Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 123 - 112 - Appearance of Linda Cali

"We're here on the streets of New York, where just a couple minutes ago, entire buildings were seemingly vaporized, attacked by what seems to be a group of Extra-terrestrial flying objects.

This target of the destruction seemed to be the building belonging to the National Sweethearts Alice and Zeel Crawford, who have been out of the spotlight since the incident in Paradise Hills where the town was attacked by what the government dubbed 'Organized terrorist Units'.

Today folks, I am Linda Cali, asking you to take a look around and tell me if you see organized terrorism happening here...…

Wait! Folks at home, I am being told there are teenagers floating in the air,"

The camera flashed and showed the numbers gathered together in the air, facing the southern direction. It takes time to zoom in on each individual face as if trying to identify them.

"Folks! There you have it, the elusive Zeel and Alice Crawford floating in the air with no propulsion gear we know of. Alongside them is Zeel's brother John Smith who similarly disappeared after the incident of Paradise Hills. The next two individuals cannot be identified though we have received information that the boy seems to be called Vishnu, a Hinduism god, who recently vacated the Nanda Devi mountains in India.

Oh My gosh folks, is this a war between gods? Above us you can see a protective barrier, obviously, the gods care about our well-being.

Off in the distance, you can observe weird flying machines of unknown origin. I believe a war is about to start folks. I hope to be here when it happens, but as I fear for my life, I am going to be bringing you the video live from a safe distance away. Stay tuned!"

"Ready?" Alice asked everyone.

The space around Vishnu began to warp and twist, a storm appearing in the skies above courtesy of Elizabeth, the veins began to appear on the bleeding Ella's forehead, John's body began vibrating at astonishing speeds, the air shaking around Cindy, a white light surrounding the body of Marina.

Everyone was poised and ready to go. This battle would determine the fate of their entire race, quite literally since they were all the Loriens left in the world.

"Wait!" Zeel said as he waved his hand and strengthened the barriers that Alice had laid out to protect the civilians "Now we're good! Keep the battle in the air, unless we have no other choice. The barriers can take impacts but not constant force,"

"For Lorien!" John yelled fuelling his burning rage into physical strength.

Then Vishnu, Zeel, Alice, Elizabeth, Marina, Ella, and Cindy echoed "For Lorien!"

Every one was swept up by the momentum as they charged into battle. This was a first for Zeel also, fighting alongside others that he held minor regard for. Zeel had participated in many wars, but not with anyone he ever cared about.

Catherine was too young to know of the dark waters of their Universe, but Zeel was being raised as the poster child and future family head of the Crawfords.

A huge storm broke out above New York City as Elizabeth used her sturma right off the bat, lightning, and thunder, followed by rain and hail striking at the Mogadorian sh.i.p.s in the distance.

John, Zeel, Alice, Cindy, and Vishnu rushed into the incoming sh.i.p.s, using their mastery of the antigravity boots, deflecting shots away with their telekinesis.

In a flash Vishnu disappeared as he teleported to one Mogadorian ship put his hand on it and teleported it inside another ship, barely escaping the impending explosion.

Vishnu's arms could be seen torn and tattered, but soon the injures recovered with a healing factor that exceeded even Zeel's and Alice's.

Cindy, using her mastery of vibrations, touched several sh.i.p.s and they tore apart from the inside out. Cindy could store up vibrations caused by nearby explosions and release them in deafening claps of supersonic sound waves, causing several Mogadorians inside the sh.i.p.s to hold their melting brains.

Though Cindy was not much better, absorbing vibrations were less harmful to her, but still took a toll for the brief moment she used her body to contain the sonic energy.

Alice was mostly support, deflecting the many beams aiming at the group. Occasionally she would crush sh.i.p.s with her telekinesis but mainly tried to avoid extensive damage to the barriers below.

It was a bad idea to wreak havoc on the already unstable barrier protecting the civilians; she was already contented with Zeel's actions of supporting her decision to protect the innocents below. She just hoped they could evacuate much faster, no telling how long Zeel's conscience would remain.

John would use his lumen taking advantage of the flashing lightning and grabbing them, throwing them at Mogadorian sh.i.p.s after supercharging them. After which he would finish off the sh.i.p.s with his copied teleportation legacy and an indestructible dagger made by Zeel.

Zeel also discovered an entirely new use for John's lumen but did not bother mentioning it to anyone. Of course, Alice and Elizabeth knew of his intentions long ago, but Alice appreciated that his thought was somewhat normal for someone of their age.

Marina floated all the way to the back using her recupero legacy to heal the numbers in the distance, but the majority of her time was spent behind Ella – attempting to slow the progression of the Mogadorian poison, but this was not going so well.

The more power Ella used, the faster the rate of decay of her body.

Ella was not paying attention to the concerned Marina, Ella knew she was currently dying. Ella canceled out stray beams using her dreynen legacy, while also running interference with her telepathy legacy.

Mogadorian minds were hard to interfere with unless you focused on making them angrier than they already are.

Zeel was surprisingly doing less damage than John, Zeel would wave his hands as buildings merged with fallen Mogadorian sh.i.p.s and transformed into weapons of massive destruction.

The newly created weapons began firing at the Mogadorians sh.i.p.s that had yet to fall. Zeel used the first generation ionic cannons to make buildings into weapons. This took a lot of concentration and was also his way of respecting Alice's wishes of protecting the citizens, which made him hesitate with the necessary actions he should take.

"I'm sorry Alice, but we're at too much of a disadvantage fighting the air," Zeel shouted at Alice in apology.

He had held back this action for as long as possible to get as many civilians to safety as possible, but now he could hold back no longer "Do it, Ella!"

Zeel's thinking had long since fallen back into his old ways.

'Who are these people to me? Why should I put myself at a disadvantage for them? Does Alice want us to put ourselves at risk?' these thoughts and more flooded Zeel's mind.

"Ella don't you'll die! Please," Marina asked as she whispered in Ella's ear from behind.

"Ella, No! We can handle them up here," Alice shouted in a pleading tone, she could still see families trying to get to safety at nearby shelters, people rummaging under rocks to find their loved ones.

Alice could literally hear the beating heart of some children buried under the rubble.

"I am sorry Alice, but I don't want to lose any more of our people. The humans can repopulate, please forgive me," Ella said in a choking voice, making the hardest decision anyone could make in their lives.

Countless innocent deaths or condemn my own family? Marina made the choice after a couple of seconds of hesitation.

What she said next, combining her dreynen ability with her telepathy, changed the entire battle "Law Creation Technique: No Flight,"

After which Ella's body turned to ash and dissipated into the cloudy skies, she had used the last of her Lorien energy keeping her alive to perform her technique. John's and Marina's eyes turned bloodshot for a moment before quickly hiding it.

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