After making a successful journey through the pipes the group consisting of Alice, Zeel, Kaplan, Matt and Spencer wanted to rest but knew that they had no such luxury.

On their way to the train and their subsequent exit, Zeel has been on high alert since according to the programming of The Red Queen she would not allow anyone to leave The Hive alive.

Passing by a certain lab, Alice walked inside as if in a trance followed by Zeel and then everyone since nobody wanted to be the one left alone in such a scenario. Movies though often bogus held profound lessons in their poor content, one was whenever alone in a horror situation, you'll definitely die.

Alice began speaking in whispers "Blue for the virus. Green for the antivirus." She repeated this a couple times before coming out of her trance and yelling "There's a cure."

"What are you talking about?" asked Zeel feigning innocence since he didn't want anyone to turn their attention to the stash on his back.

"There's a cure. The process can be reversed. There's a cure! You're gonna be okay Kaplan!" Alice said as she scoured the lab looking for the potential antivirus but failed to find anything after several tries.

When she could not find anything she reaffirmed her memories before once again confirming "This is where they kept the T-virus."

"How do you know all this?" questioned Matt who had a nagging suspicion in his mind, up until now he was afraid to ask but now had the courage as their journey was soon about to come to an end.

"Because I was gonna steal it. I was your sister's contact." Alice replied still searching the lab.

"You betrayed her"

"I don't know."

"I can't remember. The truth. I don't remember the truth. I don't understand! It's gone. It's not there. I can't. I just can't. It's over." Alice had a minor break down since she really felt as if it was her fault everything went wrong in the first place, the shoulder to accept responsibility for those with a hero complex.

Then at the exact moment she needed it, her memories returned.

"I can help you get the virus. I have access to security codes, surveillance plans, the works. But there's gonna be a price." Alice said

"Name it."

"You have to guarantee me that you will bring this corporation down." Alice replied.

Then her memories reminded her of Spencer and their relationship that clearly went further than just the fake marriage. They were m.a.k.i.n.g. .l.o.v.e the night before and when she woke up in the morning she found a letter that said 'Today your dreams come true'

Then as if the veil had been lifted, Alice had complete clarity as everything clicked into place.

"Spence?" Alice asked half in confusion, half in anger "You, did this?"

"We can still make it out of here. Come with me. We can have everything we've ever wanted. Money's out there waiting. You wouldn't believe how much." Spencer said with infatuation in his eyes as he had a minor trance of his own recovering the memories of how much he loved Alice.

"Is that how you thought all my dreams were gonna come true?" asked Alice coldly.

"So you two were a thing? Sigh. Guess she had a thing for crazy guys "Zeel said in mock sadness.

"you don't know how right you are" whispered Kaplan from the back surprised at the type of men Alice attracts – first the murder Spencer who killed everyone in the lab, and now Zeel who kills without even batting an eye.

"You shut up! It's your fault she doesn't see how good of an opportunity this is." Spencer yells at Zeel unaware of the crawling zombie behind him. *bite* the zombie bites his neck while Matt tries and fails to steal the gun. Spencer fires a shot at Zeel who slows his perception enough to barely dodge the bullet but ends up falling backwards since he went a bit over his bodies tolerant threshold.

"I didn't want to shoot you." Spence said. "Might need the bullets."

Alice keeps a stoic face not minding anything happening around her "Where is... the antivirus?"

"It's on the train... where you found me. Couldn't have been standing more than three feet from it." Spencer says in a mocking tone but then pauses and turns to the collapsed Zeel in the distance "It was in the silver case and if I get it right. He picked it up"

Spencer walks over to Zeel with his gun not leaving the others and retrieves the case from Zeel's body that is floating the water, then he proceeds to leave.

"I don't know what we had...but it's over.' Alice said just before he exited.

Spencer after getting out proceeds to close the door and jam it after.

"That's why you shouldn't date men who are not me!" Zeel said getting up much to Alice and Kaplan's surprise.

"It will be pretty fun when he doesn't find that antivirus inside" Zeel says as he shows off his belt that has several small vials followed by a slightly larger vial with a helix pattern attached to it.

"When did you do that?" Alice asked feeling a bit amused by the entire situation since the antivirus needed to be stored properly or it would go bad in a couple seconds.

"Well my suit is a bit special you see, comes with a lot of benefits, call it smart fabric if you will" Zeel said as he did poses for Alice to see before turning his gaze to Kaplan "Should give him the antivirus since it stops working after a certain period of infection"

Alice walks up to Zeel and gives him a hug after which she takes the antivirus and proceeds to inject Kaplan after tying his arm with a nearby hose.

After everything was taken care of Alice asked Zeel "Wouldn't he just return once he find nothing inside the case?"

"What makes you think he would have that opportunity; think I would play dead for nothing. The Red Queen was programmed so in the case of an outbreak nobody would be allowed to leave" Zeel said giving Alice the hint she needed to solve the remaining puzzle.

"And no warning was given to us. The Red Queen has never been desperate since we left" Alice said after a while.

"So what you sent him out there to test the trump card?" Kaplan asked looking much healthier than previously.

"Yeah" Zeel replied as Matt stopped trying to pry open the doors since he didn't want to have a taste of whatever trump card that was.

Then like a demon rising from hell the television flickered on.

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