At the same time, Tony Buron also took the team to Brazil; they are about to embark on the Amazon jungle with the earth's lungs. This is inevitably a tough journey because they need to be deeply involved. Testing the car is exercising on the muddy road, but also a full-scale testing of the communication system.

Amazon's tropical rainforest is located in the Amazon Plains in South America, covering an area of ​​5.5 million square kilometers. The rainforest traverses 8 countries: Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, occupying half of the world's rainforest, accounting for 20% of the global forest area, the world's largest and most species. Tropical rainforest. Amazon's tropical rainforest is called "Earth's Lung" and "Green Heart".

The 441 new species found in the Amazon probe were: 258 plants, 84 kinds of fish, 58 kinds of amphibians, 22 reptiles, 18 birds and a mammal.

Amazon's tropical rainforest contains millions of biological resources, insects, plants, birds and other biological species, many sciences have not been recorded in many sciences. There are all kinds of tree species in the lush plants, including Xiangmei, laurel, palm, Junghuan, Yellow sandalwood, Brazilian and rubber trees. Peach blossoms and Amazon Sedong can make high quality wood. The main wild animals include the American tiger, the sea cattle, , red deer, dolphins and many rodents, and there are also a variety of monkeys, and there is a "world animal and plant kingdom".

It can be said that this is a mysterious place, very few car factory dare to get here to detect new cars. Only Bao Zi Xuan has such a bold amount, I don't know if it is a tiger, or a transitional confidence. In short, under his order, Motorola Communications Engineer Tony Buron took the team to feed mosquitoes in the Amazon jungle.

That's right, feed mosquito, but it is still a small size than imagined mosquitoes.

In fact, Before entering the Amazon jungle, Tony Buron sensation tasks should be very easy.

Li Changjin, the head of Black Cloud Auto, personally greeted them, and received the group headquarters instructions; the highest standards met the testers, even most of them from Motorola.

Li Changjin was born in Xiangjiang, and the British Cambridge University entered the Bentley car. After ten years of Bentley, he reached the ceiling of the Chinese workman. In the dark, I know that I reported the matter to Bao Zixuan at this time.

I learned that the origin of the matter, the head of the bag is talked to him. At that time, two places were given to their choices, Black Cloud Auto Brazil or the head of Huaxia region. What didn't think of it is that he actually chose Brazil, which didn't understand many people at the time.

Everyone knows Bunzi Xuan to see the Huaxia market, and the future must be a promising position. Until the people learned that after Li Changjin's real thoughts, he had to admire his choice.

In the view of Li Changjin, the Black Cloud Motor Huaxia Branch is comparable to the group and the boss. It can be too big in a short time.

After all, the Huaxia economy is not very ideal. In addition to policy restrictions, it is impossible to plan the factory in accordance with yourself.

Brazil does not have these problems, and the high emperor is far from saying. And mainly for the European market, this makes Li Changjin, who is more than ten years of Bentley, is very concerned.

The group may never look at the Brazilian factory, but it is possible to do the factory. Do you have a great sense of accomplishment than this?

Li Changjin has given full support in Brazil, which can be far from not enough for engineers who have no experience. The Amazon jungle climate is too changed, and many animals inside are not so friendly to humans.

And different from Saudi, the Brazilian government is not so keen on the black cloud new military vehicle. It is better to buy, it is better to negotiate the retired military contract matters. It is said that this is a customized product for US military, Brazilian people in order to avoid them. There is no representation that it is still very influential in Brazil.

Li Changjin arranged Brazil's local guide to say to Tony Buron: "Dr. Buron, now we have invested 120 kilometers from Amazon jungle. It will be dangerous in the inside, I don't know what you think."

In fact, the guides must not be left in their go, and the remuneration he got will be more abundant. But everything has a degree, and something that is dangerous is not possible.

Tony Burong also knows that in addition to the German woman and Bunxuan's own tests, other triparties are dangerous. Should still take care of him, you have to know that the Arctic climate conditions are much worse than Amazon. So very seriously: "We also know more about the purpose of our coming, you must get data in the most extreme environment."

"So I hope you can carefully answer, how much is the farthest distance before."

The guide knows this is true, thinking about a generous income. So did not hesitate: "480 km, this is the farthest distance I have detected; because the logistics replenishment did not follow, he retraced it back."

In fact, the wizard said a lie, detecting 480 km is not him. But his brother, but at this time his brother is not in the world. His reputation is more because of his brother, there is still a lot of shortcomings.

Tony Buron thinks even if there is less than 480 km, there is no problem 300 km. Communication can be covered to Amazon jungle 300 kilometers, which is also a great achievement.

So I made a decision who regretted my life and continued to 300 kilometers. Although there are many black clouds, they have already got orders before they come. As long as Tony Buron does not violate the cooperation agreement, the military technology will not be disciprified, and they must do their decisions unconditionally.

So the team continued to go forward, the more it is, the more it is. Obviously, I feel that the water is increased, and the side river becomes rushing. And this increase is still geometric, so that the engineering technology team is very abnormal.

Under the wizard and three guarantees, the team continues to travel.

In fact, this is also related to the guidance experience. The seasonal rainfall of the Amazon River has often flooded the Amazon River and its tributary, with an average of 40 meters in the rainy season, and the average is 38 kilometers. From November, it began to rise until the second year June, then fell back to October. Its tributary Negulo River's fluctuations are not at the same time, and the rainy season begins with February or March, rising from the beginning of June and falls together. Another rush of tributary Malaysia is two months more than the mainstream.

In the rainy season, the Amazon river drowned hundreds of square kilometers. The flood depth is 12-15 meters higher than the lowest water level. It is 6 meters near Ikitos; 15 meters near Taye; It is 11 meters near Obdos, 4 meters in the Palace.

If there is generally experienced guidance, I don't dare to set up with engineers who have not passed any professional training. Especially in this season; you must know that the physical quality of the engineer is not able to catch up with ordinary people; the entry is equivalent to send death. At this time, the Brazilian economic situation is very bad, and the wizard is for money. It's really this kind of thought, I eventually harm the Black Cloud Army Experimental Panel.

Sure enough, I went deep into the Amazon jungle 180 kilometers, accidentally occurred. It has been raining under the sky, and it is more and more, it feels that there is no trend at all.

Tony Buron hurriedly stopped on the spot. If there is experienced wizard, it will prevented it. However, this bit is fell, and it is also resting together.

At this time, the team is parked in the low-lying place, and this place itself is the basic place in the flood season.

Fortunately in Tony Buron, put the two new military vehicles at a height; it is also the most correct decision of his trip.

In the evening, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, and the engineers living in the United States may never have seen such heavy rain. Feel the same effects in the same house, bring a strong fear.

At this time, the stream has already produced water, Tony Buron is not to know what Amazon, and knows that this place should not stay for a long time.

Many times I want to go is not so easy. At this time, the material and equipment have been submerged. Fortunately, the security personnel played a role, with two trials to George - Barton-type military vehicles quickly ran.

The trial driver opened two new cars to meet them, but it took place to accidentally happened; there were no evacuation in a tent in the low-lying office. When other people ran to the height, they have been flooded by the flood.

Two lives are leaving, and even the corpses may have difficulty finding it.

After coming from Newton, Tony Buron asked the guide: "You have never been here, and the answer is good for you."

Looking at the terrible eyes, there is a little panic in the guide. There are too many mistakes on this road, and it is impossible to conceal.

Bedding house

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