Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 190 - 179 - Fighting In Space I

Alice quickly took four silver-balls from her storage dimension and sent them towards Hank, Gabato, Sean, and Kailani.

Soon the balls expanded covering the entirety of their bodies in a silver-outline suit that seemed to be fashion-worthy apparel.

Of course, Hank could tell that the suits were for much more than 'looking good' but he was still busy trying to follow the course of the situations.

Whenever Alice, Zeel, and Elizabeth would talk, it would always be in a foreign language.

Only when specifically spoken to, would Hank be able to fully understand what they were saying.

This is of course due to the frequency threshold of every Universe, even if you speak English in all Universes.

It does not necessarily mean that all English in every Universe is exactly the same.

By the time Alice returned to Zeel's side, the kinetic lasers were already firing rapidly in multiple directions simultaneously, though most of the shots were concentrated on the Kraken.

At best, they could slow it down until the silver-balls got into position for the Wide-Area-Jump.

Zeel sent a quick mental command to Elizabeth who had almost recovered all the divine energy from the skies above.

"After you are finished recovering the energy, you have to take the divine spark right away. These beasts will only listen to a god of the sea… You should be able to get temporary command of this island and all under its domain,"

Zeel was by no means a hopeful person. He always assumed the worst in every situation. If it was himself, he would have two guardian beasts in place for a divine spark.

So far he could only see The Kraken in front of him, that alone was enough to warrant that Elizabeth remains extra vigilant on this island.

For all he knew, the island itself could become a monster and explode – well maybe that part is a bit farfetched.

Elizabeth was too busy keeping the divine energy inside the crystal under control to pay any heed to Zeel's words.

The sea monsters that had been trapped in the constellations for thousands of years, wasted no time to select Zeel, Alice, and the others as their first appetizers.

Zeel and Alice were the obvious choices given their energy saturated bodies.

He needed them to come closer to within a certain threshold for the jump to work.

Then when all of the monsters were in a three-mile radius from his current location, Zeel activated the 'Wide-Area-Jump'.

This was a procedure that was invented in The Jumper Universe but was never put to good use. It was simply using Zeel's silver-balls to distort space enough to jump from one location to the next.

But instead of only taking Zeel and Alice, the jump could take everything within a couple of miles from their current location – everything meant everything.

The procedure was a bit taxing on energy reserves but they could manage nonetheless.

With a massive warping sound.


A huge chunk of land, ranging a couple of miles in radius, disappeared from The Mysterious Island. Even the soil below the land was not spared from being taken away.

Turning her head, Elizabeth could see nothing where the land previously was.

Suddenly, there was a massive boom a couple of feet from her location, she was almost bludgeoned to death by a tentacle left behind by The Kraken.

Judging by the size of The Kraken, Elizabeth knew that wherever Zeel jumped would have limited effects on a beast as sturdy as the Kraken.

"Glad I didn't go with those guys," Elizabeth muttered to herself in relief, she was truly happy to have the time to relax and absorb the divine spark.

Absorbing a divine spark was a strenuous task after all.

Elizabeth witnessed Alice almost explode from integration with her divine spark, even Zeel looked as if his body was going to fragment for a moment when integrating with his divine spark.

Elizabeth may pretend to joke around but she held no delusions about being as strong as Zeel and Alice mentally or physically.

However, this moment of leisure did not last long as the next moment a huge hand rose from below the chunk of missing land.

Of course, this hand was extremely slow, it would seem that the creature below was still not fully awakened. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-179---fighting-in-space-i_51402001984060809">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-179---fighting-in-space-i_51402001984060809</a> for visiting.

"F.u.c.k!" Elizabeth yelled aloud, quickening not only the crystal's absorption of divine energy but also her own absorption of the divine spark

This island also held numerous resources, Zeel had not explicitly told her but Elizabeth knew that he wanted to preserve as much of the island as possible.

She feared dying almost as much as she feared disappointing Zeel.


Meanwhile Elsewhere



A huge chunk of land was shot off into the infinite unknown of space.

The mass of land quickly began to freeze, crumble, and then break apart into fragments that would forever drift into the infinite expanse of space.

A couple of small elephants and giant lizards could be seen scattering in different directions.

Ever since she became a goddess, Alice had come to realize that 'A life is a life' regardless.

Zeel and Alice wasted no time sending a targeted EMP pulse alongside a couple of silver-balls that would block their location from any human detection systems.

They were currently located a couple of hundred kilometers outside the exosphere of Earth.

This should be far enough to avoid human detection, but close enough to re-enter the atmosphere with little inconvenience.

Hank and the others could be seen floating listlessly a couple of meters away.

Soon Hank, Kailani, Sean, and Gabato's bodies clung together as they drifted further away from the area that would host the battle between 'Gods and Mythical Creatures'.

In the distance, several enormous beasts could be seen trying desperately to regain their lost orientation, but The Kraken had already laid eyes on Alice and Zeel without once losing its focus or killing intent.

The Kraken had one less tentacle which caused Zeel to smile bitterly.

Truly, he was aiming for the head of the Kraken to be left behind when they jumped, but as expected of a mythical level beast – it had a scary intuition and managed to dodge that a shrinking wormhole on instincts alone.

"Can we beat it?" Alice asked with uncertainty in her voice "It's stronger than the Dragon on Kong's island, and we are still in a weakened state,"

Zeel thought for a moment before responding "We can beat it, but we'll have to use a proper strategy. Unlike the Dragon, this guy has some wisdom. And with wisdom comes logic and restraint,"

Alice nodded in affirmation, she also preferred to fight an intelligent creature most of the time instead of a reckless beast.

Predictability was a major part of every combat situation, this is also Zeel's comfort zone.

With no other exchange of words, Zeel and Alice both urged their nanites to transform their combat boots into anti-gravity boots.

As for the protective gear from the vacuum of space? They were gods and had become impervious to such trifling things.

So long as they did not drift too far from the Earth, they could handle the level of radiation within the Solar System.

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