see you, don't be full."

"If you don't look at the Chinese people, don't invest in it here; you will not come over, I will come over. Road is yourself; if you want to regret it. You are a poor two white, I am also worried about Zheng Jia's Investment is gave you corruption! "

This, let go of the public officials in Shanghai very angry, saying that Zheng Jia is a famous national name. At the end, this II owner is not Zheng Yumi, how to talk so much. Zheng Jia has such a possession, it is hard to say that it is really hard to keep your family.

At this time, Wang Shuji came and said: "Since Zheng always doesn't want to invest in Shanghai, then we don't barely. If there is anything that is nothing to go back to Xiangjiang as soon as possible! On the place where there is a place where there is a place for hospitality It is not good to explain. "

At the same time, it is said to the official personnel: "All negotiations with Xiangjiang Zhengjia and Baojia; there is no specific instructions in Kyoto, anyone may not contact these two."

Wu Guang is a glimpse, how to suspend all negotiations at once. What is going on, and it needs to wait for Kyoto instructions. Is the father-in-law walks the Kyoto high-rise route, but the expression of this Secretary is not like it!

The public officials in Shanghai have long been very uncomfortable, and they must do relationships.

I don't want to listen to this kid nuts here. Now Wang Shuji has been clearly defined by things, then there is nothing to say. Hurry and let them leave Shanghai, or they are really worried about their mistakes.

Wang Shiji is a look, and the staff immediately understand what it means. Hurry and go to: "Two, negotiations here. The Shanghai has limited conditions, or leave it."

When Zheng Er didn't have this kind of gas, I stood up and said: "The old man, you are really a person. Tell you that Zheng Jia is still not willing to invest in this place, don't regret."

I heard Zheng II's title, and everyone was stupid. It is necessary to know that Wang Shuji is on Shanghai, secretary and national leaders. Now, a second party is directly called the old man, what is the situation.

Unlike Zheng Er Shandu, the first time, Wu Guangzheng has been there many times. I have seen Wang Shuji in Kyoto and knew the identity of the other party. I thought this time I was really killed by Zheng's second world. I didn't get out with him later.

Wu Guangzheng said: "Wang Shiji must not be angry, this kid is not understanding. You have a lot, please don't be with him. You can follow him, the package is willing to come over."

Unexpectedly, Wang Shuji has not spoken, Zheng Errowo is not willing. After all, it is mainly Zheng Jia, how to see this old man say a few words, then retreat, isn't it let others laugh at the big teeth? Back to Xiangjiang, there is any capital that takes place to Shanghai, and it will have no face.

Zheng Er Less: "What is the second aunt saying! To know this time, Zheng Jia is a master, I hope you will work your identity and position. If investment must be done according to what I said; the old man wants to consider clear, refuse Zheng's family means What, Pudong New Area is now nothing. "

Wang Shuji suddenly laughed and knowing his personality. This is really angry, it seems that there are other things. As a national leader, it will not be angry because a young man is angry.

Wang Shuji: "You still go back to Xiangjiang! On Shanghai, there is no need for your two big Buddhas. Pudong New District can not build two workers. Shanghu is a city with more than 10 million people, everyone work together I still can still make some things. "

"For optimistic our entrepreneurs, we are welcome. But for the Pudong New District project, it feels that investment is a businessman who is a gantry, we don't need it."

A gesture staff quickly took two games, but when he left, Wu Guangzheng said: "Why is this, please ask Wang Shuji."

For the two son-in-law of this boat, there is still some good feelings before Wang Shi. Still deciding to reply to the other side, at least a polite problem.

Wang Shuji: "These you still ask the package of boat, I think he should know what is going on."

When leaving, Wu Guang is doing any intersection with this II. Just called itself with insults, it seems that people have not put themselves in their eyes. I will never pay this kind of person in the future, this is a pothole.

Zheng Erdo is still a little uncomfortable. It is said to Wu Guangzheng: "What is the secretary of this old man, actually do not put our Zheng's family in the eyes. Don't let me get angry in the future, or let him look good."

Wu Guangzheng did not say anything, because he felt that it was a waste of talking to this guy.

After seeing Zheng Er Shao and Wu Guangzheng left, Wang Shi said to the public official of Shanghai: "These days are a wrony, our modest, and tolerance did not let the other party see sincere, but in turn Take more expensive. This is not coming over to invest, but come to trouble. "

"In fact, these we can bear, but it can't be forgiven. These two people actually smeared Pudong New Area in Xiangjiang Media, and I didn't believe it here. I can't believe it, but I heard Zheng's family representative just said. It has been fully believed. People who have not seen us in the roots, I need it hard; it seems that our strength is not strong enough, I hope that you will continue to work. "

"Shanghai as the most developed city in the country, yet, it is, it is conceivable to know what other cities will be like, I hope everyone can lead the Shanghai people to build Pudong New Area. This is the best person to see us. Aggression and the biggest return of people who trust us. "

It can be said that Wang Secretary came to a live office, because he felt that this can play a good spurs. These Tian Kong official personnel have suffered a lot, and they are also giving them a comfort.

The public officials in Shanghai finally knew that why Wang Shuji will be angry; It turns out that these two are not only difficult to work on their work, but they also have to go to the newspaper, but they will open the Pudong New Area. If you have no sincerity, this behavior is now playing them.

I don't have to pay attention to Zheng Jiahe and Baojia people in the future. Since they can't see Shanghai, they don't have to be polite to them.

It is really a bit embarrassing, it is unpaired. However, today, it can be the backbone of Shanghai, so that there is no chance to enter the development of Shanghai and Shanghai, in the next few decades. Even if the stock does not work, and there is no business to do business with these two partners in Shanghai.

This is not a small arrogance of Shanghai, but the movement of Zheng Erwoms in the year is too bad.

After returning to the hotel, Wu Guangzheng directly dialed the phone of the boat king, and reported the matter in detail with the father-in-law. Including Zheng Er Shando's habits in Shanghai, when he heard the player waiter, but not only one; deliberately martedly to Shanghai staff, open over-conditionation and requirements, direct management of Wang Shuji is old, and speaks bad.

The pool of the boat is not unsatisfactory, but it also knows that now you must have a relationship with Zheng Jia. So directly: "The situation I know, you are now going to Kyoto directly. Where are we, my father has set a charter, I can reach Huaxia Kyoto this evening."

"Xiangjiang also appears some problems, no matter what method you use, you must have passed this evening. I comb my things. I will explain it tomorrow morning. This time I will explain it clearly. As for the family, I don't want to Here, leave this kind of person in the future; don't let him take you tired. "

The boat king did not explain too much because he was ready to go to the airport. However, I believe that the two son-in-law will understand what he meant, which means that it is a big problem, otherwise, the father will not follow.

I heard that my father-in-law said that he couldn't let Zheng Erho tired, Wu Guang is smirking. It is already tired, or it is not possible to be driven by people.

Wu Guangzheng did not pay attention to Zheng Er, but called people to pack their bags. Hurry up the ticket; at the same time, the cost of spending a lot of money is also arrived in Kyoto this evening. Fortunately, there are not many people traveling in this year, and I really got 2 tickets. Traveling by plane is not only price, but also the unit will be introduced, it is very troublesome.

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