Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 815 is trying to work hard

After leaving Toyota, Bunzi Xuan came to another car giant - Honda.

It should be said that Honda Zong Lang is the most recognized by Bao Zixuan. Because MIT has created a lot of inventions of Honda Zong Lang, and writing materials such as enterprise management. It can be selected to be selected by the world's first science and engineering teaching materials, can only say that the Japanese people owe a recognition.

Although Honda Zong Yiro was rated as one of the four major management, it was because of the cause of origin and education. It is not widely recognized, after all, this is traditional in Japan.

From the World War II, the Japanese Navy's promotion system can be seen. There has been a strange system in the Japanese Navy, which is a hacker.

The so-called hammock number is the hammock number of the students in the Jiangtian Navy School, in accordance with the students' academic scores, a little bit of the grade to determine the position you sit. This hammock is basically a proof of your grades, and only a person at the forefront can apply for Navy University.

This hammock system has a great impact on the Japanese Navy. Because the Japanese Navy stipulates what the standards of the Navy University are, that is, only 20% of the hacker numbers can be eligible for 20% of the students in the same period.

Moreover, the Japanese naval officers can only graduate from Navy University, which means no university degree. You are only a soldier in excellence and become an officer.

It can be seen that the Japanese is how much the college degree is, and it is necessary to react to all walks of life. At present, there is only well-known business people in Japan, only Honda Zongli has no university degree.

However, people didn't think that this people who don't have university qualifications actually selected Massachusetts science and engineering materials. This is simply ironic, nor does it know how education is progressing, or behind.

In fact, it is very good to understand that the vested interests hope that all outstanding young people can enter the university. If a person who has university degree is successful, then it is not conducive to the university enrollment and promotion.

Japan has more than 30,000 hundred years, and the development model has been cured. Now, Honda Zonglang is a variable, of course, will not be promoted.

The Americans slap them, but they are facing the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Japanese did not say more, we must know that Massachusetts science workers are not low in the United States, do not say to the military's relationship, single alumni circle launched a Japanese and couldn't help.

Through the media report, the Japanese people found that Honda Zeiro's extraordinary. There is even driving sales of Honda and the United States, and is also an accident.

It is certainly not bad if the technique of the Massonological teaching materials can be selected. At least proves that there is no problem with the performance of Honda, you know that it is not ordinary technology to be selected by the world's first science and engineering government.

Honda Zong Yiro knows, even if you even want to give a thank you letter to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is a long time, and I can finalize it today.

At the same time, Honda Zongyi Lang and Baozi Xuan have also reached an agreement, and the future of Honda can enter the Yulin Institute of Technology. This media is also more accused of Honda Zong Lang's practice, and he did not read college because of the conditions. But everyone can self-study as his old man, and enter the university is the best choice.

Seeing Honda Zong Yiro's money and let Honda bodies enter the university study. The Japanese people have begun to think that the four major operations have always been in the presence of flat, now Honda Liao has opened the gap with other three people.

I heard the evaluation of the people, so that Panasonic is fortunate to be very uncomfortable. With the top first of the four major management, they are the first batch of enterprises who sent children to enter the Yulin Institute of Technology.

However, in the identity of the two, it is not good to explain, but it is even more about what to say in front of the media.

The media also reported that Bao Zi Xuan recommended Honda Zeng Lang to the past Shanghai to build a car factory. At present, Honda has begun to discuss, as for the last result, there is no specific message yet.

However, many people think that Honda has to build a new factory, and should not pass in China. In some countries in Southeast Asia, I can consider some of Southeast Asia. After all, there is stronger than Huaxia.

The next day, the next day, Bao Zixuan actually came to the taste of the plain. This makes many people can't understand, is this Xiangjiang Rich Want to buy MSG.

Media reported bag rifking is not coming to buy MSG, but wants to accumulate film. A derivative in an amino acid development, currently has been smented to register patents.

Baozi Xuan has opened a very unusual condition, which is to expect the film to accumulate film commercialization; good in Suzukio does not agree.

The taste of the stacked film can be used, many people are not very clear. However, since the patent can make Bun Zixuan look, it is certainly not very common. It is important to know that this young man is very good, and in terms of industrial, materials, basic science has in-depth research.

As long as it is his patented technology, it has got a huge success. I hope that the beauty of the taste can be quietly discussed, do not sell outstanding patents and techniques to other companies.

Media reports let Suzuki Lang very passive because after Bao Zi Xuan leaves. He started discussing with engineering technicians, the feasibility of stacking film commercial use. It can be reality to give him a pot of cold water, and the second told him in Zhu, I want to realize the business and a long way to go. It is necessary to prepare R & D funds from 150 to 200 billion yen, and will give researchers more than ten years.

For the taste of the taste, the research investment of 20 billion yen is a big problem for ten years. I think that it is not a Zahun Group, and selling patents such a low-level operation, the Japanese will not do.

However, now the media reports, it has pushed the taste to the tip of the wind. You can only wait for the tide of the news, and the people will make a decision after the people are passionate.

Leaving the taste of the taste, Bao Zi Xuan went to the Beijing Porcelain Corporation. It can be said that there is not a hint, as if everything is arranged in advance.

Although I have never heard of the intersection between the Black Cloud Group and Kyocera, there is no media report to Bun Zi Xuan and Tudsung Hall. However, the visit to Xiangjiang richest, Rice Sheng Hao is also given sufficient respect. Not only can you welcome it, but also accompany it.

Tudsung Hall and husband is not because of the wealth of each other, but more because Bunzi Xuan has proposed industrial 4.0 sensation.

People discover, before it is too small to look at this Xiangjiang Rich. You must know that he has achieved academically achievements, but it is not much worse than in the mall.

In the industrial 4.0 concept, it is now a classic of major institutions in major institutions in the world. The winner of the map is given, indicating that the highest achievements in the computer have won the world's recognition.

But this young man is really too rich, academic is not so dazzling.

It is also true that it is also the name of the man's holy. Actually, this old man is also from the study of science and engineering, it seems that the people are still not enough to understand them.

The two discussed the industrial aspects and also contributed to the cooperation between the Black Cloud Group and Kyocera in some projects.

However, Bao Zi Xuan proposed that it is a strategic consultant who wants Tangsheng Hall to serve as Black Cloud Group, which makes many people, including Rice and Mad. How to say that the other party is also the banner of Jingchao Co., Ltd., the scale of Kyocera is not small. Let the founder of a big company to work, it is estimated that only Bao Zi Xuan will do so.

The conditions that have been opened are to make people don't know what to say, $ 20 million in consultants per year. Now the best technical worker, the salary of one year will not exceed $ 80,000.

The consultant costs opened by Baozi Xuan are higher than the profits of many listed companies. It can be said that sincerity is full, but people have never thought that rice is not agreed.

Japanese media generally believe that Bunzi Xuan is a bit floating. Actually dare to let Zudheng and Fu him as a consultant, also changed, the old man is still true, or the head is unobeding that such a high salary is.

It is because the relationship between media reports, Rice Sheng Hong did not use the strategic consultant to serve as the Black Cloud Group. However, I promised Bunxuan to encounter a tricky problem, I can call him at any time, and it is also a gentleman agreement.

And say anything is refused to collect money, which makes the head of the best embarrassment. Can only give some valuable gifts, it is a compensation for Rice Shengfu.

The two therefore became a forgotten year; Bao Zi Xuan came to Japan, and Rice Sheng Hao passed the Xiangjiang, and he would gather together.

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