Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 132 - 121 - Dissension In The Family

Not withholding anything, Alice attacked Zeel immediately throwing him a couple of miles away with the might of her telekinetically enhanced punch.

The force behind Alice's punch could split mountains apart so even Zeel suffered a critical hit from the blow.

However, Alice knew that when attempting to stop Zeel from doing something, she must give it her all. Zeel was not someone she could defeat even if he was weaker than herself. His mind was his sharpest weapon, with his abilities as a secondary use.

Alice continually chastised herself out loud for everyone to hear "How could I be so stupid? How could I have not noticed earlier?"

"What's wrong?" Elizabeth asked for clarification, the others were also curious and frightened.

They could not dream of ever attacking Zeel, and now Alice, the closest person to Zeel, had attacked him outright.

"Emospectruminium is a metal we discovered on a Mogadorian base. We believe their weapons use a small amount to make blasters. It harnesses the negative emotions of the host and converts it to energy" Alice explained then asked a question "Where does Emospectruminium come from if it is not native to Earth?"

"It's not from Lorien that means it must be from …." John cleared his mind long enough to answer but couldn't finish as Marina answered in his place.

"Mogador… and Zeel plans to launch a huge chunk of negative-emotion fuelled metal to a planet that holds not only more of that metal, but also the most negative race in the entire Universe," Marina answered realizing just how f.u.c.k.e.d they would be if Zeel succeeds.

"So what if he kills the Mogadorians?" Vishnu asked not having a bit of sympathy for the plight of the Mogadorians.

"You idiot!" Elizabeth shouted "What he is planning isn't killing the Mogadorians but destroying the planet, killing all Mogadorians, even those who had nothing to do with the war. Children, parents, workers, Lorien slaves – everyone, and everything will be destroyed. The resulting explosion could affect us since Mogador isn't far from Lorien on a cosmic scale,"

Ella, Vishnu, and John only now realized the severity of what Zeel's actions would bring about. Not so much about the Mogadorian, but there could be Lorien survivors on the planet.

Zeel, who had been blasted away by Alice, floated over and stood a couple of meters in front of the group "Alice I am a bit disappointed, though you didn't go to harm me, so I know this a moral grey area for you. But I am only doing this because I care about them. You understand right Vishnu?"

Zeel said looking for someone to back him up, overtime he had come to care for them and even treated Vishnu as a younger brother, but the response he got in return made him slightly uncomfortable.

"You're a monster Zeel!" Vishnu yelled, "Can't you see there are children, animals, and many other things there?"

"Don't do it Zeel," Alice yelled as she considered taking off her limiters, just to recall what happened the last time, sadly it was a bit too late as the nanites locked up her body temporarily.

"Elizabeth stop him," Alice yelled, and just as Elizabeth was going to move she also found her body frozen.

"Guys stop him; he is about to condemn an entire planet," Elizabeth yelled as she struggled to stand, regardless of the nanites freezing her body.

"You're going to kill Sam and Sarah?" John said in a disbelieving tone, still a bit frozen from the shock of seeing San and Sarah captured by Setrakus Ra.

"No," Zeel replied without any fluctuations in his voice.

"Your liar," John yelled as he rushed into the battle followed by Vishnu and Cindy who got the gist of what was about to occur.

Marina hesitated on the side, struggling with what decision to make. Should she allow Zeel to erase the Mogadorian species just because they slaughtered her people? Are all Mogadorians bad? Wasn't it Setrakus Ra, once a Lorien, that instigated the attack?

John was being trashed by Zeel using his TechnoMancy.

"Can't fight me with my own techniques John" Zeel voiced out smugly as his feet were grabbed below by Cindy who created a massive earthquake pulling him into the fray.

Vishnu turned into a massive giant and stomped on the land Zeel was under after Cindy exited.

Marina, deciding to join the fray, used her Glacen ability to freeze the entire landmass over. Ella, off to the side, was still struggling.

Ella may have been the one who hated Zeel the most, but she was also the most grateful for his contribution to Lorien.

The group held nothing back as they were sure it was impossible to kill Zeel, but if they could contain him until the situation was stable, there was hope he would listen to reason at that time. Sadly, they underestimated Zeel's abilities.

All of a sudden John, Cindy, Alice, Elizabeth, Marina, and Vishnu ceased all actions as their brains went numb, almost to the point of passing out. Zeel had sent a signal that affected their brains through the nanites in their bodies.

