Of course, with Robert Galvin did not mention what excessive requirements, mainly the meaning of Bao Zixuan. Investment is also good, cooperation, must be equal. If one does it like to take advantage of it, or too strong. There is little problem in a short time, and it will definitely cause contradictions for a long time. This is also the reason for the world all countries like the Black Cloud Group to invest in. In all companies, the black cloud is the most refreshing existence, and never likes to find trouble.

Rebirth, if you don't even have this word of mouth, it is really white.

Mrs. Satchel in the British Prime Minister, also known many multinational companies. I have also played with a lot of businessmen, of course, including the UK's well-known entrepreneurs. However, it has never been like this, and the negotiations are so smooth. As long as it is suitable, it is absolutely not ink, and it can be determined in the first time.

Of course, this is mainly related to Bao Xuan's sexuality. It is also true that things are never dragging water.

Queen learned that four companies will establish large aircraft production in Luton, England, and assembled factories. This is a doctor of the British, and I didn't expect to achieve today. Bao Zixuan came over in the UK in less than half a month, it identified three projects. And it is still a big, investor, and the British economy will not be difficult.

The ultra-large passenger machine project has been described in the country of the country, and the signing ceremony must be on the card. Directly in Buckingham Palace, the queen's decision is also extremely fast.

It is necessary to know that the commercial signing, it seems that there is no precedent in Buckingham Palace. Baozi Xuan invisibly created history, but it was only the opening of the future, and the opportunity to change history should be more.

Macker Danner followed Dad to Buckingham Palace, of course, it belong to absolute support. I didn't expect to visit the main guest today, and it is also a huge progress.

As for the Yokoi, you may have a somewhere in Japan. But here is one of the British and World War II. His identity is relatively embarrassing, after all, the end of the war is still not long. At this time, the owners of the countries have experienced the baptism of World War II, and I want to forget hatred and pain, or it is still difficult.

As for Robert Galvin, it came to Buckingham Palace, but the previous status was not so prominent. Although Motorola is a large company, there can be many companies in the United States than their strong companies, and they are still not row. And the British domestic communication field is not very developed, Motorola has never thought of establishing laboratory and plants here.

When Bao Zi Xuan is still awarded the honor in the past few days ago, it is a rebound.

Queen gives face, everyone can't be confident. Even the small wheat Tang Dadona, which is unsatisfactory, begins to pay attention to the image, and when playing, it is time to watch.

Zhang Hairan and Diana Wang Hao are vacation in Scotland,

I have told Bunxuan in advance, and I will not come over. Actually, it is not only because of the death of Diana, it is more important that the other three are temporary, the wife or women have not come to the United Kingdom. In Bao Zi Xuan, a person with a person attended his wife and appeared.

Bao Zixuan came again to Buckingham Palace again; today's scene, although there is no solemn, but it is more lively. There are a lot of people who come over, and there are many officials and entrepreneurs in the UK.

Oversized passenger aircraft need to deal with many departments, and there are many supporting factories to serve them. Let them meet in advance, so as not to find people. Although the British is engraved, but this time I think it is still very thoughtful.

Recently, the bag has been out of too many winds, which makes others brush existence. I can't make you a good thing, then who will play with you.

Robert Galvin is the longest, so he rains him first. This is a kind of honor and is also an approved. After all, the first appearance is also a honor.

After him is Mitsubishi, Yokosaki, and then Xiaomi Tangja, Bunzi Xuan is in the end.

For this ranking, the three know what is going on. To be honest, although they are the family, they are really better than the popularity of the world, including in the hearts of the British. Three people may pick up a piece of Bunxuan. I didn't expect this kid to have a thing, and I actually let the position come out.

Three people did not have too tangled. I can only express my gratitude, and I will still find a chance.

Perhaps there is still a factor, Bunxuan stays in the UK. Even in important, it is easy to form aesthetic fatigue. Of course, this is just an idea, and some people are in the sky.

The British queen is very good, everyone is accustomed to; and talks with their kind.

It is also strange that Robert Galvin actually with the Queen, it is a kind of fate! Of course, the Queen is more familiar with Robert - Galvin, founder of Motorola, Paul Galvin.

When I met, I said that the Queen said to Robert Galvin: "Hello, Mr. Calwin, I haven't seen you for a long time. When you came over the UK, I was still with Paul Galvin, and I just ended at that time. I didn't expect that I have been over for more than 30 years, I have been too old, we are old. "

"In the heart of the British people, Paul Galvin is always a hero who has no regrets."

Here, I have to mention, Robert-Galvin's father, Paul, Title, the father of Motorola - Galvin.

Paul Galvin was born in the United States in the United States in 1895, and where he spent his childhood and teenager. Young Paul is full of desire and embarrassment to the outside world, and thinking about going throughout the day. Therefore, it seems that there is a lot of mature than the same age. It may be from a small rebellion, so there is no life in the class; after the university is in the industry, I started working with other people to run battery companies. After a few setbacks, I finally established my own manufacturing company in 1928. Start production and development of car radios with Motorola for trademarks, it is only to open the market.

Because Motorola has developed a radio telephone to the Allies in the Second World War II. The company has developed rapidly. By the 1950s, the annual sales of more than $ 200 million is definitely a co-wings.

Therefore, after the victory in World War, Paul Galvin came to Buckingham Palace. By the way, with Robert Galvin, it has already known Queen at that time. However, the queen at the time was only a princess, until a few years later he inherited the throne.

Therefore, two people are not over, at least 30 years.

Robert Galvin is not a person who is unclear, people compliment your father, always have to say. So say: "Thank you for your Queen, and the British people still remember. Family just did what he should do, and often warned us that he was still far away than the soldiers fighting with blood."

It can be said that it is given to the other steps, regarding politeness. However, it is also a way to take each other's feelings. At least let Robert Galvin feel the British royal family, or be a friend; the father's achievements, the other party always remembers.

When the turn of the Rocky, the scene is slightly embarrassed, the queen is a diplomatic master, resolve the embarrassment and contradiction, and there is no difficulty in it.

The Queen said: "Mr. Viosaki, hello! I am very happy to come to the UK. I believe that here will have a deep memory. Japan and the United Kingdom are island, there is too much similar place, I hope you are Here you can find a feeling of home. "

Tong Robert Galvin is a childcupiency, and contribution to the Galvin family's victory in World War II. When I arrived in Viosaki, I talked directly from the geographical field, and I saw the Queen's diplomatic means.

Idozymaki is arrogant, and I don't dare to pay in front of the queen.

I said to the Queen Trinity: "Japan is studying the British to develop, the British Empire has too many places worth learning. I believe that this time I will have a successful harvest."

Ingikasaki's response is not slow, although I can't see the British in my heart. After all, after World War II, the British did not fall than before the end of the Empire. In the world's influence, there is no comparability as 100 years ago.

The Japanese is very real, always respecting the strong. Now the world is the US Su, as for the UK, whether it is national strength, or economic strength, and military strength, it is not recognized by the world.

In fact, the oversized passenger plane is placed in the UK, and there is some opinions on the Yokosaki. However, I also know that my arm is screwed, at least in this matter, Bao Zi Xuan is reasonable and there is no error. I can only endure first, find a chance to learn the technology of oversized passenger planes, then produce themselves in Japan. This is the ambition, the island crisis awareness, much more powerful than other places.

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