Baozi Xuan was awarded a lifelong noble title by the Queen of British, although the British influence is not very big. After all, compared with the Mcmelun, the head is really nothing.

However, Mcmellen has retired for many years, and there may be some visibility in the UK. But if you look at the world, it is really not enough compared with Bao Xuan. In the period of the bright river, I suddenly accepted the British royal family. Bao Zi Xuan This wave of operation is, and it is unknown.

Bao Zi Xuanried a lifelong nobles, even in Xiangjiang also caused a panic. What is the meaning of the head of the bag, is also ready to leave it back.

However, it is only a noble title, and I haven't understood what is going on. And involve the British, the major media in Xiangjiang did not dare to evaluate. The county official is not as good as the current tube, and people are like this.

If you question Bun Zi Xuan, it is to question the British royal family. If the feeling of the package is to leave the way to yourself, it is nothing to find. Not only the Black Cloud Group is going to deal with you, and you may even make you up with your Governor and Police Agency.

Therefore, Baozi Xuan is leaned for lifelong nobles. Xiangjiang media is just simple reports, no one dares to publish any remarks, in case of fire, it will not pay.

The next day, Baozi Xuan came to the British Industrial Town Kru County. This time I just took a bodyguard, Zhang Glass wants to go shopping in London. After all, I have already been about to Diana. I don't know if I don't want to participate in my husband, or I want to experience the noble life. Baozi Xuan is not very careful, and it is still satisfied with Zhang Tiran. Although it is not a good sages, there is at least one leg.

Kru County is not particularly famous in the UK, but it is definitely a famous Ding Ding. The famous British car brand, Bentley Headquarters is in this unexpected town.

In fact, many well-known brands, especially high-end brands; the headquarters is not very famous, at least do not like to put the headquarters in the big city. Actually, it is not only because the large cities have too high; on the one hand, it is important reason, life comfort, and inherent confidence.

Small city life is relatively comfortable, and there is no so many messy things. As long as you do your job, you will have a big time to accompany your family. And well-known brands, especially high-end brands. As long as it is produced, it is excellent enough, and customers will not care about their headquarters.

Bao Zi Xuan's arrival, for the British Bentley car; not only a kind of recognition, it is a hopes that get rid of Rolls Royce.

At present, the sales of Bentley Auto, Ryles, is almost, but Bentley is in Luo Luo, giving people a feeling, like a little born. Not light is limited, but also the use of the Less-Resz engine, give people a very bad experience.

Although the Rolls-Royce brand is more popular,

However, even the engine is the product of people, so that Bentley feels very unopened.

In addition, how many years of British economic depression, the parent company is stretched, how can Bentley's days will be better. Here, the workers here are not improved, even somewhat, to some extent.

At the same time, Rolls Rolls is not good, and workers have not changed. How can Bentley management and workers can be happy, this day is really unwilling to go.

For the arrival of Bao Zixuan, the Rolls Royce has not come. Instead, Bentley will negotiate with the Black Cloud Group to let the bags look at Bentley to the bottom is not worth buying. For this point, Rolls Royce has absolutely annealed, I believe this will be able to slaughter the richest rush.

Baozi Xuan's situation, not just Rolls Royce, I am afraid that the world knows. The black cloud car is from being fierce, and it is not only to develop with a thousand miles away. With Bao Zi Xuan's power, temper, nature, it is impossible to let black clouds do not advance toward high-end models.

It is possible to have a long time in black clouds, there is no historical precipitate. The most important black cloud car main body is in the United States, in the desert of high-end models.

The UK is definitely the best choice for Black Clouds to enter high-end models. Only Bentli is the most appropriate. As long as Bao Zi Xuan is not stupid, it will definitely make a correct choice.

Although Rolls Royce is not good, but the entire black cloud group is full of money. In recent years, there is no more money than Bunxuan, I am afraid that the whole world thinks. And this kid is not in the air, if you don't take some money from his pocket, you are sorry for the identity of the first rich rivers.

Responsible for receiving Bunxuan, a group of Bentley, the founder of Bentley, Bentley, is the founder of Bentley, the founder of Bentley - Bentley. It is not 40 years old, it is a man who is a prime period.

In fact, many times, Baoxuan really admire these foreign brands, even if the years are more, even if the family has lost control. They can also struggle for their beloved companies and can do without regrets. It is just for a belief, a family inheritance belief.

After John Chambers introduced the two, Vincent-Bentley is also a leader in young people. However, compared with Bao Zi Xuan, immediately turned into a middle-aged uncle.

One is to fight for yourself, and you have younger business. One is a family business being sold, although it is not much related to him. But did not recover the Bentley car to the family, it is their incompetence. At least many people will think so, including Vincent - Bentley.

I know that Bun Zi Xuan's history of Bentley cars, and the status quo are very clear. Cultural-Bentley still introduced the Po Zixuan, a person in the process. Not only is to visit Bentley, there may be such a well-known brand in the UK.

Vincent - Bentley said very seriously: "Warri-Owen-Bentley during a war, is employed in the UK Royal Naval Aeronar Technology Commission, engaged in the improvement of the French Kreget engine. The aluminum alloy piston he designed is quickly airplane The engine is widely used, not only its improved air engine is known for BR1 and BR2, but he also has accumulated a large number of manufacturing experience and mastered enough engineering technology. So after the war, he is full, it began design and manufacturing itself Car."

"At the beginning of 1919, the new car design was completed. At this time, the funds were also raised, and the famous Bentley Auto Co., Ltd., which was established. At that time, the company's name shares were 200,000 pounds, and the cash in the bank was only more than 15,000. Sterling. So, the company has been lack of funds, which buried hidden dangers for the difficulties in the Bentley fiscal. "

"In 1921, Bentley had a power of 85 horsepower and a speed of up to 128 kilometers, which was the fastest mass production car at the time. This model is considered to be a product that is innovative at that time, and created performance This concept. This 3-liter car broke almost all endurance and speed records at the time. Later, its derivative model also won the historic in Bentley, 1927, 1928, 1929 and 1930 5 The 24-hour endurance champion, Bentley, is famous from the world. "

Under normal circumstances, it is introduced here. Thurs - Bentley will not continue. Because of the 30s, Bentley cars did not belong to the Bentley family, but were acquired by Rolls Royce.

And the acquisition of Bentley, Lessles has almost no price. Just assumed a $ 100,000 debt, although it is not less than that era, but it is similar to white.

In fact, in Vincent-Bentley, Grandpa may be a genius engineer. But it is not a successful and active businessman, or the company cannot be operated by it, and finally even acquired.

The performance of Bentley in Le Mans 24-hour endurance is shocked by the world. All recognizes the performance of Bentley, you can always see yourself; dismissal of the company's business personnel, but also the nose of investors.

But now it is late, Bentley is only a time problem at the acquisition. And Vincent - Bentley knows once the company is acquired by Black Cloud Auto. The Bentley family wants to be almost zero in the probability of retrieving, and Bao Zi Xuan is a master that is not bad.

In Rolls Royce, perhaps there is still a hit hope, now this hope is gradually being destroyed by him.

If you want to promote Bentley Motors to the world, Rolls Royce will not do this. The first they have no capacity, and the strength is not enough. Even if everything is suitable, people will also push their own brands. Bentley has never been attached to the Black Cloud Car to stay in Bentley; it is also responsible for all employees of the company.

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