Fall in love with you reading network, the rebirth of the Hong Kong tycoon growth

Being buns Xuan pack up measure, vice president of Zhao came to their house in Kyoto. Lights package until just heard how the richest man in Kyoto luxury mansion style; after seeing now, only to find said is true. But this is a people free, after all, not any to spend his money. And all it takes to buy house, reasonable and lawful; even as the Chinese high-level, have no right to interfere.

Zhao, deputy chief personally know that it is over, buns Xuan still said no. It stands to reason should meet outside, can only indicate the other sit down in the living room. This is very rude behavior, after all, vice president Zhao have not done any of the things sorry for him.

That is because the buns Xuan young, if for any one person to do, certainly not so lucky.

Zhao, vice president of scenes not seen anything, just smiled. I thought this kid really is a child temper, it seems this is really angry. But it is no wonder, after all, the matter does not harm small buns Xuan.

Zhao, vice president: "Mr. Bao, the Chinese know that you had been wronged absolutely will not allow investors to chilling, we will give you a satisfactory explanation for someone's staff must punished, on this point, please do not worry..."

"Meanwhile, in order to apologize to you, invite you to the top together with his wife for lunch tomorrow. No other meaning, just want to respect China's stance represents a clear and will not harm the interests of investors. Can not let bent on helping China construction of Chinese businessmen chilling, be able to express our greatest sincerity. "

Zhang did not say a word throughout the leisurely, this time must not make any comments. After all, she was not very understanding of the situation in mainland China, but for here really do not like. Was arrested just come up, for to do so is who will.

Zhao, deputy chief did not want to miss this opportunity, so leisurely Zhang said with a smile:.. "Bag lady for the first time over the Chinese mainland, you laughed really are not doing our job, let you wronged in here I apologize to you and your wife, but also hope you do not because a small part of human error and ignorance, have a bad impression on the Chinese mainland. "

"We here are very hospitable, and there are many places of interest. In recent days can have a good look around, take a trip to beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland."

And often circuitous outflank can play an unexpected role, and Zhao Xuan, vice president of buns believe not even the highest levels and not to their face.

Everyone knows buns Xuan home situation, the employer Ding thin to describe is not an exaggeration. Men on the outside to make money; a woman will basically do charity in the back, which is the basic approach Hong Kong businessman. Li Yulin is now doing charity, will definitely later this task to Zhang leisurely.

After all, buns Xuan age of the mother is already not small, certainly put a lot of things handed daughter hands.

Hong Kong businessman levels are not low, of course, there are none that doeth good Jifu meaning is not known. But anyway, be able to come to mainland China to help build schools, it is China's benefactor.

Now into something like this, is not good for anyone accountable. Li Yulin knew his son was beaten, can not be like before, expected to be difficult.

Zhang leisurely as witness the whole thing, it must also be true.

Buns Xuan and contributions have been many dark lines, but this is not the root cause. They brought a greater impact, many Hong Kong businessmen are looking at the bun Xuan richest man.

Suddenly not invest in the mainland and donations, there must be reasons. The paper can not contain the fire, buns Xuan Hong Kong businessman that after China suffered unfair treatment, is bound to make a choice.

That is a huge loss for the entire country, but with no more explanation.

Although Huo Yingdong influenced in Xiangjiang is not small, but compared to Bao Zi Xuan; it is still so somewhat, so, no matter how you have to appease this young rich.

It is definitely not allowed to leave Huaxia Kyoto, and it is estimated that the loss brought will be difficult to estimate.

The highest level invited their couple to eat, this sincerity is enough. And the deputy director of Zhao is not small, or he is too young. Baozi Xuan has already thought about it. Seeing the highest level must make a clear understanding, this thing is absolutely can't be so much.

Seeing the wife's expression, Bao Zi Xuan said: "Since Zhao Signal has said this, then I want to see the attitude of Huaxia. If you can't be satisfied, then you still don't work together."

This is a typical threat, and it is still for a country. However, Bao Zi Xuan has this strength, after all, his influence in international, very people can ratio. Even some media have called him to be the world's richest, although some exaggerated, but it is recognized by the vast majority of people.

Baozi Xuan said to Zhang Tiran: "The baggage does not have to pack it, and I will finish it tomorrow!"

After the deputy shot of Zhao, he saw his wife's doubt. Bao Zixuan said: "The highest level of Huaxia has come out, if this face is not given. It is estimated that there will be anything in the same continent, and the other party is the old man who came over with the rain, we can stand it, you can talk about it. You can't give it to any face, it seems that I am still too soft. "

I have seen the highest layer has come, Zhang Tiran is not saying. Huaxia can be a big country, and ordinary people can see the head of the country. The head of the country is very rare. I didn't expect them to invite their couple to have lunch.

It seems that the husband is really big, and there will be no such treatment for others.

Huo Yingdong returned home and thinking about Bunxuan. It seems that the face and human feelings have been used, and no one is awkward. Baozi Xuan is absolutely respectful to himself and is very good. You can make people retreat one step by conflict between Chinese businessmen. This approach looks not hurting and gas, but also will gradually decrease the component in Bunxuan's heart.

The anger of this Bunzi has arrived at the vertices, and it was normal. Be careful after going back to Xiangjiang, you can't always take the old. This is very bad, this is a good proof.

Originally Bao Zi Xuan should be grateful, after all, he is looking for a relationship, and is busy with this. I can finally put a mouthful of mouth, but let the other party become grateful. That's more convenient; it seems that there are some things Huojia, including you or not to intervene. So yourself, the critical moment, bring trouble to Huojia.

At noon the next day, the highest level was banned in the accommodation of Bao Xuan and his lady. Although the site is not very grand, there can be many problems from the side.

This is to close the relationship, and it is also to let the following people understand. Baozi Xuan's thing can't be so calculated; certain investigations must be given to others.

The highest layer saw Bunxuan, smiled and said: "Let your kid are wronged, this is not in place. Not only because this thing happened to you, that is, there is no one in any ordinary people. China is A national country who pays attention to the legal system, the prince is committed to the crime of the people, not just an empty talk, false, guests. "

"Yesterday's things just give us a wake up, some people in the team are too arrogant."

After that, I said to the people behind: "I told it, no matter who involves it, it will be serious."

The components of this sentence are very heavy, at least compared to Yesterday, Li Shuji said more authoritative.

The highest level has been issued, and it is not good to say more. Therefore, Bun Zixuan did not say anything, so I had to sit down and prepare to eat.

I saw her husband is difficult, Zhang Tiran hearts have an idea. After marrying the bunxuan, many people said that she could not help each other. A good wife is not just to have beautiful face, and the family helps. It is very important to have your own ability, or it will not be paid attention to in his wife.

After sitting down, Zhang Tiran gave people feel very true. A pair of Xiangjiang Miss is like an ignorant little girl.

However, the next thing, but the leadership including the highest layer, it is very difficult, and it is also more killed.

Zhang Tiran said: "I have heard your name, just have been gotting; I can ask you a question!"

Seeing the other party a small girl state, the highest laughed said: "I am very familiar with your father, if there is anything you can ask."

Zhang Lease is that this sentence is this sentence. After all, it is now advised to ask the elders. So said: "We are not completely correct yesterday, of course, there is a place where there is a rude."

"But I listened to Mr. Huang, said; in Kyoto, as long as it is the thing you want to go, including women, there is nothing."

"Does it mean that the Black Cloud Group and the investment in the Chinese mainland in China will be taken away by the so-called yellow family. If the other party looks at me, is it husband can't resist."

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