General and Ford representative knows that there are many dreams, so there is no stay in Chicago. Choose a special plane to fly Washington, where there is the most authoritative media in the United States, this time you have to let the world know. In order to achieve the goal, the Black Cloud Group actually personally gave birth to a child. The deceased is still two US doctors, and it will definitely be received by the United States.

At this time, Emei hugged his son. Some of the plane, universal and Ford were so strong that she brought her from Chicago to Washington. The purpose is self-evident. In order to get more than one million US dollars, the Criminal Enterprise is not worth it.

It is necessary to know that these two are not very good, but now I have already got a thief boat, I can only place anything. And she is already good, it is not said to be universal and Ford Stress, and the media will always sympathize with their orphans.

I heard that Bunzu Xuan is very powerful in Xiangjiang, and it is good to bring his son in the past. At this time, this woman is thinking about how to get the best interest, and it is still the kind of whole body.

What is the husband who is helping the Black Cloud Group, and his son is only one year old. Baozi Xuan as long as it is still a face, it will definitely no matter what they have. If it is generic and Ford stress, then it will definitely help the Bunxuan. The problem is that the $ 1 million in the amount is not good, so I have already thought about it.

Currently, I can only take a step in step, it is a matter of urgent way to contact the Black Cloud Group.

I learned that the Philox wife and the child have arrived in Washington, Robert Galvin is very atmosphere. Generally, Ford is completely not in the eyes, this is not counterattack, and who will care about them in the Galvin family.

I have been lucky, and I don't care with the black cloud. It can be different now, you must take the effort. Baozi Xuan has already set it, the media wind will inevitably change, how to say that Phillira is also Motorola employees. Although it is an accident for the black cloud group to test the car, it is also to help Motorola; no one knows that the Black Cloud Group is Motorola's major.

Emei mother and child just got a plane to be arranged to rest, and General Company still has some industries in Washington. I have to accept some training in the villa, and the hand is busy with the question.

Generality is ready to be very sufficient, not only professional training teachers. It is also arranged to take care of the nanny with child care experience. In the moment, the mother and child must also use the mother and child, inevitably do logistics.

The training teacher is a woman, which is also for convenient communication, so that the other party is not so excluded.

The training teacher said: "Mrs. Philox, now you only have such a call. I hope you can understand that the Phillius is the most beneficial to your mother and son."

"For a short period of time, your external call must be Mrs. Phillix,

Forgot the original name; and the child must call it to Little Phillius. "

In fact, this is very understanding that it is to let the media know the death of the husband. And the orphans are mainly the husband, and now the wife loses her husband, and the children in the lose their father. This is an experience, it is estimated that only the party is most

American women, children's associations must pay attention to this matter, then things will be a lot. Even if you can't put the black cloud car and Bunzi Xuan, at least the Ministry of Defense is also impact, the military orders don't think.

When the military order is set, it will care about other.

Seeing the other party's understanding, the training teacher continued: "You must show up now, the more poor, better."

"To let the media know, Washington is to seek help. Worried that in Chicago will be unfair, Washington is the government. I believe that some people here do not dare to act rash, and a means of self-insurance."

This is a slightly scrapened to Motorola's face, and the husband has only worried about retaliation. How is this company be big, you have to know that this place is a free Merician.

Actually, some people get to the orphans, at this time, it is not a colonial era. What kind of company Motorola is actually the family members of employees who have derived themselves.

Although Emei is not so knowledgeable, it is not a fool. Is this not pushing the mother and the child to Motorola and Black Cloud? Whether Bao Zi Xuan or Robert Galvin is not good, one is not good to go to the Pacific Ocean to find the mother and child.

At this time, you must do it according to the other party, or the mother and child will not be good. I have thought about it when I came in, once I didn't cooperate. The mother and child are likely to be exted. General and Ford can push their death to the black cloud, and the effect will not be poor.

The training teacher continued: "Before the past Amazon, Mr. Phillius said with you this time. Many ready work is not in place, but he will pay attention to safety. Let your mother and son rest assured, wait for him to come back."

"Who thinks that this is the one party, and you can't meet this. Before going to Brazil, Mr. Phillius has also called with you."

"The logistics guarantee in the black cloud is not so perfect, but he will pay attention to safety."

For companies who are taking people, they will inevitably be cast aside by the world. This is to splash the dirty water to the black cloud car. Bunxuan is difficult to do so good.

This piece of corporate image is very valued, especially in large multinational companies. Now, it is now destroyed that people's corporate image can be desperately desperate. General and Ford are large companies, more business competition. But their mother and sons must not be so good, it is likely not to go.

Currently, it can only cooperate, Bun Zixuan and Robert Galvin do not necessarily do two people in the mother and child. That is to take into account the image. After all, the corresponding public dereliction of employment workers will start, it is the capitalist taboo.

Emei has asked: "I really want to say this, the Black Cloud Group can let our mother and son, I don't want to cooperate. Just want to comfort the next half, I hope you can understand."

The training teacher can never take so much, she receives universal and Ford's money. Of course, to do things for it, otherwise, who will hire her.

Teacher Training: "Now you have to do it is to do it, it's good to everyone. If there is any accident, I don't dare to guarantee your mother and child."

This is the force and lure together, I really shouldn't have too many ideas. If in Chicago, Motorola will inevitably guarantee that their mother and child safety, now I can only find ways to seek external help.

It is not difficult to see from the discourse, universal and Ford have no good ideas for the mother and child. It is very miserable to get it, you may not see the sun in tomorrow. In the United States, most of the capital has a bloody, but the people are doing well.

EMI: "I know what to do, if the question is too sharp to answer if the question is too sharp."

I heard here, the training teacher leaked a strange smile. This woman finally arrived and will take the initiative.

Teacher Training: "You just have a vulnerable housewife, now I don't know anything. After the husband died, the brain was very chaotic, worried about the problem. The most believed that the United States is the country, the people will not see the disadvantaged group."

"Only this is in line with your identity, one I don't know how to fight with capitalists. I can only seek the orphans of the public to make people recognize you."

It can be said that Mike Donald has found qualified teachers, at least no vulnerability on logical thinking.

As long as Felix is ​​willing to cooperate, I believe that the Black Cloud Group and Motorola will be very troublesome. Let an exclusive family members are so fearful, it can be seen that the company is usually a state. In addition to the media transition, it is not monsted with people.

Emei listened carefully to the teacher's opinion, and there is no other choice. After repeated verification, the training teacher leaked the smile of victory.

Training teacher: "As long as you can do it, I believe that the benefits will be more. Black Cloud Group Baozi Xuan is a Lord who is not bad, Motorola has to bleed in order to do not fall."

"After your mother and child, I want to live on the rich life, I will see your next performance. Everyone is a woman, I don't want to lie to you, and the consequences of not cooperating will be more serious than imagining."

This is a public threat, but it still threatens a woman who has just lost her husband and kids. If the public knows, it will inevitably cause an uproar. It has been checked before, and this woman has no recording equipment. This is also the reason for the training teacher so clearly, and the words and body education are on the one hand, and the will often be better.

After the training teacher left, Emei thought about how to get it. Back to Chicago will not be dangerous, staying here will not necessarily.

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