Zeel dusting himself off came up from underground looking as if nothing was affecting him "I shut down some electrical signals in your brain, can't act if your body doesn't have a command center. I am doing this because I care, one day you'll see,"

Then a small voice came from the side as Ella said "Law Creation Technique: No TechnoMancy,"


All of a sudden, everyone could move, eyeing Zeel who had lost his main legacy TechnoMancy like hungry wolves.

John shattered the ground below his feet, effectively upper cutting Zeel, Marina appeared in the air with a fist made of chunks of ice and smashed him down, next was Vishnu with a giant hand falling from the skies, smashing Zeel into the Earth – or Lorien.

Elizabeth with one of her lesser-used elements Earth caused dirt to rise up from the ground and wrap around Zeel restraining him as the Earth hardened into Bedrock.

Alice strengthened the bedrock further with her telekinesis ability.

Alice peered into Zeel's eyes, while Elizabeth looked into Alice's eyes, Ella was looking into Elizabeth eye's, while Vishnu was looking into Ella's eyes. John looked into Vishnu's eyes, and Vishnu looked into Marina's eyes.

Like a chain reaction, the moment Alice met Zeel's eyes, he was connected to everyone's eyes like a network. The group had forgotten about Zeel's lesser-used Legacy – Memory Manipulation. The moment of the eye contact, Zeel whispered one word.

"Freeze!" Zeel said using his second legacy memory manipulation – through eye contact he can send a suggestion that was treated as a law to those weaker in will than himself.

Just like that everyone froze in place, unable to even blink as their bodies remained stagnant as if frozen in time.

"John, I'll kill your friends, help me by stabilizing the gravitational forces, or your friends will die with me," Setrakus Ra yelled, in no hurry after watching the short battle between friends.

Even if he had shattered the gravitational spatial forces, he still had a lot of time to enjoy the battle below. Truth be told, he was concerned for a moment that Zeel would blow everyone up, but seeing the dissension between the ranks he felt immensely comforted.

A single tear slipped from John's eye down his left cheek as he could do nothing but watch; however, that was not the end of Zeel's torment.

Zeel came up to him "When Ella locked my TechnoMancy legacy, she destabilized the bomb in outer space. No need to tell you guys that once that bomb goes critical here, it's goodbye Lorien,"

Zeel further exaggerated his explanation with accompanying hand gestures and a little joke at the end "Now you have a choice. Here is my Mbeamer, you touch the screen and it opens a wormhole to Mogador, homeworld of the Mogadorians or you wait 20 seconds and this planet gets destroyed instead.

Don't feel bad the bomb is fuelled by negative emotions, it would need billions of negative emotions to truly destroy Mogador. So If the planet is destroyed it is essentially the Mogadorians killing themselves with their own self-hate. Choose,"

Zeel then handed his scanner to John who stared at it blankly for 15 seconds before looking towards the skies and whispering "I am sorry Sarah,"




But when John pressed the screen, nothing happened.

"Congrats you have what it takes to be a leader John, but the burden isn���t yours to bear," Zeel said as he waved his hand.

The bomb drilled through a newly opened wormhole in space, taking a screaming Setrakus Ra space ship alongside it.

Then a couple of seconds later, a huge light could be seen illuminating the entire sky on many planets, even as far as Earth a bright star could be witnessed.

Then the shockwave came, causing Zeel to step back a couple of times with his feet digging into the ground.

Vishnu, Cindy, Elizabeth, Ella, Marina, and especially John could be seen crying as their bodies hit the ground.

"We were survivors, we wanted our home back. But we weren't mass murderers," Marina choked as she said.

"War is a nasty thing; Alice knows this was the best way but she refused to do it," Zeel was saying but his face suddenly felt pained.


Alice had slapped him hard enough to draw blood from an already loose tooth "There were children, families, an entire race, that's what you did. Exterminate an entire race,"

John balled up his first and walked towards Zeel "You killed them,"

"In all the time you have known me, would I be careless about anything? If I said I would protect a mere human, then I will," Zeel said knowing that John was more concerned about Sarah and Sam than an entire race facing extinction.

"But they were clearly on that -" John then came to a realization "Clones?"

Zeel shrugged "Some half-baked ones yeah, I never left your little girlfriend behind or took her memories, they were simply placed in stasis pods along with Henri. I promised her I'd help her become Lorien. I know what it's like to love someone, maybe not as much as you but I do,"

Zeel then waved his hand causing countless crystals to fracture in the air before shattering and appearing in its place was the space ship previously in an orbital.

From the inside exited Henri, Lexa, Clayton, and Adeline; beside them floating in the air was three stasis pods – one holding Sam Goode, one holding Malcolm Goode, and one holding Sarah Hart.

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