Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 134 - 123 - Another Unknown Trump Card

"What was that thing you had me bury?" Alice asked after Elizabeth was finished with her childish fantasies of being married to both Zeel and Alice.

Alice was sure that Elizabeth had grand aspirations about traveling the Multiverse, but reality would prove cruel. Alice was not entirely sure, but she could vaguely tell that Zeel was running to or from something – possibly both.

"A contingency I hope we never use," Zeel replied looking into the distant stars which was also the direction of Lorien.

"Guys, you recognize we're floating in the void of space right?" Elizabeth asked as she looks around opting Zeel to draw a nearby asteroid they could stand on.

"Elizabeth listen up!" Alice said in a stern voice as she turned her gaze towards Zeel "So from the destruction of Mogador we stored enough energy to jump four consecutive times right?"

Alice was sure that Zeel did not destroy Mogador on a whim, so she could probably guess that he was after the energy stored within the planet. Zeel was a bit surprised by the accuracy of Alice's deduction but did not deny it.

"Yes, and the next step is to use Lorien's knowledge to become pseudo-gods, though there are several ways to achieve this: ruling over certain dimensional planes, taking the divinity from a universe where they're plenty of gods, but for us, it would be extracting a divine spark from a divine being similar in alignment to us," Zeel said even though they could all just read each other's thoughts, at times of importance it was still necessary to vocalize their plans "But this also adds several restrictions, or at least that's what Lorien memories say,"

"Okay, I have read through the memories," Elizabeth chimed in "What do you mean our alignment?"

Alice replied "He means that we can take a piece of divine spark from a god or divine being who is similar to what we're good at, then allow it to grow with our own power, and personality hence affecting the divinity we develop,"

Zeel started explaining "For example, your favorite ability is that of storms so we would ideally want to find a god or goddess of storms but we can also extract a divine spark from say a god of water, then when you consume it, it'll eventually grow into a divinity closely related to storms, or even the storm itself. So we have to find exactly that divine spark or something close to it,"

"I see," Elizabeth said, "Then do we have a way to detect these types of divine beings in the multiverse?"

"Yeah, Lorien showed me how, and since we are too weak to fight gods, I don't want to do that just yet. To be honest, I don't want to become a god at all, since Lorien memories tell me at the beginning the restrictions are heavy unless you belong to a god tribe or Pantheon," Zeel said with a frown on his face, attempting to sort of millions of years of memories at once.

"Then what should we do? Explore and look for other options?" Alice asked.

"Yeah, explore a bit we have the time. We're still connected to Lorien and it is still extracting our excess energies and will continue in the near future since Cosmic Forces aren't limited to one Universe should they choose,"

"Okay, awesome. So explore and look for other alternatives," Elizabeth said as she began stretching as if preparing for something "By the way wouldn't becoming a god by using another god be making enemies anyway?"

"Nope, we are taking a piece of the core so while it may make them weak for a period of time, it should be nothing worth seeking revenge over," Zeel mentioned and continued peaking "I can actually think of a million different ways of evolution, but we need to grow stronger, faster,"

"That's not the problem I reckon?" Elizabeth said, reverting back to her country accent by accident.

"No, the problem is what happens as our transition to godhood is in progress, it could take a hundred years or more to fully integrate the spark and make it our own core. Meaning we'll essentially be defenseless until the stage is completely passed. If we use our other abilities, even in a pinch we'll be forced into slumber for…. I am not sure how long," Zeel sighed as he listed the downsides.

"On top of that, we are not sure how prayers work, but people are always praying to gods, so all gods can hear, imagine billions of little ants talking and crawling inside your head at the same time, it hurts. We'll have to learn how to block them out, only listen to those who pray specifically to us, and even then we'll have to block them out after a while as well," Alice said sighing.

"Yeah, we don't want to power ourselves using the power of faith, it is very dangerous. So we have to continually practice using our divinities, exercising it, and expanding it through understanding and not answering prayers.

That is another downside but I think we can pull it off. I can make something to block it out," Zeel said cheerfully trying to uplift the mood "Besides we can alternate who gets what and when, so someone always has their abilities to protect the other two,"

"Seems plausible, by the way, how do we extract divinity from gods?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh yeah, apparently it's been on me since I first started my journey. A rare meteorite I found and studied as a kid. According to Lorien, it's something called a 'God Syphon' grants gods the ability to extract divinities from their enemies. Super rare, she said I should never use it until we are ready to run," Zeel replied playing with the meteorite fragment he stole after he killed the Asheborns in his own universe.

"So where to first?" Elizabeth asked a bit eagerly.

Zeel's pupils began flickering through multiple Multiversal currents using the dimensional channeling technique he leaned from Lorien, Zeel soon replied "First we should solve our energy problem for a while.

Mogador gave us enough power to jump about four times, but with a Quasar as our power source, we can do it ten times before it runs out. It was one of the lesser energy sources in my world, but difficult to extract so we'll spend some time on that,"

"Cool, what's a quasar?" Elizabeth asked confused.

Alice shook her head "Not something we should be messing with, too many factors to consider but hey we need the energy so…. We need a dead Universe or one without inhabitants,"

Zeel nodded, not even thinking of extracting a Quasar from a universe with life in it. He destroyed Mogador out of necessity but wouldn't plan to destroy planets just because he could. While he didn't feel guilty about killing or destroying things, he also didn't find the feeling as comfortable since being with Alice and Elizabeth.

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