Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 144 - 133 - Scuffle With The Military

Elizabeth landed somewhere in the Nevada desert; looking around and confirming she was alone, Elizabeth finally relaxed slightly.

Her shoulders slumping, exhaling a deep breath and falling into the hot desert sand – but at this point, the sand was much cooler than her smoking body.

Her body ached all over, and this time it was not because of s.e.x with Zeel. Apart from Zeel, Elizabeth never thought that something could exhaust her so much.

Elizabeth's body still felt akin to a container that was ready to crack at any moment. Even if she felt more powerful than ever before, Elizabeth also noted that it was a power that grated her insides like sharp glass down your throat.

Without Zeel to send their excess energies to Lorien, this was the first time that Elizabeth was truly feeling the repercussions of her mortal body being unable to contain her own power.

It gave her a new appreciation for the things Zeel did for her and Alice without any acknowledgment.

"F.u.c.k, I fried the nano-suit," Elizabeth yelled, the nano-suit was calibrated to her lightning element but it was not calibrated to her unique silver lightning.

Her usual lightning had silver traits but was still mostly blue in color.

The nano-suit would slowly be regenerated by the nanites in her body, but it was still a somewhat long wait.

Checking her MBeamer, Elizabeth noted that everything inside the storage dimension was well preserved even after 29 years.

The Multiversal navigator function was also fully functional, the only problem being that only Zeel could accurately read it – that and he also had the energy capsules required to Mjump.

Alice had the tendency to put others before herself, so Elizabeth was more concerned about the location of Alice's stasis pod.

After making sure her Mbeamer was fine, Elizabeth then peeled the hardened nanites off her body piece by piece. Good thing the nanites were replicable through the consumption of metals.

Sighing, Elizabeth took two capsules from her storage dimension and consumed them. A moment later, the nanites in her body were once again at optimal levels.

Suddenly, Elizabeth could feel a satellite attempting to zero in on her location, so she uploaded a quick virus to take it out of commission.

Extracting all the necessary information, she was relieved that Zeel jumped them to such a technologically backward world.

If he had accidentally jumped them to a God Dimension or a cesspit of demons, in their condition at that time, what awaited them was death no doubt.

"So most likely Zeel and Alice are on Skull Island. Their nanites are dormant… That only occurs under two scenarios – extensive damage is sustained and energy is redirected to sustaining life or the nanites are in a state of self-repair.

But in this case, I think the nanites are busy acting as an outlet for excess energy. That would mean that vegetation or nearby animals will begin to mutate because of our excess energy," Elizabeth said.

Still, she continued with her self rambling "That brings another headache… I need pawns…. I showed interest in Skull Island so the government of this country will send people there to test it out since they'll think I have my base there or something.

I just need to infiltrate the expedition and use those guys as probes to find Alice and Zeel,"

Elizabeth had already laid out the rougher segments of her plan, but when finalizing the details, she paused briefly.

Zeel always had a backup plan for any scenario so maybe she can use this adventure as a way to impress him?



The army, that was deployed to apprehend an unidentified extra-terrestrial individual, came back to the military base wearing defeated expressions.

"What the f.u.c.k was that?"

"They said we were there to apprehend a government project gone bad, not f.u.c.k.i.n.g superman,"



"It was a woman; I could tell from the curves,"

"More like a teenager, she looked about 19. Silver eyes, crystal-like skin, blonde-silverish hair as well,"

Preston grimaced, aware that the soldiers were happy with being defeated by such a beauty.

The more the soldiers talked, the angrier Preston became.

Preston wore an angry expression at not being thoroughly informed of the information pertaining to the capture.

Bursting into the conference room, Preston began a fit of yelling "What the f.u.c.k was that? Did you want to kill us? If that Being wasn't so conscious of our presence, we would have died,"

Inside the conference room was Bill Randa – a fanatic explorer, Houston Brooks – a seismologist, San – also a seismologist, Karl – a senator, and Dali – a government official. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/the-crawford&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-133---scuffle-with-the-military_50993871122922877">/book/the-crawford&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-133---scuffle-with-the-military_50993871122922877</a> for visiting.

Bill was the first to respond after signaling to ensure all the windows were closed.

"We were not aware of the combat capabilities associated with the individual. We did have suspicions about her technological capabilities that's why all equipment was analog," Bill answered, but he looked more pleased than disappointed.

Karl then attempted to smooth things over.

"You have to see general, it was never our intention to place you and your men in any danger.

We were just not as informed as we'd like to be. Now that we know what that individual is capable of…. we can't allow her to roam freely," Karl stated.

Preston smashed his hand on the table "How the f.u.c.k do you intend to capture someone who can outrun your fastest jet? Manipulate lightning and who knows what the f.u.c.k else?"

Bill then intervened "I don't know but we have to stop her. When she questioned me, she asked if we found others…. I believe more of her people are on our planet!"

"How are we sure that they're not humans?" Dali asked, thinking of the humanoid features Elizabeth displayed.

Dali thought that Elizabeth could be an asset to the army, instead of a mortal enemy.

"The energy readings she gives off. Her figure shows she is further up the evolutionary scale than ourselves. Her tech is centuries or millennia ahead of anything we have now," Brooks answered in an excited manner.

"And trust me, we don't want them to unite… She acted as if she was drawn towards this island. That means she can find her people whenever she is ready.

And I think it is obvious they are stronger together than apart. I don't want to take the risk of waking more of her people, even if they are friendlies," San said.

Her opinion was highly valued as a seismologist and biological researcher.

"Okay, how do we hurt them?" Preston asked.

Brooks immediately replied "Radiation, when we found her, she was suffering from high levels of cosmic radiation… she radiated every color on the electromagnetic spectrum, but we would need a lot of it,"

"What about that island?" Preston asked.

"Skull Island, spoken of in myths as the island god didn't finish his creations. It is an unknown, we found it a couple of days ago and was intending to investigate in a couple of days –"

"No, not a couple of days. Tomorrow! She is going there so we need to get there faster and scope out the place while also making sure we don't nuke a place that could hold valuable resources," Preston said in an authoritative voice as he strutted out of the conference room.

San hated that she had to be the voice of uncertainty.

"Are we sure this plan will work?" San asked.

Brooks replied also uncertain "I hope we don't have to go through with this plan, but just in case.

She seems friendly but we can't be sure. What scares me is what we'll find on that island. A place called 'Skull Island' doesn't cross me as a friendly place,"

"That's why we need a good tracker," Bill said as he also exited the room, heading to a nearby payphone to make a call that could be the difference between life and death.

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