Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 872 New Car R & D Three

About the new car power supply has been resolved, the communication system needs to be considered next. This bunxuan has a planned plan, and Motorola has entered his vision again.

Although the black cloud car is a native enterprise, he is an outsider after all. Will not get the US party trust, so pull a strong allied friend, it is imperative. The communication system involves national defense safety, and it is difficult to trust in the background of black clouds. Motorola is NASA supplier, and Armstrong passed back from the moon is to apply their equipment.

The same beauty ** has cooperation in many ways, one of the trusted companies.

About this incident, Di Xuan deliberately communicate with Robert Galvin, and a little variety of twists and turns.

Bun Zixuan called Motorola Chairman Robert Galvin, is a common thing. The two are not just partners, and they are also a friend. For a certain need, of course, it is also to hide the strength. Black cloud phones and super base computers have been using Motorola's chips, Jedi is one of the company's super large customers.

For this bunxuan invited to participate in the new military communication system R & D, Robert Kalvin's rejection can be rejected. Eye people can see it, and black clouds have not played. Wasted time, it is not as good as the other two companies.

There is no one in business, and the business field is more important. When the US ** party has basically gave the order to General and Ford, Robert Galvin does not want to integrate with black clouds in this regard. That don't get orders, it is also possible to make the US ** party misunderstand.

Motorola's participation is a bit flavor, which will be considered one of the bidders. Not only will bring a certain impact on the Decision of the Ministry of Defense, which may also lead to misunderstanding of the American people.

If you have money, you want to earn, but you have to make any money, if you have so good life, you can earn. Obviously, it is not a good thing to bid for the military project with the Black Cloud Group. The result that may result is that the fox is not hit, and it is still a big.

Motorola rejected the Joint R & D invitation issued by the Black Cloud Group, which made Bun Zi Xuan very annoyed. I really thought that in the invincible in the field of communication, it was just that the black cloud did not expose strength. But now time is not mature, let Motorola hold.

So the head of the bag can only be hard, and personally call Robert Galvin.

Bao Zixuan: "Mr. Calwin, my old friend. I haven't heard your voice for a long time, but I miss it very much."

Why is Bun Zixuan called over, Robert Galvinity certainly knows. The other party is absolutely not to care about yourself, and the businessman has several people who are particularly concerned with partners and serve as competitors.

There is no such coincidence in the world, just refused to invitation of the Black Cloud Group. In the afternoon Baozi Xuan call, the other party obviously wants to convince yourself, or itself with dissatisfaction, and when you come to Xian.

These are normal, the young people go all the way to go smoothly, not a good thing. Today, Motorola will give him a lesson. Don't think that everything should be, no one is owed in this world.

Motorola works with the Black Cloud Group to bring huge benefits. It can be more than it compared to it. Although there are other competitors, in Robert-Galvin's eyes, their own products are the world's first.

Robert Kalvin smiled and said: "Mr. Bao, I haven't heard your voice for a long time. However, about your news is a lot, the business is, the more you do, it seems that we are really old You have a lesson for American industries. "

Robert Galvin belongs to the American business famous person, and the old military vehicle project is obviously the business of the Ministry of Defense Ministry. This kid is also magical and actually able to live a loss of money. Some column operations have gained a business name, and the views of Bunzi Xuan rose a level.

Whether it is the Chinese mainland, or the Middle East, including Brazil is not a fool. This kid actually sells it in the case where the buyer does not see the product, but also second-hand products. Need customers absolute trust and recognize their strength. More important people are deep, otherwise people will not want you at all.

It can be said that from the beginning Bunxuan is already counting all, Jedi is a person who takes three steps in a step. It is so young to know that this kid is so young, there is still a lot of mature.

Robert Galvin knows that the Black Cloud Group is definitely an enemy in the future. This is now the case for Motorola, what he thinks may threaten the US status. Of course, mainly in the industrial field. For the political position of the United States of America, there is no businessman and businesses. Including the Soviet Union, let alone Bunxuan a young man.

Therefore, the Black Cloud Group is to cooperate and have to guard. This scale is difficult to grasp, but Robert Galvin feels no problem in Motorola.

Bunzi Xuan: "Mr. Robert said, everyone is an old friend. Black Cloud Group wants to compete for the US new military vehicle project, in communication hope to get Motorola's technical support, communication field in cooperation."

"It is a good opportunity to enhance Motorola's famous, and technical strength. I believe that Motorola and Black Cloud Group are united, and the US ** will not dare to ignore."

This is a way to use Motorola's influence, if the abacus is played enough. I want to keep rejection with you; how could cooperate in military vehicles, isn't it to be poked by American local companies!

Rejecting is also a learning, at least you can't tear your face. At this point, Motorola also needs black cloud orders, and it is too guilty that is too guilty at least for a while.

Robert Galvin: "Mr. Bao, about the cooperation requirements of Black Cloud Group. Motorola has received, but the company's board is not optimistic about this project."

"Everyone is old friend, I will talk to you. The Ministry of National Defense means to give orders to General and Ford, I believe that even if I don't say, you should know."

"They spend great efforts, hired public relations companies to lobby White House and military. Other companies have basically no play, including black clouds, etc.."

"Although Motorola has a certain military background, it can not be transitioned."

Robert Galvin's meaning is obvious, persuading Bun Zixuan to give up. So everyone doesn't hurt and gas, meet, or friends. Rejecting the Black Cloud Group is a business in business, mainly the board of directors. But now Bao Zixuan has already hit his phone here, absolutely can't use tough voice. Young people have just rigidly, and I am angry that the opponent Motorola won't get any benefits.

Baozi Xuan deliberately said: "US ** party purchases not talking to product quality and performance! Is there a dark box operation inside, it is very worthy of the national temperament of the free democracy."

I heard the Bunxuan said that Robert Galvin thought. The boy is still too young; actually believes that it can get fair competition opportunities. The military sales must take care of local companies, and the US ** will never take the black cloud as a person.

If Motorola chooses to develop with the black cloud, it will be universal and Ford, and it is a way to go with the White House and the Ministry of Defense. Motorola even in the United States, but not dare to get crime, so many companies and institutions.

Robert Galvin: "Mr. Bao is still young, there has not been exposed to the United States **. Fair competition is basically not existent, and the balance of interest is the premise of reaching cooperation."

"As a friend, I can only say so much. I will make mistakes in most. The military's matter is involved in a lot of confidential principles, I hope you can understand the difficulties of Motorola."

How can Bao Zixuan will give up easily, or it is not him. Even if you can't fight, even if you can't fight, you should also stir the water. So smiled and said: "Motorola as the most powerful communication company in the world, don't you want to have greater development!"

"Of course, I know that the order of the US ** party can't get it, but the Middle Eastern Saudi, Kuwait also needs a new military vehicle. The US ** is more than a scorpion, the Middle East is the goal of the black cloud."

"This time, the same as the United States doesn't have to come out of Motorola, everything is negotiated by the Black Cloud Group. Only on the car communication equipment, you can put on the trademark of Motorola. If you don't agree, you can play the black cloud logo."

When I heard this, Robert Galvin felt some truth. But I am worried about fraud, after all, Bunzi Xuan is not a good man's letter.

He is still very optimistic about the Middle East market. At least Motorola should not give up, so agreed to dispatch technical work groups to black clouds. The premise should promise them and find that things may be withdrawn at any time.

Robert Galvin worried that the military was misunderstood, and it was that the whole body was not clear.

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