Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 185 - 174 - Experiment Explained

"So what is really the deal?" Elizabeth inquired feeling a bit sad at the outcome Kailani may have after making a deal with Alice and Zeel.

She could tell that they were both experimenting with their new status as Gods. It made her a bit surprised that Alice would allow Zeel to mess with someone's life like that, but since Alice permitted it, Elizabeth guessed that there must be an important reason why.

"We needed to find a way to exercise the limits we could passively use our divinities, and also experiment on loopholes in the 'Laws of the World'. We can't afford to lose the protection of the world but also can't be limited by it too much.

This was an experiment to see how far we could go. As you can see from the bleeding, we managed to complete this experiment without much damage," Alice said in a bragging-like-manner, she was both proud and a little peeved by what they had just done.

Zeel nodded then explained the inner workings "Our divinities passively give us vague impressions on something, along with our sharp intuition, we could see certain things relating to our divinities.

I am the God of Speed and Travels, so I can see if someone is going on a good journey or a bad journey – vague stuff like that. We should not be able to do this because we are Ascending Gods but I guess we have benefited from Lorien.

Our bodies can now contain our energies and use them to nourish our divinities. A small portion of our divinity goes to Lorien since we need to maintain the connection for other reasons. When our energy leaks with a tinge of our divinity integrated, we can use that to do different stuff,"

Then he continued "I vaguely saw that through the entirety of her life, she would make exactly $300,000 US dollars,"

Elizabeth gasped as she had the realization "You're saying by spending that money, she is essentially going to be spending her lifespan?"

Zeel shrugged "Yeah that's why I told her to spend as little as possible,"

Elizabeth immediately got angry and turned towards Alice "You allowed this? He's gonna make an innocent girl die,"

Elizabeth was genuinely angry as even when Zeel killed innocents, it was always out of necessity and not actively searching for entertainment, neither was it obvious to notice – meaning they were usually innocents in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Alice kept a stoic expression as she said "I could also see it vaguely. At the end of her life, she felt intense guilt and deserved punishment. I am not sure if she truly deserved punishment or if it was self-punishment. I want to give her a chance to change it,"

"Change it by having her spend her life?" Elizabeth shouted a little gaining the attention of the others packing their stuff, who were ready to head out.

Though she quickly waved at them indicating it was nothing.

"No! To put the punishment in her own hands. If she spends all the money she dies. If she spends half, she loses half her lifespan and must decide how to spend the rest of her life – chasing dreams?

Or be contented with what she has? If she spends none of the money and even if she is the worst person on earth, we have no choice but to give her a fitting reward" Alice said, which made Elizabeth realize that it truly was a double-edged sword.

The Restrictions of the World were heavy, giving a reward to a mortal who did not deserve it could elicit dire repercussions from the world itself.

After thinking it through a couple of times as she was packing, Elizabeth decided to just accept the situation as it is since she could not change it this late in the game.

Elizabeth then waved her hand as the detectors sent out earlier returned to her storage ring alongside her jammies and pillows she liked to cuddle with.

Alice had also finished storing her sleeping items, and alongside Zeel and Elizabeth, joined Hank and the others to continue their journey towards different sights available on the island.

After all, who was a better guide than some who had been here for a couple of years already.

While walking, Elizabeth had one question left unanswered from her earlier inquisition of Zeel and Alice "So why go through all that trouble and risk spontaneously exploding without proper planning? It's not like you guys to be that reckless, much less on a nice girl,"

Alice nodded as Zeel contemplated for a while before answering "We wanted to know how much we could lie and get away with it. But this was fruitful,"

"Why?" Elizabeth asked.

"Have you ever wondered why some gods would play tricks with words instead of just giving people weaker than them an ultimatum?" Alice asked.

Elizabeth answered, "They were bored?"

Zeel then responded in Alice's place "It's because gods can't truly give ultimatums, they can give ultimatum like statements.

Really, when a deal or other form of agreement or blessing is made with mortal beings, you always have to give them a metaphorical sword through your words. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-174---experiment-explained_51377242319682458">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-174---experiment-explained_51377242319682458</a> for visiting.

One end facing their heart and the other end facing your own heart. Now your objective should be to make the end facing your heart as unnoticeable and thin as possible,"

"So as a weak god, you can't handle the repercussions of your actions, so even when it comes to helping people, you would have to do it in a way whereby if they fail to live up to expectations, they hurt themselves, otherwise it would be you who gets hurt. Sometimes both parties get hurt or both succeed?" Elizabeth questioned as she had yet to feel what godhood felt like.

The answers were almost instinctual to Zeel and Alice but Elizabeth still required explanations to process.

"Exactly, but depending on who you interact with then the deal can be altered in order, arrangement or convenience. A pretty dangerous thing to do you know?" Zeel said as he walked ahead, trying to catch up with Hank and the others.

Elizabeth and Alice followed closely behind, contemplating deeply about the profundity of his earlier statement.

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