Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 784, Grandland 3 Generation

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The boat king is in contacting the charter, bringing a doctor and followed by Huaxia Kyoto. Although the father of the bag has not spoken with his son for a long time, but the father and son have a hatred. At this time, the package home is in a crisis, of course, it is necessary to save. Bao Yugang's idea is right, and the father believes that he is also useful for his family, and the spirit is more enough.

After all, it is old, and it is not good before. From Xiangjiang to Huaxia Kyoto, the distance is not close, and the father will start to rest. The boat king is beginning to sort out the idea. Tomorrow, you must see the high level of Kyoto. How to explain it with others, this is the key to Baojia's ability to be in Huaxia.

He did very well before, Huaxia mainland is also very recognized. Since the same cooperation with sharks, there is no good thing, it seems important to choose allies.

Wu Guangzheng only took an assistant to Huaxia Kyoto, and the rest continued to investigate the Shanghai market. Although there is no big use, you can't still go back.

From Shanghai to Kyoto, not only nearby, but also more convenient. And there is no traffic control in this era, and Wu Guangzheng arrives at Kyoto, Bao Yu has not yet arrived. I have already arranged a package of staff in Huaxia to prepare, after all, the old man is personally coming over and definitely.

After Baozi Xuan built the high door court in Huaxia Kyoto, the other families in Xiangjiang also began to follow. The ship's family is also the Lord who is not bad, so I bought two sets of hospitals next to Bunzi Xuan. At present, it has been transformed, and it can be accommodated at any time. And in order to facilitate contact with Huaxia mainland, the package home has two staff members to stay in Kyoto for a long time, today is all used.

It is about to wait for less than 2 hours, and the charter of the boat king arrived in Huaxia Kyoto. To know that in order to fly, not only spend huge funds, but also use a lot of relationships. But all this is very worthwhile, or it will not necessarily have such an opportunity to fly.

Seeing his father-in-law and her father, Wu Guangzheng hurried forward. Although he is also a rich family, the daughter of the boat king is still married to him. Many things still have to rely on the father and the package, or Zheng Erju will not call him for the second aunt.

Seeing the old man is somewhat exhausted, and the king of the package is not very good. After all, it is also a 60-year-old person, so tossing is also enough.

There are not many cars in Kyoto Airport in this year, and there is no traffic jam. Several people did not say anything after getting on, after all, some things could not let the following people know.

After getting off the bus, I wanted to see the father of Bao Fu. But the boat king is pulled, because it is not their package.

Bao Ship King: "Father, this is not our home; next to it is."

Look along the hand of the boat to the side of a house, the mood of the father is very complicated. Because he knew that since it is not their bag home, it is certainly in Kyoto. In this year, Kyoto

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