Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 997, gunpowder, 10 feet three

Landy Plyzk was accompanied by Wang Hao, Diana, and learned that the US Lockefeller family Miss came over Zegles. And it is still for project investment, and both the names of the two people are the same, of course I want to know.

The British royal family also wants to be friends, and it is good to be good. For the core interests of the British Empire, it is not shameless with investors. And the Lockefeller family represents anything in the United States, I am afraid to go to the president, and children under the slums know. This is a little name is not weak than the King of the British King, and hard strength may have stronger than the family of the British royal family.

Miss Lockefeller family came out of business, and there is no secret in Europe and the United States. Including Luntel - Morgan Creating Express Company, two thousand golden masters are more known to each other.

At this point, in London, there is already a Best Electronic Mall in London, but I just didn't expect to expand so fast. Directly came to Scotland, it seems that doing business, it really needs to study hard to these families.

The UK is still too conservative, mainly the aristocracy can't let it go, this is even more such. In this way, the country can develop together. And what do you have to be too worn, Bun Zixuan has identified three projects in just half a month. This is the British local businessman, which may have not finished the previous test of the first project.

This is also the case, although there is no black cloud group so exaggerated. However, the efficiency of the new shopping mall is very high, and the first shopping mall in London is less than a year, and now there is already three under normal business. Now I will enter Scotland, and it will be difficult to go out in this UK local businessman.

The royal family does not need to maintain life in business, but what other people in the UK do. Still do you with your husband, that is, Charles Crown. No matter whether it can be heard, but also express your own meaning, this is the most dutcome of the British King.

Diana Wang Hao did not let the Lantudi Prezk came over with Lockefeller Miss, and personally went to the meeting, but it was a good behavior. When I came to the past, I saw Zhang Tiran chatted with Lockefeller Miss, and I chatted very well, and I didn't know before.

Of course, Langdi, Of course, Zhang Tiran, who had just came in, Dianna Wang Hao has given two people. Seeing Diana Rockefeller chatting with its chat, it is incredible. There is a collection of intersections before the two, but I have not heard it.

As for Bunzi Xuan, it is naturally ignored. Because the head is rich in Lechel - Morgan, I have passed the gossip, I am afraid that the world knows. But with Diana Rockefeller, no one will think in this regard. It is mainly what the two are really nothing, and even Bao Zi Xuan is so thinking.

It is also the longest age, and it must be introduced to you the longest age. So smiled and said: "It turns out that you know, you don't have to introduce too much."

"This is Dai Dianran,

And you are the same name! "

Then I said to Diana Wang Hao: "This is the lady of Lockefeller with you, this time, Scotland is to do market research."

Diana Rockefeller believes that it is also a beautiful woman, but in front of the prince Dianna, it is really a bit of a self. In front of you, this king is that it is temperament, or the appearance is strong. To know that the other party is a woman who has born children, it does not take advantage. It's too high when it's a peak of its peak, and I can't imagine.

Although the strength is not weak in the British royal family, you can be in the site of people. The face is still to give, Diana Rockefeller said with a smile: "I have long heard the name of Wang Hao, but I haven't been able to see it. I can be with you is my honor, I hope you don't mind."

Miss Rockefeller is still very low, just because I want to overwhelm to Zhang Lease from the momentum. Now in the face of the British King, and it is likely to become a woman in the mother, of course, the low-key to perform.

Diana Wang Lei said: "Miss Rockefeller is polite, welcome to Scotland. For yourself here, you are already familiar, I just introduce."

"Just I didn't expect you to know you with my wife, I still think about it to you!"

The name of Scotland is still managed by Britain, this is unquestionable. Diana Wang Hao is of course qualified to represent Scotland, so there is no problem. But mentioning the lady, let Diana Rockefeller are very unhappy.

Just have been weakening Zhang Tiran is the fact that the wife is a lady. Now it is mentioned by Wang Hao, Diana, which is really not open.

But you can't turn your face with Wang, after all, she doesn't know what the situation is.

Diana Wang Hao's words made Zhang Tiran listened very happy, and the name of the lady must be determined. At least to let the world know that she is a wife of Xiangjiang's first rich. I didn't feel so important before, but Diana Rockefeller appeared, let her see the sense of crisis.

The husband is too excellent, and it will definitely be a lot of people. It is still difficult to see you now.

Diana Rockefeller said with a smile: "I also met the first time, but the same bag is very familiar. I have been known for a long time, and our two have cooperated many projects."

"You may not know that Mr. Bao is a large shareholder of Best sells, or is also a joint founder. Just trust me, usually do not participate in management."

"It was originally thought that Miss Zhang knew that she didn't expect Mr. Bao did not tell her. It seems that I have a lot of mouth, that man can not have a secret."

Dai Ali-Rockefeller is so speechless, making the atmosphere of the scene. The woman present is not stupid, how can such a obvious provocative behavior can't see. Many people have heard of Miss Bao Xuan Tong Morgan. Is there anything that outsiders don't know, at this time, Diana Rockefelle is like a grievance, and there is a story between Tongbao Zixuan.

It seems that the world's first diamond Wang Lao fifth is really a name is not intriguing, and he actually captures the heart of Morgan and Miss Rockefeller. This is simply unhappy, but it provides a lot of creative themes for film and television.

Such a dog's blood is a plot, even if the scriptwriter opened by the cerebral cave will not think in this regard.

Zhang Tiran is of course not willing to show weakness. At this time, it is too weak. Others have bullied to your head, so provocative behavior is not counterattable, then who will take you seriously. So smiled and said: "I want to leave some space to the man; but I am crazy outside, as long as I can go home in the evening. The man does not work hard, let us have a woman."

"Miss Rockefeller feels that women should have independent rights, but the transition is the best. Maybe this is what she wants, but men do not want women."

"The wife even the husband is not a particularly important partner, it is too confident. The Black Cloud Group has so many business, and the accounts are dazzled. I still have time to pay attention to some little business. "

It is not a particularly important partner, small business and other words with serious insults, at least Diana Rockefeller feels. I didn't expect this Xiangjiang woman in front of him, and I also understood the counterattack, and it was so sharp.

Seeing two people have some swords, Diana Wang Hao and Langdie - Pletz Keries know; can not continue, or not. When a gentle woman, it will become tough when it comes to the family status.

The Miss Loxer's family is a chart. Whether it is Diana, it is still what Langdi Prezk can't say more. After all, this is the private affairs of the two, and the relationship is not familiar with such an extent.

In addition to this is in the UK, the host is first to entertain guests.

The best way to currently separate the two, because any one can't afford it.

The Rockefeller family name is easy to confirm. Baozi Xuan is investing in the UK, this time is sin, that is the sinner of the entire British Empire.

Diana Wang Hao and Dagras marquee exchanged his eyes, and immediately understood what the other party mean.

The Marquis laughed and said: "Mrs. Mrs. You are the first time to come over Dramlan Rico. Take advantage of the banquet yet, some time, I don't know how to take you. You can understand this castle; At the same time, the Douglais family also makes the landlord. "

Obviously it is to step, of course, can of course refuse. And Zhang Ziran knows that there is still a fight later, and first think about the method of cashing.

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