The next couple minutes were spent in absolute silence as Kaplan tried his best to work with the computers, he didn't want to end up like James going down the exact corridor so he put several conditions on its usage. After the trio were well prepared to go, Zeel walked over to Alice and asked "Aren't you going to tell him?"

Alice shrugged "I don't really mind. But I am not sure if you'll ever do that to me"

"I wouldn't dream of it" Zeel said which was clearly a lie since he had considered killing her several times already.

"Give me a hand." Kaplan yells to Zeel as he begins to drag the EMP core further into the corridor, attempting to get to the other side as quickly as possible. The next couple minutes went without a hitch as Zeel singlehandedly dragged the EMP all the way to the core of the Red Queen.

"Get out! Get out! You can't be in here." The Red Queen says in a spooky kind of echo voice that kinda scares the three of them.

"Don't listen to anything she says. She's a holographic representation of the Red Queen. Modelled after the head programmer's daughter. She'll try to deceive us, confuse us." Kaplan says while securing the device to the computer in a swift and easy manner, though if one would look carefully they could see his slight trembling every now and again.

"I wouldn't advise this. Disabling me will result in loss of primary power." The Red Queen says.

"Yeah, I know but good luck convincing them of that" Zeel said as his body got a bit fidgety, he began shaking like an addict before kneeling down.

"What's wrong, are you alright?" Alice asked as she place a hand on Zeel's shoulder only to retract it almost immediately as his body temperature was burning up to inhuman levels.

Zeel then began coughing up trace amount of liquid mercury much to the surprise of Kaplan and Alice, but soon he was back on his feet as if nothing happened "I am fine, just something I've been waiting on finally awoke" Zeel spoke as something strange entered his mind 'SRNT stage 1 activation sequence initiated – Able to learn indefinitely as long as enough source material is presented, able to integrate other rare metals and substances to aid in self-improvement, able to access any computerized data and modify it though proximity and level of complexity must be accounted for or time to access is significantly prolonged'

Kaplan completely ignored Zeel's plight as he focused primarily on trying to shut off the Red Queen as a personal revenge for the death of James "She'll say anything to stop us from shutting her down."

"I implore you." The Red Queen insists and just as Zeel is getting ready to second the warning Kaplan pushes the button without further discussion.

"You're all going to die down here." The Red Queen says as a final curse before looking at Zeel and disappearing.

'Was she able to detect the nanites that just went active in my system?' Zeel questioned as for a brief moment he could feel the Red Queen attempt to make a personal plea to himself.

"That pulse forces the circuit breaker to shut down her mainframe for 30 seconds. After that, if I don't have her board, she can reboot." Kaplan said as he takes the Red Queen's motherboard as a form of final insurance.

Alice had been ignoring everything and staring at Zeel strangely the entire time "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, quick flue" Zeel replied and walked away, Alice stayed behind a bit looking at the blisters on the hand she touched Zeel with earlier "What are you?" She asked herself before heading to catch up with both Kaplan and Zeel.

"Hey Spencer we got a survivor here" Rain yelled as her first instinct was to aid the survivor since this was the first she had come across. An incredible foolish move compared to Spencer who took a couple steps back to stand beside a hand cuffed Matt. Rain proceeded closer having already let down her guard, when she was a couple feet away the woman jumped towards her with cranky moves and latched onto her as if to give her a hug out of fear.

"It's okay. We're here to help. You seem to be in some serious…" Rain was not able to finish her statement as the woman with her misshaped row of teeth bit into Rain's neck like a wolf that had not eaten for days.

"Get off of me! Get off of me!" Rain yelled as some wrestling ensued until Spencer came to her aid, together they were able to get the hungry woman off Rain. Getting a good look at the woman, Spencer had a brief flash back of memories he had forgotten due to the gas but it only lasted a second or two and was pretty vague.

"She bit me, man. She took a chunk clean right out of me." Rain complains as she sees Spencer standing next to her. Unlike Rain, Spencer is the best kind of person to get attacked with since he shoots first and asks questions later. A fierce round of shots was fired off in quick succession as Spencer was not one to take any chances.

"Stay down." Spencer said in a tone that almost sounded like pleading, after all he was not too fond of shooting a woman to death over and over again. The woman just wouldn't stay down, she walked, crawled, then clawed her way towards them until Rain decided to bash her head in as final insurance.

"I'm warning you, stay down!" he pleads once again not wanting to shoot a defenseless woman.

After doing a final bash just to be safe Rain said "She's crazy man! I shot her 5 times and she still stood up!"

"Maybe she had children at home somewhere" Spencer replied with his hands trembling.

"Then I hope they aren't some crazy f.u.c.ks too" Rain said as she looked at Matt to make sure he wasn't doing anything funny while they were fighting for their lives.

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