Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 141 - 130 - Severely Injured In Another Universe

Two Years Later

"Run the calculations again!" Alice said as she played with the ring on her finger – her Mbeamer.

It had been two years since their stay with the Energones began, and they were no closer to leaving than when they initially arrived. Their prolonged stay could be attributed to several reasons, but mostly it was Alice's reluctance.

"Ugh! F.u.c.k," Elizabeth yelled as she ruffled her hair for the umpteen time "We have been at this for two years, everything has been accounted for Alice,"

"Excuse me for being thorough, we are not only risking our lives – we could be ending theirs as well," Alice said as she pointed to the Energones in the distance.

"These people feed on energy, even if we die and create an explosion – they would most likely benefit," Zeel snorted.

"Run through the plan one more time," Alice insisted.

Over the past two years, the trio had grown fairly close with the Energone people, with Kella and the rehabilitated Matthew, spending much time amongst them.

Apart from the Matter Converter, Alice also would give the Energones energy treats in the form of her excess energy that had some of Lorien's cosmic force mixed it.

This became a delicacy for the Energon people, with even Rakiel bugging Zeel for some treats every now and again. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/the-crawford&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-130---severely-injured-in-another-universe_50959525594856618">/book/the-crawford&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-130---severely-injured-in-another-universe_50959525594856618</a> for visiting.

Zeel did not mind the prolonged stay since time would often lose its meaning when traveling the Multiverse.

Some Universe travels faster than others, and some slower than others. Zeel did not know where his family ended up, but they had stasis pods and the nanites available to them.

With that, they could extend their lives indefinitely in slumber, so he was not concerned about never seeing them again – not that Zeel cared in the least.

Only Catherine's status nagged at him quite a bit, since she was known for being a bit too unstable.

Chances are that Catherine would find him before he even found her. Throughout these two years, Zeel had successfully altered many things that could aid in the survival of the trio.

Zeel had also done a fair bit of meditation to control his growing emotions, but the majority of his emotions were either non-existent or suppressed by his own nanites.

Overtime, Zeel had come to realize that maybe he should not be allowed to feel too intense emotions.

Alice and Elizabeth also agreed with this deduction, because the years of the trauma he suffered from the Asheborn's was never dealt with psychologically. This means that Zeel's mind was likely only stable because of his inability to feel the corresponding psyche scars.

During this time, Zeel had also begun to receive a weird transmission from Alice's original Universe, but the data was extremely fragmented.

It would take dozens of years to fully reassemble the initial message, but he dismissed the message as a termination procedure of STARS.

Alice and Elizabeth, with Zeel's assistance, managed to personalize their Mbeamers to suit themselves better.

Though all of the functions were still a mystery to the girls, they gained enough knowledge to tweak the basics of their Mbeamers.

Zeel would also train them once a week using the newly gained Energone Energy Manipulation Techniques. Before, Zeel was unable to train them due to his minimum level being too advanced for them to learn.

After all, Zeel could not do basic math using arithmetic procedures and numbers, the most basic math Zeel could conduct was 4th Dimensional Math. While Elizabeth and Alice shared his knowledge, they could not understand the fundamentals of knowledge.

Using Energone Techniques, Zeel was successful in creating a few derivative techniques that allowed Alice to manipulate her Telekinetic Energy, and Elizabeth to Manipulate her Elemental Energies.

However, Zeel's greatest achievement in his two years was a Lumen concentrated drug that acted as a booster for their abilities. Though, if taken without restraint, it was as addictive to the trio as Kokaine is to a normal human.

Recently, the group would only explore nearby settlements while also learning how to manipulate energies on a fundamental level.

Zeel, of course, had become a master at this, though the strain was intense. Alice and Elizabeth had just barely begun to break the surface but required real battles to grow their understanding of their respective energies.

One year ago, the group had finished all preparations for the initiation of Project Quasar but Alice had been delaying ever since, it wasn't like her delay didn't benefit them somewhat. But enough was enough, after all, there was only so much you can plan for without going overboard with paranoia.

"Okay, so Project Quasi Stellar Object or Quasar is a project implemented to obtain a large enough deposit of energy to perform Mjumps ten consecutive times without exhausting all power. Thanks to Lorien, we currently have enough energy for three consecutive jumps," Zeel said.

Elizabeth continued where he left off "Seeing as we may run into some unwanted territories in the Multiverse. We need a sure-fire way of escape and that is jumping Universes – so that's why this project is necessary,"

"Good!" Alice said as she signaled for Elizabeth to keep quiet "I know the why now explain to me the how?"

"Okay, so the power source we want is a Galactic Nucleus, and like the name suggests it is often located at the center of a galaxy – removing it can cause a galaxy to destabilize that's why we chose a Universe with no humans or other race that could be affected"

Alice interrupted "Except the Energone people?"

