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As your own heart, it is also his representative of Rolls Royce. Racharie-Rolls certainly didn't want to see the things under his hand, and there was no benefit to him.

However, it is not to publish any opinions on the site shareholder, that is to say, this pricing is recognized. At this time, Richard Roll is also a head, two big; after all, board members can't make sin. But this price will negotiate with the Black Cloud Group, I hope it will become very embarrassing. Unlike the Les family, the Rolls family has many industries, and the Black Cloud Group wants him, but she starts from many places.

In fact, this will have to mention the background of the two families, the founder's identity and social status is completely different.

As we all know, Rolls Royce is the British Charlie - Rolls and Henry - Les.

Charlie-Rolls, Mechanical Engineers, from 1877, from the noble family, is the third child of Lord Lord Lord Lamatt. He is handsome, the style is rich in adventurous, is the earliest car enthusiast in the UK, one of the earliest racing sports promoters.

After the University of Cambridge, Rolls graduated from the University of Cambridge, and the mixed community in the London, and there was a taste of the flower bonus. When he was studying in the Cambridge, he bought a standard car.

Henry Lees, British engineers and automotive designers, is known for the production of high-end sedan and aerospace engines, and is one of the founders of Rolls Royce.

When the LES childhood, the family was shed, and he was sent to the newsboy and telegraph. In 1877, he gained an opportunity to go to the Big North Railway Engineering Department as an apprentice, and learned a lot of basic knowledge about the project in three years. He later he was employed in a MILIMUC company, in 1882, he won the London Electric Light and Power Company as a tester. At the time, it was active and active, which made him get the company's appreciation, sent to Liverpool, in the local The company promoted to the chief engineer.

In 1884, Les was founded in Manchester and a friend to create F. H. Les, and then registered Cheng Ji Limited in 1894. In 1906, Les designed by Les got the appreciation of Charles Rolls in the car agent, and the two were in the same year to set up Rolls Royce Co., Ltd., leaded by Loss, and Laus is responsible for market sales. The senior sedan designed by Les is still a great success in the market.

It is necessary to know that Rolls is from the aristocrat family, and there is a deep exchange with the entire British top society and the nobles. And there are many industries involved, or it will not take the initiative to make the chairman position.

Rolls-Royce is just an industry of the family, not to say that there is no existence, but at least not so important. The Less family is different, Rolls Royce is all of them; so the price of Bentley is about the family prosperity.

And Ferdinand-Les is very skeptical, Richard Roll will not deliberately let Dousen low prices. Then there is no other industries and business, not without this possibility.

In particular, after Bao Zixuan also promoted the British aristocratic class, there will be someone to take a bridge for it.

In fact, Ferdinan Germany is really misunderstanding on the Rolls family, after all, is related to the core interests of the enterprise. It is the guts and big, and I don't dare to harm the collective benefits, and the family benefits. That is a very serious confidence, and does not match the nobles. When everyone knows that the Rolls family actually dares to carry the board, with the Black Cloud Group privately. Then there is anyone who dares to cooperate with their families, and it is difficult to survive in the UK.

Some things belong to the red line, no one will touch.

But now can not directly reported such a high price, that time buns Xuan and biotite Group executives will certainly have to doubt the sincerity of Rolls-Royce. Rolls family, but the largest shareholder, the possibility of being involved in the largest.

. Richard - Rolls: "Gentlemen Directors also true opinion, then things will be easier Dawson, a man past negotiations inappropriate, after all, biotite chairman buns Xuan also in how Bentley said they were also just granted seal life peer, the face or to give, Rolls-Royce can not lose etiquette. "

"Just select from two directors together in the past, so they'll see Rolls-Royce's sincerity."

Director of Rolls-Royce, have been holding shares of the company for many years. It can be said the majority of the old aristocracy, of course, here there is also no lack of edge II of the Lord. Let them go because of who is no problem, but said negotiations, really do not know how to begin.

Even without knowing the depth, but also understand that living is not good. Not a sightseeing tour, but not because of who you go to, but to the group and biotite buns Xuan hard steel. Who did not so stupid, like shareholder cents in the back, but the specific transaction or to the professionals in charge.

Richard - Rolls with a smile: "Since we no opinion, then please Mr. Morales named after him, but the ability of you know, I believe we will not let the company suffer.."

Ferdinand - Les opening certainly did not know Richard a good thing, it is not just being yourself offend people do! The whole room, it is not the task can be worthy of the people, past negotiations with biotite group, not looking uncomfortable it!

Now this direct questions to him, but still can not find one thing wrong. After all, as chairman of the company, we say to the following shareholders do not understand. That was a serious dereliction of duty, is bound to make shareholders and employees lose trust, you can basically say goodbye with as chairman.

At this point already dilemma, no matter how do not have a good result. If so, you might as well let go, let go Dawson toss it!

Ferdinand - Rice said with a smile: ".. The basic shareholder of the company is not involved in the management, their situation on Bentley's not very understanding or make a trip to Dawson, president personally in the past, while allowing Vincent - Bentley fully cooperate with him."

"I believe there are two of them to come forward, even in the dark Group picky, could not say anything to. Buns Xuan just want to do the Lord's past, Dawson, president of the company as CEO, to its board of directors authorized plus. Surely must be able to instant success, as long as we are good news waiting for him at home on it. "

"Gentlemen Directors believe that the ability to Dawson, president, at least I think so myself."

Rolls-Royce and saw two families head in the game, other directors are not involved. This often occurs before, so either there is no internal friction, I believe that Rolls-Royce will not decline so far.

But deep grudges, has more than a few years; nobody can change. Rolls-Royce unless changed hands, or a family exit. But this can only think about it, a short time is not very realistic.

This time to join in, with no difference between burned.

Dawson:.. "I thank Royce, chairman of the trust, but the group is the biotite buns Xuan personally Rolls-Royce respect, you are not in the past is not good or else the two of us to take a trip, can be considered an expression one kind of sincerity and respect. "

There is no problem with this, there is no, the Black Cloud Group Bunxuan and John Chambers have come. Moreover, the black cloud strength itself is too much to be more than the company, as the chairman of the company, is obviously not given to the aspect.

According to your own price, there is no problem in the past, but Ferdinan Germany is not at the end. Just just want to be difficult to talk, this Rolls family's watchdog. I didn't expect to be a military one army who was reversed by the other party.

Four Ferdin German-Les is also seen some scenes, knowing that the Rolls family cannot be alone. So smiled and said: "The President Dousen is very reasonable. Otherwise, there is a lot of gifts. Baozi Xuan is now different today's status, now is a lifelong noble of the British Empire."

"It is not easy to treat the other party as an ordinary businessman, but it is a blasphemy for the royal family."

"This time I hope to be able to pass by Mr. I with, I will not fall into passive. And I heard that Bao Zi Xuan is very tagging, and some touching the feelings. It belongs to you to respect me, I Respect you, one person. "

"Seeing Rolls Royce attaches this, it will not have too much requirements."

It is not so easy to put Ferdin German-Les, and now pull Richard-Roll in.

At this time, you can't recognize it, or it will be difficult to carry out at the company later.

Richard Rolls: "Of course, there is no problem, as long as Mr. Lees is considered; I am waiting for you, let you go."

Although it is very low-key and implied, it is highly raised at the same time. But it also changed, this negotiation is the Les family, he will only assist in the side. It doesn't work hard, but it will not go back at the black pot.

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