Since you want to play yin, then there is not much concern. There are still many investments in the future in China, if you can't hurt the latter generation one-time, you will definitely have endless suffering. The image of the old good man is no longer in line with you. If you can't show your silence, you can't do this opportunity.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Since it is a survey, it must ask the parties; then it is the on-site witnes. Only the result of this investigation is credible, both parties can convince. Now directly put us, and the other party No."

Listening to this tone is definitely from overseas. In the Chinese mainland, the local people will not be so fashionable, and the Mandarin of Bao Zi Xuan can't hear any accent. The police are also very difficult, I don't know what to do.

This kid is not humble in front of you, and with yourself with bodyguards, maybe it is an overseas family. In case of unfair treatment in Kyoto, they are not happy.

However, I think that Huang Shijian is leading relatives and county officers. And Huang Gongzi usually is not thin, even if the sinner doesn't matter. And did not receive the information that there is a well-known figure to come over the Chinese mainland. This man is the most in front of you, it may be a little money.

Although there is a need for overseas Chinese investment, it can not be used to them. Also let them know, come to Huaxia mainland, must do things according to rules.

Young police: "Things are already very clear, you refer to the hand, and cause the people to be injured, it has become serious consequences."

"Our policy is controversible from wide, resisting strict, I hope you don't do fearless resistance. Seeing your look should not be a Huaxia Continent, don't try to challenge the laws and regulations of Huaxia."

The righteousness says this is true, and there is no problem. However, Bao Zi Xuan listened to his heart very uncomfortable, and the other's threatened tips were very uncomfortable.

Bao Zi Xuan said gloomy: "So what do you want to do, or what the other party is there."

I heard the Bunzi Xuan has a soft meaning, and it was worried before. This kid is definitely don't want to make things big, and it is not good.

Young police: "It's just like this, Huang Shao's requirement is not high; then you don't know how to be a person."

"Seeing that you should not be bad, it is a premise, but Huang Shao can't be white. How can you go back, you are yourself two slaps, or we do it."

"Need you to choose, so you are not good for everyone."

I heard that I want my boss to play myself, and the two bodyguards are not doing.

Since following the bunxuan, when I have been relieved. The police are in order to biacent each other, definitely can't let the boss lose money. This is the bottom line, if this is not done, then it is estimated that there will be no chance to stay in Bao Zixuan.

A bodyguard, even the boss can't protect it, and you have to use it.

The bodyguard is protected by Bao Zi Xuan. It means that it is obvious that this group of police will move the boss.

I saw that the bodyguard dared to open the battle between the Public Security Bureau, and several policemen took out the weapon. It means very obvious, as long as you dare to act rash, you must give you a good look.

Baozi Xuan said with a brids: "If I don't agree!"

The young policeman returned to the road: "Now, it is not worth you, it is best to punish, say that Huang Shao can still eliminate gas. If you are thinking about it, causing serious consequences, it is not good for everyone."

Bao Zixuan did not expect the police to speak so, it seems that I have a heart to find trouble.

Huo Yingdong has just sent guests, and he saw Zhang Huli's fire. For the newly married wife of Baozi Xuan, Huo family must give the face. Therefore, there is no notification, and it will come directly to the living room.

After seeing Huo Yingdong, Zhang Hairan immediately said: "Huo Lao,

Zixuan was arrested by the mainland public security. He let me find what you think, no one knows in the mainland, I can only please. "

After that, the situation happened tonight will be detailed, and each detail is very in place.

Huo Yingdong did not expect Bunzi Xuan to be taken away by the public security, and it was still a border. This matter can be large, especially the rising negotiations of Xiangjiang enters the key period, Xiangjiang businessman is preparing to greet the mainland investment. Bunzi Xuan's banner person must not have problems, or it is a huge loss to the country.

