Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 971 Bentley battle three

John - Qian Bos is very understanding of the company's character, knowing that the boss will not come over. I heard the first thing is to ask the women's salary standard and finally understand the true thoughts. Come over the UK for so many days, there may be no boss has achieved a day.

British car women workers, more than ten years ago, but because of the strikes of salary, it was a lot before. However, there is no solution to the root cause, only solved some contradictions, and still left a big tail without processing. That is the technical rating of the British car women's workers, has not been clear concept. In other words, their wages are still much less than male workers. The technical rating does not come up, and the wages will definitely not be too high.

The boss must have discovered this problem and will suddenly ask this female worker salary issue.

John - Quebus knows that I will definitely cooperate with himself. There is such an opponent that is unmatched, it is estimated that the management of Rolls Royce is headache.

Sure enough, John Chambers guess, the next thing I really need him to come over.

Baozi Xuan asked: "The black cloud car is like her position, how much salary is."

John Chambers preparation, directly replied: "1400-3800 US dollars, of course, is a monthly salary."

Even if you don't understand, you know the exchange rate between the dollar with the pound. Black cloud car sewing machine women's survivor can reach 220 pounds to 600 pounds. This is what they don't want to think; there is no harm, there is no harmony today.

I saw the eyes of the female workers couldn't believe, John Chambers said: "In the black cloud car, the type of work ratings for sewing machine women workers is three kinds."

"Under normal circumstances, the level B has just joined the apprentice, as long as it has passed the internship. Under normal circumstances, it will be called the C level; of course, there is also special cases. For example, the reform of the sewing process is successful, can save costs, increase comfort And service life, etc .; will be promoted by the working level. "

"Currently in Black Cloud, there are many female sewing machine workers' rating to D, which is the primary engineer level."

I heard that the female workers can be rated as a primary engineer, making the watch women's workers from stopping the work.

Paris is also a shade of a face, through the dialogue just now. Finally, I know who is in this man, after all, car magazines and various books, have a detailed introduction of this man.

Baozi Xuan, chairman of the Black Cloud Group, actually did not find it in front of him.

Paris said carefully: "Mr., female sewing machine worker, can really become a primary engineer."

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Don't say female workers, if you define yourself as an ordinary worker, you will never become an engineer."

"I want to call female skills later, you are not ordinary workers, but the technical workers inside the factory."

I heard the man's call to them, as if I got a respect. This is a happy and raising.

Under the leadership of Paris, he sounded warm applause. This is a recognition of Bunzi Xuan, but also a recognition of yourself.

An older worker asked: "Mr., is you thinking so?"

This man looks at younger, and everyone is indeed based on him. But just ridicule them, then there is no meaning. However, the identity and status of the other party is not like a person who is unlocked. Therefore, there is this question, just want to get a satisfactory answer.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Any technical worker knows respect, and there is no relationship with this person."

After I got it, I didn't have sewing leather, smiled and said: "For example, you can sew these two leather,

And the line is smooth, very straightforward. "

"This is the general manager of Black Cloud Car, John Chambs, his annual salary exceeds a million dollars. But he must be sewing so good, of course, I am also the same."

"If you say that sewing workers are not technical, you can let him come over. If anyone can do it, then I have nothing to say."

Learn about this middle-aged man is the general manager of Black Cloud, with an annual salary of more than 10 million US dollars. Then, this young man in front of him must be the rivers of Xiangjiang, and the chairman of the Black Cloud Group Baozi Xuan.

It is also a silly person who also knows that the boss of the Black Cloud Group comes over the Bentley plant. Although the company has been blocked by the news, some things can't be honest. The boss of the Black Cloud Group, the general manager of the Black Cloud Auto came over Bentley, and it is certainly not just a simple visit. I have to know that the two are very busy, no one is so many free people.

Introduction to the combination, only one for the purpose, Black Cloud Auto is ready to acquire Bentley.

In fact, Bentley women are not a person who does not smell the window, of course, knows the benefits of black cloud car workers. Most media in the world have reported that the welfare and treatment of the Black Cloud Group. They only envy, after all, it is the legend of the legendary family.

Now I have heard that there is a chance to be acquired by the Black Cloud Group and become the employee of Baozi Xuan. Everything is excited, this young man is in front of him; it will take them to glory, after all, no one can do business more than him.

Even if sales cannot be significantly improved, welfare and treatment must not be poor. Black Cloud's company has never said that the worker says a 'no'.

This is the effect of Bao Zi Xuan wants to achieve, no matter where it goes; everyone will not say that he is a black boss. If you can't do this, it's really white through it.

It is involved in the company's acquisition, and certainly necessary high-level negotiations. As a worker, it must not be addressed, especially when the Black Cloud Group is going to acquire.

All female workers have decided, who dares to disappear the acquisition of Bentley Cars. That is the enemy of everyone, and only buns Xuan recognized that they belong to technical work. And the black cloud is also done. After a subsidiary of the black cloud, it will be able to get a significant increase in salary.

Vincent - Bentley did not expect Bunzi Xuan, there is still such a point, it seems that the Black Cloud Group stays in Bentley is just a matter of time. Moreover, he feels incredible that this child's incitement ability will be so strong.

Just in the past workshop, let the female workers become the help of the black cloud to acquire Bentley. This ability is not anyone, even if there is anything you can think of.

It is no wonder that people can become super rich, single order, as well as divergent thinking, they do not have.

If you want to survive in Bentley, you must make changes, at least you can't do it with the high level of the black cloud. More to actively cooperate with Bunxuan's acquisition of Bentley, only the Bentley family will not be excluded.

Since you have made up your mind, Vincent-Bentley is much easier, the stone is finally falling. Even if I have a hop, I have to put down now. Be sure to cancel the idea of ​​recovery Bentley Auto Equity and management rights, at least him can't think about this.

After the Bao Zi Xuan visited the Bentley Museum and saw several classic models. For the British engineer, you have to admire. Dieted products designed for decades, even if they put them in the 21 world, they will remain. This is classic, and is the kind of eternal classic.

After everything visit, Vincent-Bentley came to the meeting room with Bunzi Xuan. Because there is a simple communication here, it is at least to express attitudes.

In fact, it is now talking about Bentley, and they can't do the Lord. The senior row of Rocal did not authorize it, more introduced the product in advance. It means very obvious, let the buyer first look at the goods first. Want to raise the price, at least let the buyer know its true value.

After all of the people left, John Chambers said with a smile: "Mr. Bentley, you should have clearly, then you should not bend it. Black Cloud Auto officially issued the advertunch notice to Bentley, I hope that you can give it Positive response. "

This is not the John Chambs' negotiation style, who can let Bao Zixuan are also here. Understanding John Chambers in the boss attitude does not want to waste time, after all, Bao Zi Xuan's time is limited. Come over the British time will not be too long, and you must speed up the speed. Thus, although a part of the funds will be lost, it has just a woman's problem as a paving, and it is believed that the rocotion is not too much.

And the Black Cloud Group is not a point, and it is already planned to plan. As long as Luo Luo dares to mention too much, then their days are not good. In the absence of absolute strength, any small movement is insignificant.

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