Zeel nodded "Except them, but seeing as they consume excess energies we have nothing to worry about,"

"So we already located all the Active Galaxies close to us, we are prepped and ready for extraction," Elizabeth clarified.

Zeel quickly added "We have scanned using the electromagnetic spectrum to observe the luminosity of the galactic nucleus.

The respective wavelengths and photon energies are within boundaries we can safely extract. We cease the motion of the accretion disk by reversing the rotation of the supermassive black hole temporarily.

Instead of compress, we get the forces to scatter – returning gravitational forces to near null, frictional coefficients to zero, temperature to absolute zero,"

Alice nodded since they had worked out to this point, but things get tricky around this area "We use the AGES field around our Nano-suits to slow time to a crawl, enough to extract the energy around the supermassive black hole and then jump Universe.

Any particulates ejected from the black hole during that time will be swept along with us into the Multiversal currents and safely dispersed elsewhere,"

Elizabeth nodded and finally brought the topic to a safe conclusion "We are targeting a specific Quasar – 'ULAS J1342+0928, where the redshift phenomena are most apparent,"

"Okay, and we accounted for every variable – every possible eventuality?" Alice asked staring pointedly at Zeel.

Zeel sighed "We can never account for everything but I can at the very least guarantee our lives should everything go south with Project Reverse,"

Elizabeth laughed at Zeel's response "Yeah, pitting supermassive black hole against another supermassive black hole. What could go wrong with two blackholes f.u.c.k.i.n.g each other up?"

They would find out how true that statement is; the next day the trio left Planet Viveron, after a huge energy banquet.


Three Days Later

Zeel was about to yell to Elizabeth and Alice to get far away so he could activate Project Reverse – which was just a fancy way of saying 'Using a black hole connected to a nearby Seyfert Galaxy to spin opposite and counteract the forces of the black hole in this Galaxy'.

His voice paused briefly as he looked towards his feet only to notice they were as thin as Chinese chopsticks.

"F.u.c.k.i.n.g spaghettification almost killed me," Zeel yelled through the communicators into the void of space; at that moment, he had never regretted a situation more in his entire life.

Alice continually dragged Zeel towards herself and Elizabeth; the pull of the supermassive black hole was too strong.

"Activate Project Reverse," Zeel yelled as a crack formed above in the distance. This granted him enough leeway to join Elizabeth and Alice at a safe enough distance.

All of a sudden, the entire gravitational forces shifted, the trio's bodies were tossed around as if in a blender. Though, the pressure was still bearable, as the supermassive black hole had yet to fully go active.

Zeel gestured to both Elizabeth and Alice as their antigravity boots on their feet thickened by another degree. Zeel had reinforced the gravitational forces emitted by the boots.

Seeing as Zeel's feet were currently unusable, Alice held him close with her Telekinetic force.

"Plan?" Alice asked knowing the entire plan had gone to shit.

"We ride the accretion disk out of here, when we have enough momentum we'll open a Cosmic hole – that way we don't take too many particulates into the Multiversal Current since it'll probably end up where we end up," Zeel said as Alice used her telekinesis to bind them closer together.

Elizabeth supercharged nearby particulates to surround them like a windshield.

Then the three quickly began surfing the swirling current in the black hole like a ski ring – their bodies began breaking down bit by bit due to the ever-growing pressure of the two black holes that had failed to stabilize each other.

"Arrrgh!" the three yelled as their skins began to melt and drip off like wax off a candle. Then, all hell broke loose as the supermassive black holes were thrown into disarray.

Elizabeth's, Alice's, and Zeel's MBeamers let out a glaring light as they were enveloped by a cosmic wormhole created in space.

At the same time, in another Universe, a war to end all wars was taking place. This was World War Two, the time period is currently 1944 as multiple battles are taking place just a few kilometers away from an island of myths and Legends – Skull Island.

A crack open in the air as three badly injured people were shot out at near the speed of sound.

Zeel barely conscious, waved his hand causing his perception of time to slow to a crawl. In that moment of near-frozen time, two stasis pods formed and latched around Alice and Elizabeth.

Sadly, that was the maximum Zeel could handle with his current state. So with another wave, he then pulled the nearby rocks and dirt encase himself.

Though a couple of particulates radiating intense energy was also ejected from the cosmic wormhole and were enveloped alongside Zeel in his earth encasing.

Alice's stasis pod shot into the ocean and embedded itself in the underwater cave systems. Zeel's body that was encased in earth shot towards a nearby cliff, sinking into the depths of the abyss below.

Elizabeth's stasis pod shot over the horizon for a couple of kilometers before embedding itself deep into a navy ship with the inscriptions 'U.S Navy'.

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