People who can participate in the Ford Young Birthday Carnival, more or less have a certain identity. And most of them are young people, drinking alcohol is basically there is nothing. It is said that it is hard to catch such a chance, basically what wine is good. The fascinating woman is one of the shareholders of this bar, and the Golden Lord is not just waiting for it. It can't be soft when you start, so it's a lot of Jefferson in the wine.

No one can accompany, people have to live. Become a Ford family, grandmother, don't think about her identity. Can only get more benefits from it, today is a good opportunity. Recently, there is no carnival in the Ford Young Master, should not care.

This time, it is not only invited to the boyfriend, but also a few obedients. Also in front of friends, the Ford young master is very talking. And this is also a way of cage, and is the relationship between the affiliates. And many jobs need to be subordinated, always give some sweetness; if necessary, it is not.

Seeing the wine, Jefferson - Ford stood up and raised the wine glasses: "Thank you for coming to participate in my birthday banquet, today is not drunk, everyone must eat, drink well, play. Don't go with me Polite, the beauty must take care of men around you. "

Alcohol is accompanied by hormones in the bar, and the scene is extremely hot. Let people have a little dare to look directly, at least can't let the minors watch.

During the period, Jefferson-Ford also said some topics about military orders and not too arrogant. But these are enough, there is more effective in the unlimited space for people.

Jefferson - Ford came to the residence with a beautiful woman in the evening. As for what happened, it was a fool to get it.

See the video, Mike Hughes is very satisfied. However, a single Ford family II owner is not enough, you must master more information, only this can cause the public to resonate.

Ford's three generations have news, now pay attention to second generation. Henry Ford II is still very strong, and it is difficult to find outstanding news on this old fox. Don't say to find news that is not conducive to Ford.

Emir Ford, Henry Ford Erjing entered the vision of Mike Hughes. Because this woman is not only a core member of the Ford family, or the Vice President of Ford Motors and the Director of Human Resources Department. It can be said that the staff of Ford Motors is recruiting, and this piece is promoted to her tube.

The 45-year-old Emier-Ford is a wonderful, at least a lot of hobbies make the Ford family members very ugly. To this end, Henry Ford II has said her, but there is no, still is my line.

Although it is the same as the military order in the last period of time, it is as convergent as other members of the Ford family. It is time for time, after all, before Jefferson-Ford, this woman has lived on indulgence.

Use the position to facilitate, began to frequently invade Ford Motors Young male employees. Emir Ford's favorite men are basically a style, which is basically not too big for nearly 20 years.

The age is 22-28 years old, with a height of 183 cm, with a sexual muscles; as long as it is really particularly picky. To put it bluntly, as long as you are young, the body can be high.

Therefore, whether it is company security, bodyguards, engineers, and even workshops, they have escaped Emir Ford. In the fire inside Ford, she has a loud name, the macho harvester. It can be said that it is the title of many women's envy; but it is also a shame of the entire Ford family.

Black Cloud Group's support for Mike Hughes is definitely low, at least in terms of personnel. So Emier Ford has been taken in recent days. Seeing summary information, Mike Hughes don't know what to say.

The Ford family member is really fierce, but also the sentence, only the exhausted cattle, there is no cultivated field. How is a woman so strong, it is really incredible.

However, these are not focus on focus, and they can be disgusting to the Ford family.

Second generations have been photographed, Henry Ford II could not let go.

In fact, I didn't put it on this younger brother, Henry Ford. After all, it is just a private child until the father has been recognized before the death. You can receive a part of the funds at the Family Foundation every month, and other Ford family seem to have not much relationship.

It can be such a person, because the last name is. It can also get a lot of benefits, who makes Ford have a high reputation in the United States!

Before you broke the Ford family black material to the media, gain a certain amount of benefits. This private child saw the sweetness, the people still liked the grievances of the giants. Therefore, when Mike Houhes puts 50,000 US dollars to him, it is not possible to give him ancestors.

Henry Ford II Privy brother broke the news, the temper of all members of the Ford family, and hobbies. This includes Henry-Ford II, how wild flow occurs, even now in recent 5 women.

The content can be said to be true, and outsiders are difficult to distinguish. However, Mike Houhes did not care, he just wants to say that this person is coming out, as for true hypothesis, no one is not so concerned.

As long as everyone knows that the Ford family members can not be instructed, they can have a group of second-party owners who don't study. Other indispensable, it is just what you want to be disgusting. More importantly, there are also popular public opinion, such a family, produced products, can people be relieved!

General and Ford have been integrated at this time, at least on this military order has been tied to a piece. The Ford family is so much smashed, and the general car can't let go. Otherwise it will be counterproductive, Ford is unbearable, but it can reflect the great greatness.

Sterk - Donald, GM CEO Mike Donald's biological son. At present, I am studying in South California, which is a beautiful woman like a cloud.

University of Southern California, Indication University, referred to as Nanka, is a private research university, USA, is located in Los Angeles, USA, founded by the Supervisor Association and a member of the US University Association and the League University of America.

South is ranked twenty in .News USA Best University, Wall Street Journal Thames Higher Education ranked 18th, QS 15th place.

Alumni and faculty have a total of 10 Nobel Prize winners, 6 McAri genius winners, 1 map spirit winner. Alumni gains the number of Oscar prizes, including Spielberg, George-Lucas, etc. South is increased in the number of Silicon Valley Alumni in the United States in the United States, the world's top computer scientists finalists in the fourth world. The school has trained numerous spaces and science and technology talents, such as the first person in Armstrong, Qualcomm founder Viti, etc.

Through Mike Donald's relationship, the general Stern Donald Donald Not only entered such excellent college reading, but also the film school director.

It is to know that the University of South California is a university in the United States, the first granted awarded film art. The first faculty members include Taoolas - Fan Penk, David - Griffith, Erst - Liu Buzhen and others.

Southern California Film Academy has a tree of American film, TV, film research, animation, documentary, advertising, and interactive media. Therefore, the school has been ranked first in the National Film Academy of the United States. The college students include scholars, artists, technicians, screenwriters, directories, and film industries in all major colleges around the world.

Many alumni are leaders in their respective fields. Alumni won a variety of movie and television awards. From the Oscar Award and Emmelon to the United States and the world's major film festivals, they have left the glorious results of the alumni of the University of California University.

Since 1965, an alumni has been nominated by alumni every two years. The college is also constantly improving existing courses while maintaining the traditions to adapt to the changing medium of media art and technology. The University of Southern California is striving to lead all aspects such as movies, TV production, film education and academic research. Many movie companies, well-known alumni in the center of donating world-class movie and television, providing first-class teaching facilities and equipment.

Unlike others, Sterk Donald into the film college is to go to the beauty. Academic achievements are on the one hand, the most beautiful colleges of the whole beauty have been famous.

The Black Cloud Intelligence staff is the purpose of investigating Sterk Donald, came to this American Art Hall.

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