The Charles is still very satisfied with the Crown Reserve, which is the case where the wife will attend. It seems that Diana Wang Hao has never disappointed himself, at least the value, the general women are not able to compete with it.

However, the two have been 13 years old, how many generations are there; the Charles Crown Reserve is more treating Diana as a little girl. It is also a very changing person; therefore, it is destined to get married, the contradiction has begun to appear.

Charles: "Diana, how do you think about Bunxuan this person."

I didn't expect her husband to ask yourself, which didn't expect it at all before. Is there anything different today, or the sun is going to the west.

In fact, Charles thought is very simple, unlike other successful people, Bao Zixuan is too young; feeling the wife that is similar to the age, will definitely be more understanding. Moreover, many media reported that Bunzi Xuan is the world's first diamond king old five. Women are born like gossip, even if Diana doesn't pay attention, I will hear some from other women.

Diana can not be so complicated in the heart, since her husband asked her. It is definitely to give comments. Is this not a thing that Wang Hao should do! So I said very seriously: "I have seen some reports about Bao Zi Xuan. Although this person is young, it is very changing. It is easy to change. Since it comes to the UK, it is sure to invest. It is a busy person. Not so much time can be wasted. "

"But one thing can be used, this person eats soft and not eating hard. As long as it is expressing enough to respect him, then what is going on. Now I can see you, after all, he is just a civilian."

Listening to Diana analysis, Charles Lima understood what it means. There is an old saying in Huaxia, called a book with a prince, apparent that the two must change the identity; the king of the British Empire, come to accompany bags. Although it is not awesome, it can be a way.

British economic development lags, the domestic unemployment is serious, and the contradiction is increasingly intensified. The people have been very dissatisfied with the royal family and the aristocrats, if there is no Falkland's war, it is estimated that the people's demonstrations will dominate the British streets.

Bun Zixuan will bring a quality change to the local economy, which can be said to be recognized worldwide. Israel is not in the Middle East, even the most basic freshwater is not guaranteed, and the most important surrounding situation is very unstable. However, because of this child, there is actually made major chip companies around the world, competing for the past investment, build a factory.

Of course, there is a big relationship with the unity and promotion of Jews, but no one can work with Bunxuan's contribution to this matter.

The British in Xiangjiang can be more understanding, the previous economic development is rapid, more because of policy, and geographical relationship. In the industrial field, it can be described as a blank. However, this industrial desert is hard to become the world's most important industrial heavy town through a short five years. All of this is from a company, and this company is a black cloud group created by Bunzixuan.

The United Kingdom has too many natural advantages compared to Israel and Xiangjiang. Yude has been reported to the domestic research and development and manufacturing center, inviting Bunzi Xuan to come over. And the engine field, the British advantage is very obvious. It is just that there is no large-scale automotive enterprise in China, so there is no production and rapid development.

The British also knows that domestic automakers, like them, is a nobles. Of course, this is a good statement, it is not good. To put it bluntly, the British car industry is too delicate. In the world, it is very popular, you can say practical and make money, it is not a one-point half of it.

High-end cars can only belong to a few people, and there is no problem with playing concept. But I want a country to be strong, and I have to go to the main road to the peer, the systemicization of the large industrial road. Created by pure handmade, the roots are not available. A CNC machine tool is able to get a minute, is it necessary to let a senior mechanic do an hour. And the accuracy is not high, of course, the person who is handmade is known; but it is relatively small, and it is not too much to use the phoenix rhrane.

The Black Cloud Group comes over the UK, led the engine R & D, manufacturing center, and a significant increase in the British Auto Industry. The high-end models of high-end models and medium-end bunters can be achieved. Such a car will definitely become a business card of the British Empire, and it will inevitably hold a place in the world.

In fact, the automotive industry is just a matter of head. At present, the black cloud group has created a big plane with Mai Mai, Motorola, Mitsubishi; has been reported by the media, of course, several companies are interested.

The eagerness of the British domestic manufacturing is never stopped; if there is a chance, I will definitely hope to win this big project.

At present, the world's largest aircraft manufacturing enterprise is mainly Boeing, McDe, Airbus, of course, has not counted in the factory.

The Soviets will never build heavy industry in the aircraft manufacturing, which is some of the Soviet Union, and it is not necessarily to enjoy this treatment.

Boeing and Mai Tao in the United States, although empty is all products of Europe. It can mainly be dominated by France, who makes people in the aviation area, technical advantages are the most obvious!

There is no special passenger manufacturer in the UK, and Bunzi Xuan's arrival will see the hope of the UK. If four companies can jointly build a plant in the UK, then in the field of communication, mechanical manufacturing, the aircraft design, the entire British will rise more than one step.

In addition, the Black Cloud Group has a lot of good things, just take out a set in the UK. There will be great benefits to local employment and economic improvement. In this time, it is necessary to take Bunxuan, as long as it is a small child, then everything will be sympathy.

Charles seems to have made a very important decision, although the heart is very frightened, but everything is more than the Dachang Empire.

As a king of the British king, the future of the king. It is definitely to consider the fate of the entire country, the glory of the British Empire may be difficult to achieve, but the country is rich, and the people live in peace and business are not too big.

The British king room has long been clear, and there is not much commercial space in Xiangjiang. Losing the last colony, it is inevitable, just or later problems.

It is no longer more than 200 years ago, no country can easily occupy other land. The Soviet Union has not been disintegrated, that is, the United States is not too arrogant.

Then develop domestic potentials, but the British domestic poor situation; let them know that there must be an external capital to enter. Our business people prefer to engage in financial sectors, and there is not much interest in industrial.

Buns Xuan as the world's best-known industrial group head, if the group entered the dark British. Then the growth rate will definitely exceed Hong Kong headquarters, the British this with absolute confidence.

After all, whether in education, scientific research, talent pool, the UK than Hong Kong has too many advantages.

Buns Xuan as long as it is not stupid, of course, know how to choose. And Charles have thought, or is prepared under the original capital.

His son had been born, buns Xuan has just married. If conditions permit, age appropriate, nor is not to be relatives.

At this point the richest man in the package do not know, in the shadow of the child has not already been thinking about the situation. But this is also normal, the emperor daughter mentality, as long as the rich dowry; plus package richest man in the couple looks not bad, I believe that to be a great big beautiful daughter chance. In this case, of course, it will be remembered for all.

Charles: "the country's problems more serious than you might think, because if it is not in Hong Kong to raise sufficient funds may be able to stick with it to the Arab-Israeli war, is still unknown.."

"China would respect the attitude of Hong Kong issue is very tough, basic no room for negotiation, the British Empire lost Lights, basically not much suspense."

"Want a country's prosperity, development of industry is necessary. High-end industry is a top priority, therefore Xuan buns are extremely important in the world of existence."

"As the crown prince of the British Empire, can not let his subjects happy, it is dereliction of duty. So do not worry about me here, you might want to wronged. After all, to make a princess Lights accompany a civilian woman, and some identity does not match."

Hearing this, Diana is happy that is, at the same time with sadness. Happy because care for her husband, still sad because her as a naive little girl look. Buns Xuan influence in the world than a small British royal family, his wife can not be summed up in a simple civilians.

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