Huo Yingdong did not dare to neglect, and he hurriedly went to Zhao. After all, in the Chinese mainland, Zhao's deputy chief understands Bunzi Xuan's people; knowing that the other party will never take the initiative, there must be other things.

Zhao Vice President received a call from Huo Yingdong, and he did not dare to neglect. Xiangjiang's richest, the first person in China, if it is in Kyoto, then the future investment work will be very difficult.

Everyone will say that even the bags are unfacked; and they are still caught, how do they dare to come over?

Plus Baozi Xuan has great influence in the international, and it will definitely cause foreign media attention; it is very unfavorable to the country.

Zhao's deputy director directly went to the Kyoto City Secretary, so that he must ensure the safety of Baozi Xuan. At the same time, you can attract the other party emotions. If you have problems, you can't afford this responsibility.

Before some reasons, the Black Cloud Group did not choose to invest in Kyoto. It can be used as the leaders of Kyoto, and also knows the important position of Bunzi Xuan. Just thinking about the other party, communicate well. I didn't expect this to have this situation, which is not to destroy the impression of Xiangjiang business people on the Chinese mainland.

The leaders of Kyoto did not dare to neglect, and quickly understood the situation. Be sure to make a problem in the first time, you can't let Bao Zixuan have any accidents in Kyoto.

The Secretary of Wang took a year in the Beijing-Turia Public Security, I was thinking that there was a job in the position. I didn't expect to pick up the city's leadership, I was said to have a face, which made it very annoyed.

At the same time, it is also determined that some people must have a good rectification, or if it is not going to turn.

The Secretary of Wang was very worried about Bao Zixuan accident in the Kyoto Municipal Public Security Bureau, but his concerns really became reality.

At this time, Baixuan has been handcuffed with a person, it is already a sinner.

And the two security people were also uniform. After all, the other party had weapons in hand, and the bodyguard did not dare to act rashly.

When Huang Shijian came to the interrogation room, I saw Bunzi Xuan. Laughing and said: "Is your kid just not very mad! How, knowing who Kyoto is the world!"

After saying it, I will do a slap in Bunzi Xuan, and the corner of the mouth is played.

This is the first time after the bag is reborn, and it is still in the Chinese continent, and things are unlikely to end.

Seeing the police did not stop, still watching it next to it. Baozi Xuan is very angry, and has already remembered these people in his heart. After you go out, you must not be good.

I didn't know how to play it again, and I stopped two slaps. At the same time, smiled and said: "Seeing your kid is also a scene. Today, this is this. Be careful in Kyoto, not anyone can sin."

It is good to come in and come in, or if Bao Zixuan will eat more bitter.

Li Heng is a public security system, basically a semi-retired state. Suddenly I received a call from the Municipal Bureau of Zhang, saying that Xiangjiang richest was arrested by the people of their bureau. And listen to the other person's tone, things are very serious.

Rapida came over from home and was still praying in his heart. Bao Zixuan can not do things, or then it is unimaginable.

Cutting down and slowly, it's late to come to the interrogation room. I saw that Huang Shijian has moved to Bunzi, and he also followed unlucky.

Director Li directly pushed Huang Shijian, and said to Bunzi Xuan: "Sorry, Mr. Bao. This must be misunderstood, you must not be angry."

Seeing blood in your mouth, and also with handcuffs. It is directly to open the handcuffs and wipe the bunxuan from Bao Zixuan.

Baozi Xuan sounds low: "Don't you investigate clearly!"

"I want to ask, there is a contradiction between the two sides, why is it seized, one party can play people in the interrogation room. During the period, there is no police to stop, this is the Huaxia Police 's way."

"It is a good job today. It seems that it is really not coming."

"My two bodyguards are still next door, I hope they don't have something."

When I heard Bunxuan, Li Director was wet.

Even in ignorance, I also know that Bunzi Xuan's influence in China's mainland. People are the rivers of Xiangjiang, come over China's mainland investment, helping the country engage in construction. This problem is now, who will not feel comfortable.

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