John - Quebus knows his position, clearer the difficulties of Bunzi Xuan. Although the Black Cloud Group is strong, but it has not failed to confront the same country. Now the British makes you invested in the past, in the name of the invitation, actually there is no difference.

The Black Cloud Group includes Bunzi Xuan as long as I want to mix it in Xiangjiang, some faces must be given. Moreover, in the past, the UK invests in the automotive engine industry, it is indeed beneficial to the Black Cloud Group Industrial Layout.

The British is in the engine field, absolutely walking in the forefront. Whether it is a car or aircraft engine, it can be able to point. Now the Black Cloud Group has created an automobile engine R & D and manufacturing center, inevitably develops the British engine industry.

Only this invitation Bunxuan is not very like, and even disgusting.

Bao Zixuan: "John, first let the person in charge of the UK work together. Investigate the British engine and its supporting industry, since investment, there must be investment."

In fact, the investigation is only to see the British, in accordance with the experience of the past; Baozi Xuan just knows where to build a factory, and how to complete the industrial layout.

But some surface work is still done, at least one.

John - Chambers is also a Lord of Thunder, of course, understands the so-called troops. Moreover, the task given by the boss must be completed in the first time, and it has become a corporate culture of the black cloud. Now I still say that it is good or bad, but once the leadership is not working; doing this, it will bring the company to the top disaster.

In the UK, I saw the general manager of the Black Cloud Motor Company came to the UK, and the attitude towards Bunxuan's most exposure is still more satisfactory. It is necessary to find a good exam for billions of US dollars, and it is also responsible for companies and investment.

John Chambers' identity is once again reflected, this old boy is an American. Communicate with British, there is no obstacle. And the other party still makes him, as a big brother, Americans still have natural superior sense in the UK.

Seeing the timing is almost the same, Bao Zi Xuan knows that when he will leave. Always drag it very bad, and John Chambs is basically investigated. In the past, the contract is signed, and the conditions for implementing the plan are already mature.

On February 27, 1984, Monday; Bunzi Xuan carrying a lady to reach the UK London Heathrow Airport.

It is very familiar to this Bunxuan, at least more than a lot of UK locals.

Heathrow Airport, located in the southern part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, England, London, London, London, China, Town, London, 4F International Airport, Portal International Airline Hub, the busiest airport in Europe.


At the airport of the Datai Airport, it is a simple private airport; during World War II, the Datun Airport was taken into the military Hechon Airport; January 1, 1946, Hechton Airport was renamed London Airport and the nature was converted to civil aviation airport; 1966 In the year, London Airport was renamed Heathrow Airport; entered the 21st century, Heathrow Airport was upgraded to a 4F airport.

The first rifle of the front world will often come here, not just from the Heathrow Airport to go around the world, will come here to repair the aircraft engine; this time, it is the rebound!

For Bunzi Xuan's arrival, the UK can be described as an unusual attention. Wang Shi Charles came directly to the airport to welcome it, this is the first time in the UK.

Bao Zixuan is just a civilian, there is no title at all. Ability to let the Wang reserve welcome, almost dare to imagine. Under normal circumstances, it is a king of a country, the lowest is also the king of the country; Charles will come from personally. Now use such high-specificity to welcome the way, in Bunzi Xuan, the British must have a secret of not maribey.

But people feel strange that in addition to the Wang Reserve, the government department actually did not dispatch any officials, which would also be uncommon.

In fact, carefully analyze, or you can see some clues. Wang put it over, indicating that it is enough attention to the UK.

No one is present, it means that the prince is only coming to the airport because private relationships. Even if Bunxuan is not familiar with the other person, no one will say anything. The British people will think that the royal family and the prime minister did not destroy the rules. Only Wang Honghua is very good, and it will appear at the airport.

This Baozi Xuan has experienced some in the UK in the Chinese continent. In short, it is definitely a good thing for the United Kingdom. I don't dare to influence the regression of Xiangjiang, but at least let Bao Zi Xuan come over in British investment; this is enough.

Stretching without smiling, and wants to mix in this world, especially in Xiangjiang. It is necessary to maintain a little relationship with the British royal family. It is not possible to push it out.

I learned that Wang Curious Charles and Diana Wang Hao personally greeted it, Bao Zixuan did not dare to pay. Although in surface wealth, the Black Cloud Group may be stronger than the British royal family. However, people are rich for hundreds of years, and if they are serious, he is really nothing.

Although Bao Zixuan did not have a title, even as a noble, he didn't dare to despise this man. After all, his identity is too legendary, and the personal hero's mind is very distinct. Basically go to any country in the world, will not be lower than the head of the small country.

However, the treatment enjoyed in the UK, let the world have improved more than one grade to Bao Zi Xuan's awareness.

Prince Charles, full name Charles Philip Arthur George Monttadon - Windsor, is currently the British Crown Reserve, the next Bank of Federal Head. The Charles prince is the eldest son of the King of the British Queen ****** and Duke of Edinburgh.

Born in 1948, 35 years old this year; it is a man's golden age. In 1952, it was sealed as the Duke of Cornwall, the Earl of Carrick, Baron, Runfru, the island of Scotland, and Lord in Datutau. In 1958, the Prince of Wales (the British King's successor during the storage period), the Earl of Chester.

In 1967, the Prince Charles entered the Sany College of Jianqiao University, in 1971, a bachelor's degree in 1971 is the first king of the British degree. From 1971 to 1976, the Royal Navy was served in foreign countries and entered the Royal Academy of Air Force and Dartmouth Royal Naval Academy. The other party respects. Everyone has put down the body to the airport to welcome it, is it still not enough to explain the problem!

Bao Zi Xuan: "Thank you for greeted the Hall of the Hall, it is really a pet. For the British royal family and your personal expression, Bao will be remembered."

I heard the Bunxuan said that Wang Curious Charles was very satisfied. Sure enough, I have a prime minister. Bunxuan is a feet you respect me, I respect me.

Now this effect is very good, the face is already enough. If you can't feel the goodwill of the British Empire, then this person is too much.

Charles: "Mr. Bao must don't say this, you have a good time for the contribution of Xiangjiang, the United Kingdom and the world."

"If you don't have a role aircraft, even if you win the battlefield, you will not be so easy. It is even more likely to capture the enemy Presidential Palace. In addition, you can buy British War bonds. It can be said to be due to the black cloud group and your payment, The UK can defeat Argentina. "

"The Queen said, in the battle against the A World. Bun Zixuan's credit is very big, it is the hero of the British Empire; the whole country and the royal family can not forget, always remember to heart."

This hat is high enough, and there is no way to refute and resolve.

However, the head of the bag is not a person who doesn't know how to be a good thing, and it will be a sin too much.

Bunzi Xuan: "Don't say this, the Queen is too high, and the package is somewhat caught."

"Can win the war, because the British integrated national strength is on Argentina. In addition to the advanced weapons, the commander, the soldiers used their lives, the people strongly support, the black cloud group just did a little shortcoming."

Charles did not expect this young man to talk, it seems that everyone's success has its truth. This is a small 10-year-old man who is still a small 10 year old, is not bad than him.

Two people are in the airport, but there is a media in shooting. It can be said that it will be able to know how long it will be known. The British wants this effect. Xiangjiang first rude Baoxuan visited the UK at a crucial moment; and the king of Charles is kindly talking about it, is there any problem?

Now, there is a critical moment, any wind blowing will affect the nerve of the whole world.

After two men, they must introduce each other to each other to give each other, this is the most basic polite problem.

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